Will there be a bump in Racism/Xenophobia now that Trump has won?
In all seriousness
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There will be a bump in college kids and minorities making shit up and inflicting self harm, there will also be a bump in rapes committed by Trump supporters.
Trump Supporter in general will become a new term that means sexist, racist, homophobic, evil, literally hitler himself by the end of 2017.
You have to know by now just how vicious and vindictive the left is, right? Well think about how bitter they are going to be about this loss, anyone who supported Trump is going to look as bad to many of these women as that ex she wants to see destroyed in every possible way, including taking his kids and his dog.
we have to reach out to them and make them see a way forward
instead of repealing gay marriage, remove earned income tax credit and get government out of the marriage business, the only ones who will be harmed are welfare scofflaws who have children just to get checks from government,
and I don't think anyone will have a problem with that
Presumably, though the whole point of freedom of speech as opposed to censorship and 'PC' is so that dialogue can be held and people can work out their differences
of course the mainstream media will still put a ridiculous spin on anything they report, and continue to demonize white males (and to a lesser degree, white females)
not to mention a lot of these people aren't used to having dialogue, they'd prefer if people who hold differing views are silenced and forced to be 'PC', so now that it's harder to avoid they may end up trying to get their point across with violence or fraud
One can only hope that ICE lets citizens join the Spic and Sandnigger deportation squads.
Racists have always been racist. The president won't change that no matter who he is.
Nobody is going to go out and commit hate crimes just because Trump was elected
this never, ever happened.
Lets pray for it
I fucking hope so
Both should be shot dead!
>This arrangement would have worked well enough if it had not been for the disputes between Snowball and Napoleon. These two disagreed at every point where disagreement was possible.
If one of them suggested sowing a bigger acreage with barley, the other was
certain to demand a bigger acreage of oats, and if one of them said that such
and such a field was just right for cabbages, the other would declare that it was
useless for anything except roots.
>Shit that never happened
Fucking leftists. Can't make an actual argument, so they have to make shit up
It will happen. Some will be real some will be lies.
This doesn't mean a vote for trump is a vote for this exact thing to happen. This is a very polarized system with a lot of sensitive parts. Lots of people that express racist or muslim sceptisism have just been met with scorn so they isolate and then come out with this shit.
If anything we have a greater chance to deal with these issues if they are laid bare out in the sun and people get to talk about it instead of everyone being so fucking scared because it's taboo.
But in before Sup Forums just claims it never happens like fucking children again.
... You do know Trump isn't even going to talk about gay marriage or do anything about it right? Over 60% of voters are pro gay marriage now.
Listen here Swedenstan. We have something called burden of proof, you can't just say shit.
That's why Trump wasn't destroyed by women just coming out and saying he did shit to them without any proof.
If it gets rid of the mudslimes? Absolutely. They're pariahs in Latino communities and I hope to see everyone else follow suit now.
a reminder that all leftist psychodramas are hoaxes:
Think again buddy
Sure thing that happened in that way. Why would I ever doubt her?
Oh, and of course, America was never great.
I agree completely
>Grouping all of Sup Forums into 1 category
Really made me respect sweden again sven.
I think Trump barely matters in this equation. These people have been stewing for years and this is all an unpopped abscess of hatred that's been brewing. Trump happened to be the first outlet to say FUCK YOU.
I agree completely that the system has been polarized to the point of violence. I would have liked a more open discourse rather than violence, but I'm willing to see some heads smashed on both sides so that we can come to a consensus.
I do not want a situation like you and Germany find yourselves in. With increased public outrage at """racists""" and the same """racists""" brewing to the point that they might go full 1488, I don't envy you guys. I also am sick of the BML tumblr culture, I am fucking done with these white and black liberals smashing a city over cop violence when blacks kill an INSANE number of people compared to police.
I want discourse. I want to be able to say "black people need to get their shit together" and "muslim belief is intolerant and needs fixed" ALONG with "white frat bros need to chill out" and not be immedatly screamed at by a flock of harpies. I want my free speech, I want my fucking country back from this brink of retardation.
Lets make "angry white men" our nigger!
> things that didn't happen
Yes, towards white women. Look at the shit every pseudo-news site is writing about them.
You mean like niggers assaulting even more whites?
This. White women will be more vulnerable now than they've been in a long while. They're being vilified at the same extreme white men are. Hopefully this will wake most of them up.
OMG! Some stupid cunt is crying! Quickly cancel elections.
>America was never great
>America is already great
these scumbags don't even care about maintaining a coherent narrative... absolutely beautiful
Its the same as after brexit, the (((media))) will report a ""surge"" in hate crime and attribute it to to supporters of whatever target they hate at the time. Its an aim to deligitimize the right wing because "remembur wat happened in 30s jermoney"
It was always going to happen!
I hope so.
Niggers and muslims are not humans.
Yes, all the kike lefist's nightmares they whine about on social media while finally come to reality, and a new age of White dominance will be ushered in.
Ayy let's post some libby OC
I'll dump 3
Buy a gun and shoot these niggers when they chimp out on you, you will get a slap on the wrist
yeah, after every muzzie terror attack the first things the media write about is always how Muslim community prepares for Islamophobic backlash and yet IT NEVER FUCKING HAPPENS
that happened
Yes, there will be a bump in racism against whites from the left.
sure just look at Britain after Brexit
I hope no actual violence, but I love these made up stories. four years of them would be great.
>you should have called the police
gee I wonder why she didn't xD
Which is why the FBI going "Something something emails" before immediately dropping it made Hillary's numbers slide, right?
A woman in my class yesterday told me that a white woman called her a wetback and told her to go back to Mexico.
it's funny how no one on the right would react this way if hillary won except a small bit of alt righters. literal children
How do 'people' like that survive until old age???
omg old woman is sad! With such a strong argument, I'm surprised Hillary wasn't ahead by 50 points :(((
What point are you trying to make?
If it's anything to the tune of "Women should be able to make shit up and destroy a life with no proof" you can go fuck yourself.
Muslim here. All my white friends are telling me I have to go back. I just reply with "if its the will of the Emperor then i shall obey"
All these other fags need to learn how to inject humour into their lives.
It's funny because their leader, by all accounts, cried like a petulant child when she lost. That meme of her naked shitting herself having a tantrum might have actually came true.
"Your Honor, I would ask for leniency in this case of filing a false police report. She received over 3000 likes on twitter."
"How many retweets, counsel?"
"Over 4,000, Your Honor."
"Case dismissed."
Considering that liberals are rioting and burning down their own cities and colleges I'm going to guess a ton.
Its funny how evil hateful whitey didnt portest or burn cities when obama was elected while peaceful pee oh see and leftists are going full chimpout
The point is they had literally nothing on Hillary this time and it was enough to spook away voters. You can't claim we operate on burden of proof if it only applies to one side.
Unbelievable. Such drama queens. It's like they're roleplaying some shit because their real life is a sad disaster.
meme magic is real
It's good. White women who are apolitical, or anything less than SJW will see who their enemies are
she was probably born in 1918 or some shit. A woman born then who knew her place probably had plenty of heartbreak along the way.
I wish I could have been a fly on the wall in that room.
I heard she was crying so hard that she was just babbling unintelligible nonsense when people tried to console her.
Yeah, you realize our legal system has nothing to do with peoples minds right?
That's why women can't always legally destroy a man with false rape claims but they can almost always destroy him socially.
You can't and will never have it. Politics are not something you can just casually and civilly talk about, it's very nature will always lead to war.
This. I want to talk to human beings - even with different views and beliefs - without having to deal with people's shitty lack of self control turning a benign situation into a nigga moment
They don't. Most of them kill themselves. Wish I had the statistics of gay suicides, because it was very high.
her loss makes the "how am I not 50 points ahead, you might ask?" clip a million times funnier.
It'll definitely go up at least temporally like it did after the brexit but once but once it is know that the majority doesn't condone due to increased sensitization during the refractory period it'll go back to normal levels more or less
Not many todays left I fear. So the sum of her sufferings can't be that much.
what a couple of faggots
>oh wait
So, is this a "things that didn't happen" thread?
No, but there will be a rise in the cries of racism and xenophobia.
This guy is likely still living with his parents and e-begging on patreon for his """""art"""""
Just imagine how fucking smug and sure of herself she would have been just 4 hours earlier. The exit polls looked good, there were no bad signs... she was going to do it, she was finally going to have what she'd always wanted and had dedicated her life to (even staying married to an asshole that fucks bimbos behind her back).
But then, out of no where, she gets blown the fuck out by the fucking guy from the Apprentice, the fucking joke that no one took seriously.
there are plenty of "normal except sexuality" gays who kill themselves for other reasons, or don't identify as gays on surveys because their entire reason for living is the flamboyant self promotion of their gayness
oh i have more
don't ask why i have tumblr btw im only there for memes
Can only fucking hope so
Yes, black on white crime has already skyrocketed
>what will they do next
The post
the new supreme court will put an end to this nonsense.
These false flags though. Fuck off
finally some tumblr salt I've only seen twitter salt I can't find sit about tumblrtards losing it I don't get why Sup Forums has become so addicted to twitter tumblr has so many more lolcows per page
Fucking this, 95% of Arabs voted for trump because Hillary is a war monger. The only ones taking advantage of this are the same extremists Obama safeguards in the USA
lil' Ted at the far right is cute :3
last one. alrrsdy unfollowed everyone that did this so rip
they're similar. one just has a longer character limit
>supports extremist Muslim brotherhood organization that terrorizes Middle East and is protected by Hillary in the USA
Women will want to fuck you more if you support trump. Screen shot this
Thought your original post was talking about the voters.
You know what the legal system is also for? Determining whether something happened and not assuming out of hand that it didn't.
No illegals will be sent back to where they came from and life in the nation will improve along with job openings.
I wouldn't move to a Muslim country because they are huge retards with different values to us, so why do they think they can come here?
this is hilarious, normally these faggots have absolute disdain for people older then them
if youre an over sensitive cry baby who creates their own definitions then yes, there will always be racism and theres never enough social justice.
Hopefully, these people don't deserve special treatment.
They removed it. Have a mirror?
A lady pulling a hijab off someone's head, saying it isn't allowed, and telling her to hang herself with it isn't racist. Ok.
This election is making me hate everyone a little more, regardless of race, religion, etc
I hope so...
Probably since people will be less PC.