Why do liberals lie so much?
Why do liberals lie so much?
Social capital
Because if they were honest, they would be called communists.
How the fuck do they know its a Trump supporter? Like, do people go 'Wait, before I mug you, I just want to let you know that I think Trump is a great guy, and he's going to MAGA. Now that that is over with, GIVE ME ALL YOU MONEY YOU FUCKING HIJAB WEARING CUNT!'
probably a fucking white male wearing a MAGA hat
everyone knows cops are a bunch of white people who would just ignore this and further enforce oppression (but I still think only police should carry weapons)
My friends sister - could probably prove her wrong as her friend would also be muslim
>"things that didn't happen" - the tweet
I'm tired of leftists crying wolf on Trump supporters. It's amusing and I'm still lapping up their delicious tears from election day, but the fake stories are retarded. If anyone believes them, I hope they get the right wing death squad treatment someday.
That advice in your pic is just as guilty as the things it is accusing "the left" of. Pic related.
because they don't have souls
they are taught to lie and false flag by other leftists. luckily niggers and muslims and women have low intelligence so theyre going to overdo it so much that even the general public wont believe it anymore.
He probably only got three answer
" Shut the fuck up you litteral white supremasist"
Falsifying police reports is not like playing Poker
>this is not been reported to police
>bullshit. you're lying you sly cunt
police are /ourguys/
true, but he's generalising their group to make a point that we all know is salient to the sizeable, very-vocal portion of the left.
perhaps that person is perceptive enough to know what drove white, working class into the arms of trump and is giving a warning? It seems more like "hey guys, why don't you join the faggy middle-ground with me"
Because they are not Christian.
Becuase people will believe anything a pretty young girls says on social media. Women never lie.
They really, really, really are.
I was in a room full of off duty law enforcement the other day, and while I wasn't shocked that they were anti-Hillary and anti-Obama, given the way they've treated law enforcement, but I was shocked at the level of anti-Hillary and anti-Obama sentiment amongst them. They wanted to lock both of them up.
politely BTFO
Just woke up to this. lol. Mean ol honkeys.
My unborn fetus had a conversation with me this morning about why Trump should be stopped. I froze.
>Top 10 things that never happened
I'm in the military. A lot of us think the same way.
The same reason why you would believe me if I photoshoped this image and added a MAGA hat on her and replaced trump supportes with hillary and you would not question this photo but only ask how we can remove them.
they're criminals, the party of the KKK lynchings and fear mongering
fuck democrats
Chris Sacca & the rest of Silicon Valley folks are be most brain washed ultra elitist liberal cucks I've ever encountered in my life.
These fags are pathetic. If you dislike the electoral college so much get it changed.
Pretty sure there have been times that conservatives lost the election and won the popular vote.
Fuck they whine so much.
Perpetual children.
Because they are mentally ill, being a victim is like some weird fetish to them. They get off on always playing the victim and feeling persecuted.
It's disgusting.
fake bullshit
racism is being funded by Soros hardcore, without racism it's impossible to wear a crown
Trannies shouldn't be allowed to raise children.
Except the part where we don't need to make up stories, instead we have actual video evidence of butthurt lefites beating up trump supporters
they probably like Trump for his vaccines cause autism position though
Holy shit I am laffin
>jamface jigaoo nigger
"Because the founding fathers believed that States rights are more important than federalism."
>as bad as Caesar
I think the lil Kikelet meant good
My 6 month old asked me "how differently can supreme court justices interpret the constitution if they each approach it from a similar perspective of legality?"
I said fuck off racist, Trump is gonna nuke blacks.
I wish that every time i get called something by a black person, that i could blame it on Obama.
It's just retarded hypocrisy that we've seen time and time again.
>it will get worse
unfortunately not true, everything is going to get better for everyone including them now that these faggots are out of power. Of course they will never admit it and find something to bitch about.
They do it for the 'Likes' and 'Retweets'.
They have to, otherwise their narrative falls apart.
>it was real in my mind.
>that i could blame it on Obama.
you should though?
The word you are looking for is Taqyyia. Jihad comes in 3 stages. Go here for a better understanding: youtube.com
Thanks to the USA unfucking itself literally overnight, Jihad was forced to regress back to stage 1. Stay vigilant, brothers.
Based pig
>Actual video evidence
Reminds me of this thing that happened post-Brexit actually.
Irony is it was teenage boys threatening a man who'd been living in Britain longer than they'd been alive. Anyways point is this shit happens, not sure why it's so unbelievable to you.
It's because of BLM. They hate that shit.
I'm in California and I was walking down the street with a MAGA hat to troll yesterday, and a cop stopped me just to compliment my hat.
psyop propaganda lies
if it was real what were their plate numbers? did you make a complaint?
didn't fucking think so
>jamface jigaboo nigger
>grab my pussy so fucking hard that koolaid would come out
>I don't want aids
FUCKING EL OH EL She wants the whiteboi dick bad
>calling cops pigs
get the fuck off Sup Forums and go back to ribbit you shitheel
>verified account for a literal nobody
This one is by far my favorite as it shows how deluded these people are. It makes abundantly clear that they have never had to deal with anything remotely racist in their entire lives but they get off on playing the victim role so they make up stories with what they believe racism is. This then results in 'jamface jigaboo' and muh koolaid.
Correct version
>My sister which is muslim pulled knife on Trump supporter*
Quality post, user. Had a good laugh.
Kys nigger
Nice job
america sounds like an awesome place
This bitches english
bootlicking libcuck
>had a knife pulled on her
>UIUC campus
If it happened at all, it was a nigger. In my time there, there was exactly one campus alert where the suspect wasn't a black male.
They feel like any means are justified to reach their end.
>a risult of Donald
this has to be a fucking joke man, no one can lie this poorly and expect people to believe it right? right?....
My friend got punched off his electric wheel in Seattle yesterday on the way to work by a random Latino dude. When he got up and yelled wtf the guy literally said "fuck you and fuck Trump".
I'm not making this shit up things are getting weird.
Because it's all lies you fucking butthurt cuck
Keep making shit up though. Incite violence based on lies. When tensions rise high enough and we have riots that lead to another civil war, we can legally kill you lefty fucks.
They lie because they want to discredit their "enemy", but since reality is way more nuanced than that they make up stories to try and convince people that people like Trump really are as evil as their delusions make them out to be.
It's incredibly pathetic.
What a bunch of bullshit. His 5 year old feminist in training was probably choking on her boogers before school.
Why are liberals such obvious liars?
Dirty fucking lebsian kike
> Caesar
> Bad
Motherfucking ignorant idiots. Yes I am mad.
>black male
We need a new Nero,but instead of burning Christians for lighting in his gardens,he should burn niggers and trainnes..
She's basically projecting within her lie, what she herself thinks about Black people.
Most interesting, is it not?
>pic is of a dike
Did you expect much else?
Literally the most nigger most I've read.
What does this have to do with an election in a different nation?
because they dont have any real things to complain about
I witness your digits, Panjeet.
She is asking for a friend
Brexit parallels Trump in a lot of ways. If you don't know why, lurk more.
I'm not saying OP's post happened or not, I'm just saying it's not impossible.
Yeah, unfortunately California's a bit too liberal sometimes for my tastes, but the weather is excellent and crime is practically non-existent where I live.
I'm fucking tired of liberals.
Anyone got the link to the Guardian article?
> liberals want California to leave the union
> tfw were the good guys and everyone is on our side except liberals
A lot of the "hate crime" from brexit was also bullshit. Unless you think people actually made laminated cards of hateful messages, double back printed in Polish with an English translation. Pic related.
Obama won in 2012 and told Republicans to shut the fuck up for complaining about the electoral college LOL
Kek this is like reverse niggerwalks
>jamface jigaboo nigger