Why is the left so surprised that Trump won by a landslide? Why do they delude themselves so in this and other matters?
Why are they so surprised?
They just found out they aren't on the right side of history.
Yes, but why is the delusion so strong with them? Is it a chicken or the egg thing? Did their delusion or their ideology come first?
Realised that:
1. The world is not their safe space
2. The biggots can act too
3. There are people with different opinions
4. A white playboy millionaire just won against their UN strawng womyn
Losing the popular vote is not a landslide. 2008 was a landslide.
Because Trump is a joke.
It's like electing Larry the Cable Guy.
This is what happens when 100% of your politics from your Facebook news feed, CNN, and Huffington Post.
Education system dominated by marxists.
Because we legitimately got bamboozled by our party, just like you guys did during Obama's administration. We're fucking done now. We're ready to burn the motherfucker down and build something better on the ashes.
They can't comprehend why so many "hicks" would vote for Trump.
It's not even in the scope of their worldview.
They haven't realized that when they alienate people from their cause that the people actually bother to switch sides. For some reason they seem to think that when they shame the shit out of people, that the people who they shame/attack will become either more liberal, or at least stay as liberal as they were.
They have no idea of the concept of 'making more with honey'.
Liberals have discovered how loud you yell you are still only 1 vote.
They're too well-conditioned
They can't break it like we can, and that makes them afraid
alot of people are brainless and need a papa to teach them how to think/act
One conversation with my friends on facebook and I can see who only watches CNN (or shit that is regurgitated from CNN) and who actually looks for different sources
that thing is hideous
Because it's such a collosal mismatch on paper. Experienced career politician vs political outsider. They didn't think losing was ever a possibility. They felt like they had the moral high ground and they felt like their views represented the views of the average American. Plus to some of these sheltered idiots, this is their first true real taste of the real world.
It wasn't a landslide. Nixon's re-election was a landslide.
Good luck noguns.
>Get your news from leftist comedians that mug the camera and go on 20 minute rants about how absurd rump is
>Eat up tumblr echochamber shit about how Trump will concentration camp LGBTQLMNOP@(attackhelicopter)+ people
It's a recipe for delusion. Even I make sure to get varied opinions and get outside my comfort zones just to see what everyone is saying, and I'm a fucking leaf.
echo chamber and entitlement. their entire bubble has popped. let them get upset and show off how the 'holier' fall for barbarism when they don't get what they want. they'll settle down unless this attention upon them continues, or at least until the police are called.
When you live in a bubble it's very shocking when someone bursts it.
If you can convince yourself that a man is a woman, you can believe anything.
The media told them they'd never lose again after Obama and kept telling them this all the way until election night.
losing by more than 30 ev is a landslide, sorry that California beaners' votes don't mean anything but you got thrashed
The campaigns are not run to target popular vote.
>Hillary won the popular vote
They have no opinions of their own, everything they believe has been curated by someone else. It's painfully obvious when you speak to them.
In this case the media was telling them that "Hillary doesn't even think about Trump anymore", and that she was 6+ points ahead in every poll, so of course they're shocked.
They've been smelling their own farts for so long they genuinely can't conceive anyone entertaining different opinions. Would could possibly vote for Trump knowing he's literally Hitler, amirite guise ?
>calling the popular vote
>92% reporting
>military vote still not counted
Fair wnough, it was an electoral landslode
Because all the liberal polls, liberal pundits and their liberal friends told them Trump was going to lose.
How does that work ? Do they stop reporting vote counts when there are enough to say who won ?
We need religion (Christianity) back
>you got thrashed
I voted for Trump in PA, but at least I recognize that securing the popular vote would have further legitimized his victory. Now there will be even more calls to end the Electoral College.
>losing by more than 30 ev is a landslide
I guess every election apart from 2000 has been a landslide
Everyone's progun when their back is against the wall.
If we're going by the number of states won, it was indeed a landslide. However, going by actual votes cast, it was not a landslide, as Trump, by-and-large, won his states by razor-thin margins (albeit winning the entire states thanks to our winner-take-all system), and he outright lost the popular vote to Hillary.
It is a joke, but I'd rather Trump or the Cable guy over 4 years of these fucking annoying social justice brats who won't stop whining. Every fucking day they complain about something new. It's a miracle that they haven't been killed yet. I'm not saying that as a threat, it's just that in a normal country most people would've retaliated against them by now because these idiots even impede businesses with their incessant whining..
They won't get it anyway.
>Why is the left so surprised that Trump won by a landslide?
Because a bunch of people stayed home assuming Trump would lose or didn't care. He didn't actually turn more people out; she failed to get anyone to show up.
ALL of the media was on her side, she spend 88 millions in Florida alone. She spend tens of millions on trolls to brigang the internet. They called him everything from racist to rapist. Let all of that sink in for a moment.
They did all these things, they played all their tricks, spend insane ammounts of money and bombarded wider society with it for over a year and they still lost. Given all of this, it's a landslide. If even a handful of media had properly reported on her, she'd not even getting a fraction of the votes she has.
This. They spent so much of their energy trying to convince themselves, and each other, that they have a common enemy in the white man. But they never thought the white man would hear it, they never thought he would actually fight back... and now they are learning there is a damn good reason the white man rules the world.
The ones who aren't completely hopeless will eventually wake up to the idea that Clinton lost the election by being a lying shitbag. The defensive blaming of third party voters just shows how delusional and out of touch they are. If they were actually so upset they would be talking about moving to Ohio, Florida, and Pennsylvania, not fucking Canada. They are lazy worthless parasites.
It was rigged to favor Hillary from the beginning. The powers that be paved the way for her nomination and set up Trump as a (or so they thought) easy win. This the media were given orders to literally describe Trump as the unholy spawn of Satan and Hitler. Leftists bought into it hardcore, but when the plan went awry and people actually voted in who they think to be the reincarnation of Satan, they don't know how to react. It doesn't help that this is the pussy generation that gets a pat on the back for tying their own shoelaces.
So they just found out they are on the wrong side history, and that everything they have thought up until now has been a lie. Right now they're going through the 5 stages of grief, and they're somewhere between denial and anger.
My sister told me there was going to be a Clinton Landslide and that to assume he loses because of rigging is dumb.
Even on election night she thought it wasn't going to be close and she was wrong as fuck.
I hate smug liberals.
1. They thought the Bush Presidency was so bad and unpopular that no Republican would ever win again.
2. They thought the Obama Presidency was transcendent, solidifying the Democrat hold on the White House.
3. They stay cloistered in their hugbox echo chambers, both online and in real life. They were either ignorant to, or simply refused to acknowledge opposing points of view.
fpbp checked
I don't know why you need to spend a whole bunch of time dwelling on it after you've confirmed that either party has enough to win.
Because they literally live in echo-chambers.
Everybody trashing and demonizing Trump on their facebook feed, at home, at college, on tumblr, liberal blogs, MSM, etc.
Never crossed their mind that those "racist, xenophobic, misogynist, nazi bigoted Trump supporters" that seemed so far away, so distant, from the safety of their social circles, could be their neighbors, cousins, classmates and many others so close to them, and that would have never supported Trump if it wasn't for their sick bullshit.
This is a pretty good summation of the problem. It's a long running psychological operation and it is starting to backfire on "progressives."
this wasn't a landslide, but it was definitely a solid win.
The only landslide in recent history was 2008.
365 to 173 is a monumental landslide. 300 to 240 (or whatever it is) isn't really one.
Cucks gonna git cuckd
Have some OC
That's a pretty huge margin considering the narrative leading up to the election.
Look, they were promised victory since Bernie "stepped down". They could not fathom that there might be a loss. Also sjw in Op's post is absolutely disgusting.
It's hard to blame these guys from just doing their jobs though.
They used advanced and exit polls to justify their margins (clinton winning +X%) because in every other election before this one, advanced and exit polls were mostly reliable and ended up being more or less true to what the final result is.
It's difficult to blame them for thinking that something that happened for many elections in a row would happen again, it's just that this election behaved differently from the others because of the way trump voters acted towards polls. In the end, it now means that these types of polls will be regarded with less accuracy going forward.
lol how bad did Las Vegas get raped?
They lived in a safe space detached from reality.
Deus Vult
The media tells them Hillary gonna win.
>dat goku
Kekd the hardest i have kekd in a long time
>But they never thought the white man would hear it, they never thought he would actually fight back... and now they are learning there is a damn good reason the white man rules the world.
You just defined the entire conservative revival
SJW'ism tried to replace Christianity but Christianity is coming back to replace their pseudo morality with real morality
Because liberal shitbags have proclaimed to the world that they are the only ones allowed to say their opinions or express their emotions on any controversial issue. They drove all opposition underground and let it fester.
They're still fucking doing it. They're screaming that anyone who voted Trump should be ashamed of themselves, etc. So it's going to happen again in 4 years.
>Liberal shitbag gets his way and gets to fuck little kids in the ass
>99% of media is HOORAY!!! FINALLY!!! WE HAVE OUR RIGHTS!!!!
>1% of media: "Inside the minds of The EVIL, SADISTIC, FEARMONGERS that OPPOSED gays being allowed to fuck kids under 12 years old!"
>Liberal shitbag gets a law passed against his degeneracy