Alright, this has gone too far. Which one of you NYC psychopaths is handing out these flyers???
Who Did This!?
Other urls found in this thread:
Liberals are truely human slime.
Yeah, I'm totally sure that happened....
Watcha doin Rabbi?
it was me
But serious. Manhattan voted Clinton 88-10. It's probably a false flag as usual
So you everyone here supports trump and posts racist stuff all day long
but you doubt whether a trump supporter would right a racist note?
Requesting 'watcha doin rabbi' pic.
I'd expect this to happen if Clinton won. But why would Trump supporters do this when Trump won?
False flag from whiney liberals
Nobody is this blatant
It's just the left going crazy, trying to make Trump supporters racists.
whatcha doin' shitlord ?
Let's false flag the shit out of Trump supporters.
Left is pest.
Huh. Looks like the liberals wrote it for us. Now all we need to do is to start reprinting it and begin to remove color marked individuals.
so liberals are on a campaign to making up bullshit? every other thread on pol shows a "tru" liberal story now
Thanks OP, sharing and exposing the shills
The false flags are out in full force huh?
the liberals made this, naturally. it's obviously not what trump supporters are like. it's what libshits think trump supporters are like. this clearly came from a leftie scum.
Liberals made it to get that victim sympathy, are you fucking kidding me?
I've seen handwriting like that before.
Yes, definitely a trump supporter.
I can't tell if you're a fucking nigger or a retard by the way you type.
I'm far from perfect myself but for fuck's sake go protest in a fire you faggot
Hey rabbi
how will he implement the final solution?
I'm not entirely convinced this is a false flag.
It's exactly the sort of thing I'd do, drunk on the thrill of victory and gin, if work hadn't obliged me to spend the best political week of my life in Fake China
I believe those are fake, the left and marxist can't start their revolutions like they did in the past so they have this culture of gaining public acceptance by creating victims.
A lot of these statements (most of them, probably made out) will start appearing everywhere just with the faked receipts where people gave no tip and were subject of public humilliation because the POC waiter/waitress wrote "nigger" on it to get back on the cheap customer.
How long have you been on Sup Forums? A lot of trump people are bigots and uneducated. So they thing now that "our guy" is president they can do whatever without repercussions. Never forget, a lot of very stupid people did vote for trump.
The issue is, there's no way of either confirming or denying any of these things bar catching people in the act.
Of course they'll be wearing Trump hats etc.
They're baiting you all, waiting for you to take it so they can start phase 2...
for 2 years.
Wow... This is so fucking badly done and faked that I can't even
Probably only wrote the one note. What a low energy mess.
Spoilers: it's the person who posted it or a 'liberal activist' living in the building
I mean, I hope it's real, and I wish that all Trump voters felt this way.
But it is not so.
False flags.
You got me. I admit, I did it.
Sorry, it was me.
I used my telepathic abilites to send information in a billion particles from my place of residence in Australia to a printer in NYC where a mystery person then began to distribute this glorious material to the home owners
>Sup Forums is representative of Trump supporters
If you blow dog whistles as long and hard as Trump did during the campaign eventually the dogs are gonna start to bark
Hey Rabbi, watcha doin?
Sven polity go back Swedish politics. You have no idea about my country.
We really do hate niggers like you. You disgust us in a way nothing else can. You are a subhuman worth far less than nothing.
And we recognize our own. The cunt in the OP is not one of us. If Sup Forums actually did anything to relieve our racism, there would be blood. Not edgy writing.
Yeh!!! all racists use varying numbers!! or exclamation points dont they!!
its not a women thing right!!!
He will pence fence them in
The hand writing on the notepad behind is masculine
Should we false flag back? I mean we don't really need to. Liberals are already making themselves look like children with all the riots, but we could toss more gasoline on the fire.
This is literally
>rabbi gassed right on the spot
I've been laughing at the virtue signaling and other low iq shit all day and i'm getting bored victory
>Trump supporter
>In new York city
Lmao.. right
Personally I can't help but think it's more likely some twat false flagging to help reassure their political bias and drum up drama rather than a Trump supporter going through the risk of getting his shit kicked out to essentially discredit himself as just some racist twat which everyone knows would play right into these anti trump students hands.
*of victory
How long have YOU been on Sup Forums?
If you're not a bigot yet, you might be retarded.
You think this is funny?
Came here to post this.
I could ask you the same question
>Facists ever warning people before showing up at their door
These people become more stupid by the post
Fake and gay, why are you retarded?
Hmmmm... This sounds a lot like the work of one Little Tom.
been here since /new
before stormfaggots convinced you mountain dew and Dorito addled man children into being "strong white internet warriors"
>right a note
They realize vote is anonymous right?
Those are fakes and false flags.
Authentic attacks would contain a few Rare Pepes.
Sup Forums is a board of peace and also mostly satire
the fact of the matter is that we want to win and keep winning
this display does not help our cause and anyone with a brain could see that (except for maybe nat). The fact that
A). You cant just kick people out of a dorm half way through the semester
B). This is low time preference behavior
C). There is no anti-nig rhetoric in Trump's campaign
D). This plays perfectly into the hand of the opposition
for these reason and many more it just smacks of a false flag.
Here, look at this violent Trump supporter beating up some niggers!
This HAS to stop!
>Would be a shame if someone found his facebook
>would be a shame if someone send a tip to the FBI and the local PD
>would be a shame if that someone ask them specifically to look for the unique printer identifier that is on every single page and compare it to printers this person has access to
Someone should really not do what I did
the problem is the liberals believe it. They want martial law.
It's called crying wolf. Nobody believes the bs anymore.
In their, stupidity they have bastardized very serious words all in order to get what they want. Well they did but I don't think they realize the price will be way to fucking high.
>A lot of trump people are bigots and uneducated
You mean
>A lot of clinton supporters are bigots and uneducated
>I'm going to commit violence against you
>But first let me write you a note so you'll know that I'm going to commit violence against you and that you can present on jewbook for likes
liberal scum
False flag
Native here. False-flag. Niggers and spics dont live together unless its a housing project and you wont find stormfriends living with them. No way this is legit, lets move along to MAGA and leave the fb shares on pol alone
>the left are THIS desperate and pathetic
I can't wait until they finally push people too far, shit will be like south africa
You want to stick your head in the sand go ahead
if you faggots really want to MAGA you need to purge the bottom of the barrel immediately to retain any sort of legitimacy
Seriously, I wish we could make these signs.
False flag
>You have to be American to know about american politics
This is bait
>Which one of you NYC psychopaths is handing out these flyers???
it was probably Soros
>So you everyone here supports trump and posts racist stuff all day long
"everyone" is actually a group of Indians in an office building sitting behind a proxy, they were hired by a lobby group associated with Tavistock and MI6
>Yo carl watcha doing there?
Yo trayvon....what'chu doin'?
>not every democrat is a satanist but every satanist is voting for hillary
>printing dumb shit that can be traced back to you
yea nah
this is a false flag
fucking wake up
kek my sister posted that map with
>now if only they would actually vote!
>that backfire
Fucking kek.
This never fails to make me laugh
>be OP of this FB post
>make most racist sounding paper can think of
>print it out and claim it was on everyone's doorstep
>literally shaking
>(you) need to purge the bottom of the barrel
>Implying some random NEET from Sup Forums would know which apartments in a complex housed minorities