Trump wants to fuck up the environment and doesn't believe in climate change.
How can you support him?
I'm ok with Trump but this is my biggest concern in his politics
Trump wants to fuck up the environment and doesn't believe in climate change
I don't care about the environment.
we have technologies that can manipulate the weather. could these technologies be used to believe in climate change?
we should get some discussion going regarding this.
A thousand times this.
I still would choose him over Clinton a thousand times if I could.
But not believing in climate change and not caring about it is straight stupid and everyone who thinks the same is, and that is a fact, either retarded or doesn't understand how this issue effects the whole fucking world.
Yes even you, user.and your cat too
Fuck the environment.
You are going to Mars by 2050 anyway.
It's not that, you have to think real politic.
China will NEVER admit climate change is real.
Why? Because this means reducing emissions, and reducing industry. For what? For everyone? Fuck everyone.
They'd much rather pretend to play along long enough so that everyone else reduces their emissions and gives them a market advantage. Trump is merely smart enough to see that the chinese will never back down so there's no point cucking his own country.
Don't think so. The energy needed to pull something like this off would be above the level of how my country is cuked( limes against infinity) , as you would have to do it over a long time.
I agree. not caring about mother earth is a nigger trait. but libcucks aren't doing much about it anyway, they are abusing it and getting money out of it.
Climate change is nothing but a symptom of overpopulation and high standards of living
Who do you want to make live like shit and/or who do you want to genocide OP?
Lol if you think Clinton would do a fucking thing for the environment
I'm going to drink an extra glass of milk today to fart more toxins in the air just for that shitpost.
No single country can lower its emissions to solve and global problem, and there is no way the world will cooperate on something like this.
It's a shame, but everyone will have to deal with being fucked over due to short-term self-interest.
How about Africa and [spoiler] (you) [/spoiler] ?
Instead we just could stop living like a 30yo nigger without a job but a gold chain off his moms pocket
Dude. The climate is fucked anyway, if the current models are correct. All the shitskins, niggers, and chinks have ruined it already. They just don't give a fuck. The only thing we can do now is localized damage control. We can make sure that the Nordic countries, for example, remain good places to live far into the future (compared to the rest of the world, at least). That's what we can do.
>failing at spoilers like a cuckold
the climate is pretty fucked anyway. I would like efforts to be made to prevent it to be sure, but it seems that green parties are globally retarded and pretty much 99% of any other politicians who say anything about climate change only do it to get votes and then make some shitty legislation to pollute less that just make manufactoring expensive enough to make it leave for China/India and do the product for less, pollute even more than before, and then fly it back (with even more pollution) for sale. tldr; we're fucked either way
It isn't the governments place to fix this.
You're already back with another thread?
I am pro-trump all the way and this is his only downside, I hope he changes his opinions about climate change soon
I used to care about the environment until a particularly bad camping trip and now I am all for the genocide of mosquitoes by any means necessary
Fuck the food chain, fuck eco balance
Kill em all
Then you're a retard. You are American though, so I'm not surprised.
It's already fucked, the west hasn't been the main contributor to global pollution for a couple decades now, and that isn't because of our regulations it's because others are blasting past us without a care in the world.
He's not going to dot the landscape with Smog Corp nuclear smog factories, even if he wanted to it's a political impossibility.
you know this "fuck da enviroment" spouting makes you look like a bunch of fucking delusional retards
Fuck the Earth. First must make America great again
oh yeah. of course free market is going to fix it.
Usually I should ignore your shitpost because even when you understand it, there are countless others with your views.
However, let me put it this way: It doesn't matter. He only has 4 years, 8 at most. Even if he thinks climate change is just a hoax and doesn't give a shit about it and you're the greenest tree fucker in this world. What matters right now in this world is war, syria, migration politics, the refugee crisis, dealing with the white guilt trip sustained by braindead liberals and the corrupt media.
Then we can care about nature again.
to be clear this smug attitude the western world has about cutting carbon emissions and transitioning to clean energy isn't worth jack shit, because the climate change is a global thing and Africa/Asia are increasing their emissiosn far faster than we are reducing ours and their population will only grow. There is only so much we even can reduce ours and why the fuck should we even be forced to when literally over half the world's population doesn't give a shit and will happily ignore climate change to have an edge in global markets (since producing without green legislation is cheaper) and sell us shit to profit and make us take more debt. The "climate change disaster" could ONLY be avoided at this point if Africa and Asia are somehow forced to stop their shit, but I could only see that conceivably done through WW3 and who knows how that would go. As it is I'd rather see us not waste away our western economies in a futile effort to stop the unstoppable only for the people making it so to get rich from our efforts.
>Trump wants to fuck up the environment and doesn't believe in climate change.
Sounds good to me.
Has no one actually seen "before the flood"?
I mean there are solutions..
It is, you retarded cunt, and your government started to reduce pollutants in 70's. Thank god they did, we would be even more fucked up without the regulations
you're a fucking retard then because if you spend any time at all looking for arguments against climate change you'd find plenty of information of why it's bullshit. spend less time believing and more time researching.
no you, bong.
It sure feels good to be delusional cunt in denial like yourself
Not seeing any sources, cunt.
Fucking irrelevant, fuck off.