>i need this to defend against home invaders
No, you don't. Anything bigger than a pistol should be banned.
I need this to defend against home invaders
The second amendment says nothing about home defense.
Esquerdinha de merda.
There's that word again.
Since you are so hellbent on taking my guns, I need something bigger than a pistol.
>muh Bill of Needs
You're retarded. No one has ever said you need a sniper rifle for home invasions. Sniper rifles are for sport or hunting and it's you're right to have them regardless of any reason you monkey fucker.
No, you would need that for taking down fascist military vehicles. An AR-15 or shotgun is better for home defense. I'd think you would know more about guns since your favelas are overflowing with monkeys carrying military grade weaponry.
you don't need a chair to make that post
ban chairs
Fuck off, we Trumpnation now.
Ops a faggot (classic)
How is the gun ban working for you in Brazil, retard?
This shit is fucking us up, americans are doing fine without it and you want them to have a gun ban too?
What is wrong with you?
Tell me all the people who have been murdered by that weapon on American soil.
Pro-tip, it's zero. Shooting is a hobby. And owning big expensive guns is part of that hobby.
Now kys.
Who is saying that's for a home invasion you dumb Greenfag.
It's against a government uprising, you dumb fuck.
That's why Brazil is never going to be a good country, you just have dumb people. Jesus.
>No, you don't. Anything bigger than a pistol should be banned.
You are aware something like 95% of gun related deaths in the US are caused by handguns right?
If a firearm has to be banned it's the small and easy to conceal ones, because those are the ones that are used for illicit purposes by criminals.
pistols are the really hard to get ones though.
You don't NEED a dildo either, but here we are with faggoty op shoving things into his ass again.
Fuck you nigger, id buy a fucking tank if i could
Nice one huehue bro. Especially seeing as how gun control put hardware like that into the hands of favela faggots in your shit box country.
10/10 bait, got me to reply
The whole point of the second amendment is so that citizens can fight against the government if it becomes tyrannical.
Banning something does not work, only law abiding citizens are affected.
Anything with "HUEHAUEHAUEHUAHEUHAEUAHEUHAE" in its vocabulary should be banned.
I thought it was to keep militias at the same standards as the army, to help fight against invaders?
You probably do need it in that favela you live in jungle monkey de Silva
It's literally none of your fucking business.
You're a hue monkey shiskin. The internet is a White man thing. Now fuck off.
I dunno man, it depends on how you enforce it.
You flips know this better than anyone considering what your lad Duterte is doing to the degenerate druggies and the drug trade in your country.
You say I don't need that?
come and take it
Sure, come take it you kike cunt.
Suck a dick chimp, you should be focused on how terrible HueHueLand is rather than shitposting.
HUEHUEHUE tranny faggot
I hope you have to fight off 5 favela rats with FALs one day with a 9mm handgun. Your last conscious moments will be realizing how retarded you are.
And what if there are Brutes at the opposite end of my futuristic mining compound shooting grenades at me? What if the Elites try to make a landing? How will I make Grunts heads burst in a rainbow of confetti?
Invading the US is very difficult due to oceans on both sides and friendly countries to the north and south.
In the earliest time of the US after the revolution that might have been the case, but the colonies were looking out for internal subversion by foreign governments as well as outside attack.
they still had a british colony to the north and mexicans to the south.
Are you going to volunteer in the police/security force that will be needed to take them? Are you going to be in the stacks, kicking in doors?
No you won't be. That's because you're a coward