70 years old

>70 years old
>looks like he's 40-50
>oldest person to be elected president in HISTORY
>only sleeps 4 hours a day
>multiple rallies a day without breaks

His body literally can't contain the amount of HIGH ENERGY he generates.

What's his secret?

Other urls found in this thread:


Military grade meth probably

Lots of cocaine

The blood of liberals

It will be interesting to see how he ages, Obama looks 30 years older since 2008.

Cocaine and lots of it

Its called Energetic support from ....P_ O _ _ I

It's the power of

It is the will of lord kek may kek bless us with more miracles.

I have always liked trump even before he ran for president I'm a old fag, I had the pleasure to meet him when I was younger on a few ocasions and it was great the energy he had was insane and I always thought he was on drugs

The guy won't even drink liquor. I highly doubt he puts any real drugs into his body.

No alcohol/drugs. Probably eats right.

the power of kek

half part breast milk, half part semen mi...

oh my bad, that was crookeds breakfast

if by breast milk you mean "the blood of goyim children"

>looks like he's 40-50

What the fuck are you smoking, Romney is the same age as Trump and looks at least a decade younger.

Trump looks old as fuck.


Super Male Vitality

It's possible (unlikely) that you can become so arrogant and full of shit that you evolve into something unbeatable.

I think he must be eating the dreaded vegetables.

He made a deal with Kek

Holy shit you're right. I'd never have guessed that he's nearly 70.

This right here.

I am almost completely certain that it's COCAINA.

>looks like he's 40-50
You are blind. His hair is fake and he is covered in orange goop. You take that off and he'd look like a corpse.

Wait what ? He's fucking 70?? I taught hes just barely 60. Christ, hes almost as old as sanders


Okay yeah Romney looks young as fuck.

Ngl I had no idea. Romney looks like he's in his late 30s at oldest. Whew

power of kek and his meme magic


I am fucking addicted to meth, but when I know something out of my thru the years collected cliches about Tibetan buddhist monks, it's that abstinence from cravings imbues true strength

high test

Low energy faggots projecting this hard



Brain Force

he looks good at the cost of being a boring ass mormon

>his hair is fake


>orange goop

why do faggots use such strange words when they're reaching for insults? goop? what are you a fucking kindergarten teacher?

he runs on refined memes and based Infowars sponsored Alex Jones approved vitamin products.

>His body literally can't contain the amount of HIGH ENERGY he generates.

He needs to change his hairstyle.


Or just go bald. Both looks look great!

Looks like Charlie Sheen

must be testosterone, hence the thin hair.

The dankest weed

Trump will probably age like NIxon or Dubya did, AKA not at all.

Obama's the kind of person to get consumed by stress over each and every decision that he had to make as president, largely because it was his first ever executive job.

Meanwhile, Trump's a CEO of a major development firm and has been making major existential decisions that affect his bottom line and thousands of jobs for the past 4 decades, and I'm sure that he's grown that healthy sense of emotional detachment from the downstream ramifications of his decision that someone in his position needs to have in order to not die of a heart attack by 50.

It also seems like food is his outlet, and he obviously has the genetics to not have any major health complications from it, which makes it just about the healthiest vice one of his stature can have.

Meanwhile, Obama chain-smoked any time there wasn't a camera nearby. That shit adds decades to how you look.

>21st century
>doesn't treatment for bald men including spray cans and hair extensions
>doesn't know about goop
What fucking backwards Appalachian hilltop to you hail from?

You think, he's not injecting test? I would at his age.

Donald, please stay away from pizza parties.

This is Obama before he aged 40 years in a single instant

Nothing wrong with using high-powered stimulants like coke, meth, and amp, as long as you know the secret to using them in a healthy manner.

The biggest problem coke and meth addicts face is their lack of taking care of their bodies while stimmed.

Seriously, he looks like hes 40s 50s. I was shocked at 70.

He has that Elvis look.

>doesn't treatment for bald men including spray cans and hair extensions
What did he mean by this?

Testosterone. There are "anti-aging" clinics everywhere, and trump would of course have the money and connections to have as much T has he wants.

Trump needs a vacation, I watched some rallies from the primaries and he was way more high energy back then, this campaign has taken it's toll.

It's because Romney also doesn't smoke, drink, or take drugs.

Having a positive, winning attitude also helps.

He is Kek's chosen champion

>Having a positive, winning attitude also helps.
Having a shit ton of fucking money helps.
>Testosterone. There are "anti-aging" clinics everywhere, and trump would of course have the money and connections to have as much T has he wants.

he feeds off the blood of lefists, why else do you think he wants hilary in jail? if he consumes her blood he'll gain the ultimate power

Definitely Nofap. Didn't you read about the superpowers?

And going on meth benders for days, your rationality goes out the window after that.

Well David Rockefeller who basically owns all of the senate just had his 7th heart transplant, and he's 101 years old. So being a billionaire certainly helps.

choose one

then he would have AIDs

That's the power of MEMES

That's mostly exhaustion.
Lack of sleep will drive anyone batty, that's why it's a torture method. You stop producing serotonin and go insane from it.

If you have a physician and team of pharmacologists helping you(Trump has the money for such things) they can craft up a program with ease to get you the energy and boost you need without putting harm on your system. Keeping cardio function healthy is especially important, and there's supplements to aid in this.

I'm sure Trump doesn't use meth or coke because long-term use of these can be really hard on the heart even with supplements.
But a lighter stim like phenmetrazine combined with some modafinil could be used safely, in lower doses rather than recreational.

Pharmacology is the key to godhood among men, you just gotta be careful not to get too close to the sun.

>implying presidents don't get old looking because of all the secret drugs they give them to make them immune to most common forms of biological and chemical assassination
Can you even imagine all the crazy ass shit they give you as president?

>late 30s
Didn't know it was that bad in Australia

Looks like an unimportant salesman who tries to look good "for the job".

Looks like an old conservative senator.

He feeds on meme and immigrant blood

I haven't been sick since I joined the Army.

That was 11 years ago.

What did they give you, man of the trips?

somebody said before that he was on TRT. I don't know if it's true or not.

>only sleeps 4 hours a day
Bit like M. Thatcher. Both were rampant capitalists too.

My mother looked like she was 35 when she was over 60 (no white hair, no wrinkles, slim body, etc.). And she wasn't rich at all. Living a healthy life + never being stressed out = win.

>What's his secret?


He has a set of 5 dices. He tosses them daily to get some sacred numerals which makes him recharge

His secret?


It's a given

>This guy won't even drink liquor.
He won't even drink fucking coffee. I shit you not the man has claimed to never have had a cup of coffee.


my first get, oh boy

Lots of inoculations for various things we might encounter overseas. Flu stuff, anthrax, etc.

The worst I've had is diarrhea in that entire time, and I've been out for 5 years.

I'm more tired than him and I'm 20. He is 50 years older. How can He do it ?

Trump looks about 62

But wew lad Romney looks 50 that guy looks fookin young

Mich stört die Berichterstattung von N24
Grade dieser Sender zusammen mit Anne Will ist der Grund wieso ich keine GEZ mehr bezahlen will.

P-pim ben jij het?

dunno, lots of people look and seem good when they're 70... then it all goes to shit over the next few years. I wouldn't bank on a second term.

>Trump looks like he's 40-50

Apex kek

>looks like he's 40-50
Yeah, a fucking out of shape, haggard 40-50 year old, maybe.

Work ethic, m8 (and also high energy genetics)

He looks like a 50 year old who looks like a 70 year old.

Obama was also at that cusp age where the effects of aging start to show regardless of stress.

holy shit those tits

Meme magic at work.

That's a face I would look at standing in a shining gold space marine armor, bowing my knee to listen his motivational speech before I get back to slaying a horde of sandniggers willing to slit the throat of my sons and wife.

he looks like the emperor of mankind in this picture

Honestly thought, why doesn't trump ever change his hairstyle? Would be nice to see something different. Why not like a slick back style?

wtf I want to join the military now

He looks handsome af.

high energy
