Question: When will the popular vote be called?

Question: When will the popular vote be called?

I have money on Trump, and I don't think it's looking good for me, but CNN is projecting him as the winner with 92 percent counted?


It'll take a while but don't get your hopes up, there's no chance of it swinging back around.

They sure are taking their time but there is no chance to overturn it. No one can overturn it not even the Supreme Court.

>When will the popular vote be called?

when they can rig it to make it look like hillary got it.

Bugger, I was hopping CNN got something right for once, or predom Republican areas to report...

The fact that it was even this close tells you what a landslide it really was. Hillary won cities and thats it. Those are the areas they hold on to so they can rig it the best. Wonder if it was not closer to a 65%+ trump vote.

Ohh and a nice map.

Based Oklahoma

>implying 90% of the deployed military votes won't be fore Trump

all the major cities have been counted. elwctronic votes are just a matter of transporting the machines. the only places still counting are rural places where trump has popularity. so that last 8 percent could flip it.

WV as well

Thank God for the Florida panhandle.

God bless the panhandle.

every county has voted red since 2008

based oklahoma indeed

I kind of hope he doesnt get it just so I can enjoy liberals complaining about the electoral college for another 4 years

KS here, I'd really like to give those two gay counties to MO

you just know they were stuffing ballots in detroit trying in vain to make up for Cunt's deficit... that's why they took so damn long to report

Your regular reminder that Hillary got less than 50% of the votes, and Trump and libertarian Gary Johnson got >50%.

it will come to pass: trump will win.

like in Flordia.
>99% votes in, 1.5% lead
>called after california.

CTR shoo, its over. You can leave now.

What makes you say that cunt? What actual data do you have?

Cities all counted.
Rural part which pro-Trump not in the train yet.
They gonna blow Lib out of da house.

I hope they do so they can scream at the fact that even in a direct democracy they would have lost.

Northern California here.

>middle of fucking nowhere decides who is president
What a joke. We are being run by a bunch of uneducated hicks.

>be in blue state
>vote trump
>shitty compatriots dont bother because "were blue anyway :^)


>Cities welfare Leecher
>Allow to vote rather than hard worker.

>red necks vote for red

>tfw Cuban in Miami

Feels bad man.

Sick meme considering how many electoral votes ca gets

Trump pretty much told his rally goers that a revolution could overturn it if Hillary won.

Can some one overlay this with population density?

Have they called Michigan yet?

Kansas had literally the exact same percent of Trump vote.

>tfw Cuban in Chicongo
What is this feel?

You guy did help though.
%of Hillary win in Miami less than Obama.

they are just as important as any other citizens. move to Canada if you don't like it

Are there any stats of those cuban's age/ if they are new rafters? There is a rumor in the cuban community that all the new cuban refuges are sent by castro to vote democrat.

If Leftists are supposed to be so tolerant, and embracers of diversity, why weren't they all saying they'd move to Mexico?

>left coast and a majority of the northeast with the most people get the move electoral votes
>blames the hardworking people in the middle and south that doesn't buy the liberal bullshit
k, maybe you should take another government funded class to become educated...which is paid by my taxes

Need to wait.
You can't expect type of race vote results before popular vote even done.

You can see where all the cities and minorities are

As opposed to insulated minority riddled hugboxes in a handful of major cities running the country?


>My county isn't the correct shape

WHYS san bernardino so bluuuue fck my life

Oh, hey, I can bring this out again

>that much blue in SC

why is my state turning into a shithole



it's more about from government programs and bigger cities. Charlotte went democrat for the presidential election and was surrounded by republican counties. Charlotte is a bigger city

I can believe that Trump flip some 50%< black counties.
It need magic.