Are Israelis bro-tier?

Are Israelis bro-tier?

Yes goy. Of course.

Yes. Israeli's have and always will be fucking bros.

they will be beside the Emperor and putin putting Soros, fake satanic jews and muslims to the sword.

israel is an anti-globalist force due to their extreme nationalism, so yes. They are friends.

The problem is Sup Forums cant distinguish between jews, jews, and jews. This is because the jews have craftily and successfully convinced people that jews are jews, jews are jews, and jews are jews. Sup Forums bought it hook line and sinker

No. The Jews are rivals to the West. While they do exhibit exceptional nationalism in Israel and can be used as an example, it should be noted to air on the side of caution. At the moment international Jewery and globalism is so big that it is easy to lose sight of the source problem.

I always use Israel in conversations to make a statement for the use of nationalism. Using their own tactics against them works.

jew are right, there are jews and jewsn and some jew would find very nice


What psychotropic drugs are you inhaling right now?


The enemy isn't "Jews" the enemy is globalism. Now Jews are dis-proportionally globalists, and this is because generations as a people without a nation creates an anti-nationalist culture, but the state of Israel itself is the cure to that problem.

Remember that Hitler's ACTUAL final solution wasn't genocide: the actual plan was to resettle Jews in a land they could call their own.

Yes. Sup Forums is the jews too.

Nah mate, you are all fucking cuts.

Either he really likes Trump or he can fake a smile really well

Only Sikh Israelis

only if they let us bomb arabs

when Hitler and Stalin both started their anti-Semitic policies, they started by not attacking Jews, but "rootless cosmopolitans". In the 1930's and 40's, there was nearly a 1:1 correlation between the two, but that is no longer the case, and people don't realize that




Israel is the most red pilled BASED nation around. Totally bro-tier.

No, they are Jews

>JIDF hasnt been seen in forever
>Trump wins
>JIDF rises from the shadows and tries to convince people they arent parasites
Reminder that kikes are enemies of the west and not to be tricked.

>the one civilized country in the Middle East
>not based

Bibi's voice is boss as fuck t b h

protip: it is
>to ERROR on the side of caution

trump is a jewish plant. better than saudi niggers at least

Yeah nah yeah.

hell, im israeli (unfortunatly) and i fucking love america, my country is socialist jew shithole

Israel crawls to literally everyone as long as they represent anti-muslim sentiments.

Yes but that doesn't mean we don't watch them like a hawk.

Doesn't Trump want Isreal to take over palestine? Because they should already.

>my country is socialist jew shithole
I don' think the average evangelical republican voter in lets say Oklahoma knows this.


They are the opposite of bro tier and I hope if they fuck around with our restoration of the west that we cut them the fuck off immediately.


You people have no clue whats going on here.

Russia and Israel are the key.

1. All Right Wing News from Fox and Murdoch are owned by Israel. Alex Jones is owned by a PARENT company in Israel.
Nearly all Alternative News is owned by Russian Interests. Alex Jones recieves MONEY from Russian Donors, some of his highest paying donations are Russian.

2. Russia is using Trump to attempt to convince him that they don't need to be in Syria and they can fight ISIS together.
ISIS is a weapon created by the U.S. to cause chaos on Irans Borders, and in Syria. It's a Wild Lion. They don't support it, but they need it.
Assad is willing to allow the Qatar-Iran Pipeline go through. This grants absolute access to Russia to take over the Middle Easts Oil enterprise. By 2025, the American Dollar will be half of it's value without a valid Energy Standard. This give Russia the upper-hand. It's why Israel switched sides, they wanted this too happen.

3. Trump is willing to pull NATO out of the European Region. Russia will take over Ukraine controlling all it's ports. That's why they want the Ukraine. They will have a superior naval dominance in Northern Europe and easier access to intimidate the rest of Europe.

4. Israel and Iran will but heads, but under a Russian alliance, there is one path to peace between the two nations.
Iran is a Russian puppet, and Israel has just allowed Russia to vassalize Israel.
5. Russia utitlized a Culture War in the Western World to distract Westerns from the Global Hemisphere. The common person doesn't grasp Global Economics whatsoever, because they have no clue how fragile it is.

TL;DR - America was out-fucking-played. And it's thanks to Sup Forums

No doubt when Trump enters the White House today, he'll be briefed on this, and HOPEFULLY he will realize the repurcussions of his promises. Or he may be to far gone believe in Russian lies. Or he works for Russia himself. Who fucking knows.
JIDF leave.

>This is because the jews have craftily and successfully convinced people that jews are jews, jews are jews, and jews are jews. Sup Forums bought it hook line and sinker
I actually LOLd irl. Ty.

To err on the side of caution

To err is human..

the country is being choked because religous fanatics control the goverment, and the PM bib doesnt want to fall from his chair, so he do what they says, the political system is fucked to the core. and ofcourse arabs who blindlessly complain on "occupation" like they could fucking control countrey by themselves that wont turn to rural part in afghanistan, and ofcourse there are even liberals who get brainwashed by US marxist liberal and try to bring their shit to here.
Israel is shit.

>Russia will take over Ukraine controlling all it's ports

And why would Russia willingly demonize itself and suffer massive sanctions for a handful of shitty ports?

If NATO stops trying to lure in Ukraine there is literally no reason for hostilities.

>Israel has just allowed Russia to vassalize Israel.

Thats not how Zionism works.

2/10 for effort.

You overrate russia's influence.

The ports are about expanding their naval range. Not about the PORTS themselves

And even that, YES. It's about the fucking ports.
Easier trade. They won't get Sanctions when they're unopposed to a Russian war machine.

Think for one second. You have no clue how global power structures work.

Shut the fuck up, idiot.

You don't have the """"influence"""" yet, but you will if Trump runs more than 2 years.

Russia only suffers now because of it's sanctions.
They would be lifted if you return Crimea to Ukraine, and remove Putin.
