>board of anonymous individuals across multiple countries with the single goal of achieving white supremacy
>are a cabal with their own religion, idols and belief in dark magic
>are spread across all sectors of society and have reported influenced politicians, journalists and researches for the realization of the board's own interests
What's Sup Forums's endgame?
Other urls found in this thread:
Fourth Reich.
A European Fascist Alliance.
That's what we want.
I just come here to find people who agree with me
And shitposting
By now, you've crashed planes, made a woman ill, elected a president and took a country out of the EU.
What's next?
World domination
Race war
This is only the beginning
world control
read this:
so you can get the idea of the things we can do with this little propaganda machine we made for ourselves here
The return of NatSoc, a future for the White Race and the relentless gassing of Kikes.
Stfu faggot, most of us are far to the right without being cucked natsoc idiots who want to exterminate the jews.
Healthy Nation is what most of us stands for but as far as Jew problem go
We don't care about Jews.
We only care about (((JEWS))).
Don't let StormFaggots get to you.
Keep your sanity.
Many will say control. Others extermination of certain races. Some few may even say that there is no end game just a massive shit storm of butthurt.
Our real end goal is to expose the truth.
Once there are no more lies we will have no purpose.
To become a Christian board dedicated to theology and prayer
What's the difference between Jews and (((Jews))) ? Our opponents are the globalists, and they come in all races and religions. Most of those globalists are white by the way, does that mean the white race is our opponent ?
I am currently studying applied memetics in order to calculate the approx. lambda and sigma values for a MSM/SSM group and how well the meme spreads.
What we know: The memetics theory, the cell theory of memetics, the mathematics behind it all, using simulations to monitor the spread of the meme in the current social matrix.
What we don't know: How to calculate the approx. constants of the meme and the target group of people. And we never will, but we can work on our approximations by gathering data from the selected group using things like the social media.
This is fun yo.
I just shitpost for the Keks. The punchline is that the media elites and globalist faggots actually take us seriously unintentionally leading to the spread counter memes to the masses. This results in even more laughter from me so I keep on doing it until the maximum butthurt has arrived like Trump being the POTUS. What a fucking joke, and I can't believe it actually happened. Meme magic really is real.
By (((Jews))) i mean progressive globalist, cultural marxist scum that keeps deteriorating and destroying our society.
For example. Amish are jews and we really don't care about them. They don't mind us, we don't mind them.
I was Christian before Sup Forums but no more. I have seen the light.
Praise Kek!
>amish are jews
honestly im just here to shitpost and git meme material so we can meme the habbening into existence
wait, this is a white supremacy board?
This. As soon everything is out in the open the rest will sort itself out naturally.
It's when I read shit like this I get reminded just how many underage people are pretending to be political experts on this board.
Right wing death squads
*and Serbians
Where do you draw the line between (((jews))) and jews?
white supremacy? that shit still exist?
Most jews are completely brainwashed by (((jews))) so they are just as dangerous with their ideal/s.
between the ((( and the )))
Look I just don't want my children to die in a nuclear fire. Let the lord take me so I won't suffer pain nor depression from bodily harm or watching my loved ones die of radiation poisoning. That's my personal endgame.
>What's Sup Forums's endgame?
Destruction of radical terrorist groups.
Safety and security for the white race.
Protect national sovereignty against globalism.
Ultimately, shits and giggles.
Sup Forums is like Dr. Mabuse. It has no face, but infinite faces. And all it wants is the rule of chaos. Chaos for chaos' sake.
>A European Fascist Alliance.
>That's what we want.
Nope. sorry.
Destruction of radical terrorist groups that wish to destroy us.
The protection and continuation of the white race.
To defend our respective nation's sovereignty against globalism.
Ultimately, shits and giggles and dank memes.
> implying the ride ever ends
We will be succesful when we are all gassed for being too leftist
Kys. If youre gonna b8 atleast do it right
World Peace.
A global community of sovereign nations working together for a stable, prosperous and golden future.
and non of the multikulti collectivist globalist marxist bullshit
but most of all, Sup Forums is what Sup Forums used to be, contrarian and anti-authoritarian
how did you faggy article turn out btw?
>Sup Forums smashes the globalist illuminati
>Sup Forums becomes the new global elite, leveraging politicians via blackmail and manipulating the people with memes
You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.