>tfw when cities cucked your trump support
post your shitty cities fucking up your trump train
Tfw when cities cucked your trump support
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They tried to take Jax but those gosh darned back woods cousin fucking rednecks pulled through.
>Trump lost Minnesota by about 43,000 votes
>Egg McMuffin received over 53,000 votes in MN
This might be the one state that faggot actually ruined for Trump.
my sister voted gary johson
if we had less than half of each of those MN would have gone red
Oh, lando. You so crazy.
Fuckin dindus and libshits. Still blows my mind she won by ~1%
If these protests keep going I hope the niggers leave St.Paul and burn down Minneapolis.
Get them out of my city at least
>Omar "Suck A Cock Get The Glock" Mateen still wasn't enough to turn Orlando red
I can't believe the madman took Florida and then Pennsylvania
Clinton won MN by 1.4%.
Trump was closer to winning the state than any Republican since Reagan.
Trump had an absurd amount of support all over Minnesota, he turned the entire central and western columns of the state solid red where they had huge pockets of blue during Obama's runs.
Don't forget about Wisconsin and based Michigan.
Gas ruralfags.
>gas upstanding American citizens
Hi democrat
Seminole county (the little red one above Orlando) here. I was so terrified of our county going blue, it was very close.
Very nearly got cucked by the cities but we pulled through.
Based Jacksonville though
>unrelated: captcha is "finlandia open"
top kek
Onondaga county, Syracuse. Then again the cities are like mini detroits slightly better. Any place with population density above a certain point will go blue. Doesn't help that new York city liberals find their way up here. Might as well live in illinois
>the little red one above Orlando
you mean the hair?
No, you don't understand, it will be neat and tidy.
We start a war with Russia. America's missile defense system will just save cities. Finally the truly American majority will be free of a bunch of farmers with disproportionate political power.
Post pics of your sister. I live in SD so if she's cute we will start dating.
I already called dibs though. You just didn't heat me because we're so far away, but I said dibs.
>the rural population has too much power
>not the city dwellers
Enjoy lack of food and industrial goods (and water fot you Bayfags)
>megacity 1 is now becoming more liberal
Fucking Chicago man.
If you think that in the year of the lord 1960 + 56 a single nuclear missile would find its target on either side you are sorely deluded.
Post-nuclear warfare involves weapons you cannot even begin to fathom.
Who will feed you, faggot ?
thankfully the rest of the state picked up the ball for us retards
you guys are fucking weird