Michelle Obama 2020

Not so fast, Trumptards. Your reckoning has arrived.

woah it's been 4 years already?

I doubt shell run againts Kanye

I don't want to see her run because she's too much of a good person. The next nominee should be an unabashed asshole of the highest caliber. There's no place for grace and civility in the next election.

>fail with a failed president's wife
>fail with a failed president's wife
>fail with a failed president's wife

do this dems, we need an easy run in 2020 as well.

4 years of progress on unfucking America and in four years we shall say "Michelle who? Oh. So like Mondale but black and female. No worries."

>lose an election by running a crazy old dried up hole against a literal god.
>respond by promising to lose the next election by running a crazy behemoth tranny with a raging shopping addiction.
liberal logic.
this is why we dont listen to a thing you say.

Another black man at the white house?

I dont think so.

A gorilla dI'd get 10k votes this year without being on the ballot. We co I ld be in trouble if a gorilla gets on the ballot for real.

You've been in a coma leaf, you hit your head after the Trump victory. Canada was annexed in 2018, becoming "New Alaska" but enough of that, now we face a new threat.
The first black trans woman presidential candidate. Prepare yourself, because it's current year. 2020.

> stronk independent womyn
> tries to ride husband's coattails to success
> fails

it's a bold strategy, let's see if it pays off!

Running for and being President would be actual work. Shed much rather spend the rest of her life enjoying the best things hated Whiteys hated civilization has to offer.

>Not so fast, Trumptards. Your reckoning has arrived.


>lose the election because you completely alienated whites, the largest demographic by quite a margin
>blame evil whitey for losing

shitlibs, everyone. it's going to be a very long time before they ever get into office again

>I don't want to see her run because she's too much of a good person. The next nominee should be an unabashed asshole of the highest caliber.

west is actually retarded though.

I hope she runs so Trump can have another 4 years

lol nice joke

heres your next president.

hes gonna let america finish


They would not vote in one of the most power female political figures of all time, but will vote in a black woman?


here's the thing, nobody will realy respect a woman president that does nothing but ride on the sucess of others. what does she have in her name besides being the wife of thr firt black president?


They are frothing for their girl. It's the most important issue to liberals for some reason. They almost got Hillary, and they would have if not for Clinton being the most insufferable, pathetic woman in existence.

I wouldn't underestimate her. Black and a woman.

She graduated from Princeton University and Harvard Law School.

Dont care about 2020 and hope to god Trump doesnt either. Gotta focus on ramming as much policy down these lefities cuck gullets while we have control of the presidency, house, senate and court. 2 years of a blank check before the inevitable (this is literally inevitable, happens every time almost without exception) midterm correction in the house and/or senate. at that point we can start worrying about reelection.

Delete this! Harambe is dead and nothing will bring him back

Liberal logic:


>First Lady of the United States
>No experience

For first transgender president ?

Weren't even the lefties shitting on her with whole school lunch debacle?

>Implying there will be any black people left in the US by 2020


Bad omen right there, another vag trying to use hers husbands previous presidency to become president herself

I'm going to miss her.


After four years of DRUMPF people will be begging for her

The experience thing is just a meme. It doesn't actually matter, it is just used to attack others. People hate career politicians but they also hate the 'inexperienced'. It's irrelevant.

He's not but everyone thinks he is. He's liberal Trump.
Fuck. Yes.


The only "experience" she has is appearing on talk shows, and posting pictures of herself frowning and holding up signs.

Just because her cock is bigger than her husband's doesn't mean she should be pres.

Barak being first lady. Wew

>he's not

Sooo this is the new ctr? The let's push a libshit maymay until (and hopefully) Sup Forums picks up on it so in 2020 you faggots can be all like "SEE! MUH IDIOCRACY" "AHAH LMAO XD" "Sup Forums ACTUALLY WANTS THIS" and shit...
Fuck off

lol if a white woman could not win, no way the wife of a failed black president would have a chance.

Everyone who ain't a literal racist love Michelle, though. If she run for president, then Republicans don't even need to bother competing.

>occupying space is a job credential
>being married to powerful people in a job credential

No wonder millenials are chronically unemployed and unemployable.

>herrrrderrrr my mom says I'm smart

He's not a politician. No way people would vote for a pop star. Shwarzenegger would be more likely than him.

They hated Clinton because she was a crooked old hag. And she STILL had 200K more voters than Trump. Michelle is a confimred winner against Trump but may lose to Kanye if he join campaign


But she's never even held a political offi-Oh...... oh nevermind.

>the last great american president before Russia annexed the US

Michelle has more political experience than Trump. That didn't stop you from voting for him.

Michelle is in politics for 8 years as a wife of the head of state. She has more creds than Trump ever had and Trumps wife even stole her speech.

If Kanye wins for the democrats, at least the republicans can enjoy the first lady's sex tapes.

I can imagine Moochele winning because she'd have 99% of the Black vote that Hillary didn't have. Moochele would also have way more diversity votes.

Thankfully Trump was voted in and the illegals & refugees are being kicked out so they can't rig it as much as they could have had.

It Trump isn't a complete retard during this term then he could still easily win 2020 because they're pitting him against another woman again. The establishment really doesn't learn from their mistakes. RNC always pushed RINOs and DNC always pushes Token minorities.

Shut up faggot. I had no idea that people actually gave a fuck about Moochele. Even among normies or at least right leaning normies, Moochele was always labeled as ugly as fuck. In general most men of any ethnicity thinks Moochele is either a man or an ugly woman.

The libshits will lose once again if they try to go with the "vote for her if you don't want to be a sexist" angle again.

That's the problem with liberals, they don't know how to appeal outside of their voter-base. Adding in more token minorities doesn't matter to most non-liberals.

Bruh, the Dems have something like 20 seats up for grabs in the Senate in 18. Republicans have 8

She will also trigger people like you who will call her ugly and the opposite party will lose any creditibility by using ad hominem instead arguments. Basically like Romney lost because of anti gay agenda.

Oh god no. I'm pretty liberal and I don't want a literal third Obama term. They're shit.

this would be so retarded, its too ealy

>white woman couldn't get elected so lets try a black one

warren is their only hope. if they want to go the trump celebrity route then oprah. maybe dwayne johson


what is wrong with her face?

Yep, she got 11k votes this election


Drumpfkins on suicide watch.

>Trumps wife even stole her speech.
Trump's wife's speechwriter. Trump's wife was just dumb for claiming that she wrote it herself.

I guess the time is right to start shooting

OBONGO stated yesterday in his speech that Michelle WILL NOT run for president. "You can take that to the bank," in his words.

Is this how CTR is earning their pennies now that they lost? I was hoping they would be arkancided by now for their failure.

Fuck man, I'm trying not to wake my room mates!

She can't succeed at managing school lunch programs. She's an overprivledged affirmative action twat that can't actually do anything but remind people about the oppression of blacks while living as a 1%er. Fuck the fuck off back to wherever you came from ignorant libtards

The ingenuity of dems never ceases to amaze me.

Instead of a woman or a black man, they are going to try a black tranny next.

Oh what will they think of next...

Americans don't want dynasties.

They literally were saying the exact same thing about Hillary Clinton 4 years ago.

2020 will be the year America votes in its first trans president.

>be 2020
>Michelle Obama wins
>America elects its first tranny president before the first woman president.
>Hillary on suicide watch.
>Runs again in 2028?

She'll have died in prison before running again in 2028.

You fucking retard. We just had one wife try to run for president after her husband with a republican in between.

How did that work for her?

Pretty much, yeah. See you faggots in 2020.

he can't even buy furniture responsibly, how is he going to find the DNC building?

Not so fast again, I summon Ted Cruz.

>First trap president in your lifetime

Trump is a billionaire and has worked with lobbyists, politicians, and the tax code for 40 years. He has more experience than Obama who just went to college, was a city organizer, and then a senator where 3/4th of his senate term was campaigning for president. Obama had less actual real-world experience than Trump. Stop with this "Trump has no experience!" Meme. It doesn't take a fucking genius to govern a political body of 538 people. They do all the real work anyway

why wont he just come out as a tranny? I mean come on, its 2016!