Alhamdulillah! I saw that you voted for Trump. This greatly angers me and my fellow muslim brothers...

>Alhamdulillah! I saw that you voted for Trump. This greatly angers me and my fellow muslim brothers. You have betrayed islam, you fat slimy american. Prepare to pay for your sins infidel, in the name of Allah.

What do?

Nice filename and bait

That's not a muslim you retarted faggot

Laugh and tell Kumar that's a good one

*dons great helmet and unzips katana*

say that to my most honorable shot-gunnu-san, senpai squad

That's a sikh. Kys

Open fire.

Shake hands with Russia.........and then show you scumbags what TWO superpowers can do when they work together. Instead of against each other. It's a really bad time to be a terrorist! Only been waiting about twenty years for this. See you in hell fuckers!

>What do?
call an ambulance since a sikh is pretending to be a muslim and probably be a skizo.

How new are you

>"You're a Sikh, you can't fool me Pajeet"


30 rounds center mass

"U ain't no Muslim, bruv"

Gurvinder, stop pretending

Fick dich, Moruk, ich mach dich Messer!



>posts a sikh

How retarded are you OP. Sikhs are the complete opposite of a muslim. They hate islam.

Get comfy.
The based sikh muslims will wipe the muslim sikhs in burgerland, while spics and dindus loot the white, while the white are sharting in the mart.

this. Sikhs are Hindu attack dogs trained to attack muslims

Haha nice one Prabu, you want me to throw another pork chop on the grill for you?


Tell him I voted for Hillary

Super Saiyan Trump would BTFO them

Is he saying all that with the sword in his hand?
If so then I draw and shoot until he's not a threat anymore.

21 foot rule.

why is everyone keep pretending hes a muslim eventhou you know hes a sikh, american humour is very deep indeed.

it is not funn.

uh nothing? run? I can't defend myself from this hence why i voted Trump to stop them from making it here in the first place

but sikhs are bros

>American intellectuals