Find a flaw.
Find a flaw
I live in Indiana is the flaw.
fuck off
>lets strip off states to appease 18-40 year olds
C-can I move to the red part ?
I live in Maryland and I want nothing to do with Canada or leftism
The red states would implode and become nu-Mexico.
Fuck off it then.
>not memeing Massachusetts and New England into the emperor's light
pls don't write us off! Minutemen for Trump!
>Canada exists
>Giving Canada the based UP
You forgot to make mexico blue dumbass
You forgot to make Alberta part of the US
>Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Alberta
Oh i am laffin
the largest hawaiian island is not colored
Is Canada completely cucked? Not a single salvageable province currently?
California is all that needs to go. The rest are vital parts of Americana. Consider breaking up NY to keep all the flags up to date
Why is Newfoundland and Labrador grey
Why the fuck is Pennsylvania and Ohio blue? FUCK OFF!
Beaner highway unlocked.
Taco express
Cut minnesota in half and let me stay in America
>America completely surrounded by a shitty country on all sides by land
>sea borders the Central America floating turds
Lust overload
California is one of the few states that pays for you welfare states in the heartland. You are like a child whining about how horrible its parents are, wishing to be be let outside to never return and eventually starve to death.
Wish this sooooo bad
Meme magic activate
how can white """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""women"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" even THINK about competing?
Because of Newfexit
...I think I have a new fetish...
in case you didn't notice
the blue parts.
Speak for yourself.
>implying manitoba, alberta and saskatchewan aren't conservative as fuck
You've never been to Canada, have you?
>cute women taking care of your home is now a fetish
>not flawless
Senpai, you tryin to talk shit about the best state in the union?
They make own country
Didn't you watch archer ?
Canada chokes on itself and dies within a year.
Absolutely not, you syrup guzzling moose humping numales. Day of the Rake can't come soon enough.
>giving clay
No, remove the problem
>flyover states decide who is president
It's simple, we gas the ruralfags.
Whoops, forgot the maritimes too.
Sounds good to me, though i can only imagine the hordes of refugees coming from the red states when they realize that the vast majority of the tax base that supports their welfare state just took off without them. we could build a wall around them and start a reality TV show and watch them devolve.
>Implying spoiled city hivemonkeys don't
This election was special.
I would live in that country, alhtough we should let Manitoba and the NWT come too.
Manitoba has become a refuge for white educated germans who don't like Merkel and NWT is a tourist magnet for azn qts.
Holy SHit. THIS :o
>Pennsylvania, Michigan, Florida, Texas
Pick one faggot.
manifest destiny
can't divide it up because we want it all from coast to coast
user pls. I'm from NY metro. Anywho your state is garbage. No amount of warehouses and greenscreens can change that
The birthplace of liberty is the wrong color there, britbong
>ever giving away land unless you need to in order to avoid complete annihilation
Yeah keep dreaming.
Poverty rate is a garbage stat that does not account for cost of living and penalizes you for having children
>How small is too small? Inside the 28 sq ft, $500-month 'pod' an illustrator built into his friend's San Francisco apartment
>Peter Berkowitz, 25, constructed a tiny bedroom pod in the living room of his friend's San Francisco apartment
>One bedroom apartments in the city rent for $3,500 per month compared to his $508 per month to live in a pod
>The pod is equipped with a fold-down desk, cushioned backboard that's slanted and LED lights for reading
>He believes pods can provide a 'needed fix' for people who want to add a bedroom to apartments without rent rising
>His eight-foot-long pod is also equipped with a sliding door and has room to store his books and clothing
Or we adapt, become even stronger without them. Meanwhile, Cali and New York get to entertain the newest crowd of "refugees" that Canada will be bestowing upon them.
Besides, unless Canada's prepared with a shitton of farms we haven't seen before, those states will starve without us.
PA, MI, FL are borderline 50-50 states. trump won like 52-48 in those.
Texas is 95% flyover and any real city (NYC, LA, SF, Boston, Chicago) makes Dallas, Houston, Austin look like villages.
forgot pic
I dont want asny of that
whatever you say kiddo. keep on cherrypickin
Who /Wyoming/ here? How comfy is it?
Whatever makes you feel better buddy.
badly photoshopped tits?
I am not an expert on shops, can you point it out?
Alberta and Newfoundland seems to be pretty based, but thats about it.
people pay into ss and medicare their whole life in New York and California then go collect somewhere else
Lets see graph comparing only means tested welfare
>Of the nation’s welfare recipients live in California but only …
>… of the U.S. population resides here.
>California is third among states in per-capita spending on welfare:
>New York leads the nation:
>Idaho is at the bottom:
Newfoundland and half our artic territory is missing.
Only if we run off Canada's bullshit constituency election thing (so upstate NY actaully has power) and if California doesn't get to come
also the UP belongs to Michigan and Ohio voted Trump
newfoundland made good dogs, we keep them.
i'm only laughing at your delusion. Rural america these days is just a complete drain of the tax base. lazy bunch of faggots who just collect entitlements (while complaining about them at the same time) who unironically vote for someone to "magically fix everything" instead of just buckling down and getting a fucking job. you know who else does lazy shit like that? niggers.
I don't want to be a part of Canada, and I certainly don't want part of America to be part of Canada.
Honestly how would America's economy do without CA and the north east?
Alberta blue lol
> Uses 2004 data to make commentary about economic distributions in 2016
> Doesn't define his variables.
> Doesn't characterize what makes a state red/blue. In 2004, Cali could be defined as a red state.
Oh I am laffin'.
tbf your pic looks like a baby face got sewn onto a middleschoolers body.
whites only have to compete by growing up.
>Comparing rural Americans to niggers
When can we get the fucking gas chambers ready?
Pennsylvania and New Hampshire are part of Dumbfuckistan.
I've been needing that pic the entire election cycle.
>ural america these days is just a complete drain of the tax base. lazy bunch of faggots who just collect entitlements
meanwhile in reality
I don't want to live in Canada
>the north east
which states
>not red
You can fuck right off
half of michigan is canadian
Entire country would be permanently Democrat in this scenario
When we annex the leaves, they won't be able to vote and will be treated as second class citizens, as they should be.
Washington state must be a hell hole.
have you been there?
Alberta belongs to the us. PA and Ohio too. The rest is fine.
The ones that went blue. And would be part of canacuck
Good idea pops.
i'm a dual citizen so draw the borders however you like it doesn't affect me >:)
American Canadian Union and The New United States of America. It's my new dream. Let's just do this. I want to be warm, democrats and republicans don't get along. Let's just peacefully split up the USA. You have absolutely nothing in common, and everyone's sick of trying to get along.
It has more homeless people per capita than elsewhere in the nation. They're everywhere. It's also one of the most expensive states to live in.
Can't we just wall off California, Florida, and Canada? Please?
>Dat Illinois
Fuck Chimpcago
based Sven