Why does trannies fear Trump so much?
Why does trannies fear Trump so much?
What a shitty support group.
Also, suicides amongst 'trans' 'people' is very high for good reason.
They are easily influenced, and very unloved. Slight to moderate spectrum
Imagine living years of your life being told to do something to yourself to sterilize yourself. Suddenly the narrative changes and everyone is asking why the fuck you would do that to your own body.
It's not like the damage can be undone so suicide is the only option
Weak people.
Unnatural hormone imbalance.
Also this
They were probably suicidal for years because of being trans (ie not well mentally) and all.
This was just an excuse to finally pull the trigger.
The fearmongering that Hillary supporters spread through the liberal echo chamber and the vice president'said odd beliefs ended up coming off as WE'RE GONNA SHOCK THE GAY OUT OF YOU FAGS AND MURDER MORE BLACK PEOPLE.
I'm literally shaking right now, I fear for my wife's son. I'm afraid of breakfast. I'm afraid of waking up. How do I as a parent tell my wife's child JESUS FUCKING SHUT THE FUCK UP.
The tranny fears the Trumpurai.
They should be cured of this disease, not getting told it's okay and be encouraged to spread it. Well, serves them right
they're misinformed. they sadly have been marginalized by a highly vocal minority to believe misrepresentation headlines, comments, and statements.
The jewish fuckers preying upon the mentally ill with this shit should be hanged.
Trans belong in a therapists office, not on pol. Gender dysphoria is the ultimate degeneracy. Go get some fucking help instead of annoying us with your shitposts
Can we give this thread a rest already? This same twitter screenshot has been constantly up on this board for like 24 hours
8 is a good start. Keep it up!
Apart from the fact that OP never happened, what this user said.
Especially the part about it being non-reversible. A lot of them only did it because they were constantly encouraged by their circlejerk but have never been 100% happy with it.
Any dissenting opinion could burst their delusion and bring the regret to the surface and there is just now way for them to ever fix this shit again.
And since they are already mentally unstable it doesn't take much more.
The whole tranny's fearing trump thing is sort of insane because he has supported LGBT from the beggining. It was one of the big things conservatives didn't like about him. Hell I didn't really like that he supported them (don't condemn them but don't SUPPORT them) yet he did and always said he did.
If this shows anything it just shows how brainwashed by our media these people are, to believe he hates gays and tranny's when in reality he has always supported them.
I don't mind his level of support for them.
Because instead of turning it into a national debate that goes on for 8 years and distracts from actual problems, he just does that shit in an afternoon and then goes back to actually important things.
because he said he doesn't care what bathroom they use and them having to make a decision for themselves is too overwhelming.
President Trump already giving us positive results from his election. 8 and hopefully more to go.
Trannies disgust me but Trump has been nothing but understanding of them. Fucking hell.
trannies fear him because sooner or later he's gonna grab them in the pussy in which they don't have one.
Trump will then rage in all his might then sue them for fraud.
more or less
Trannies are just looking for any excuse to kill themselves. Though it's not a bad time to do it, we're in the darkest timeline possible. Nuclear War is imminent.
they were just looking for an excuse anyways
I don't. Not that I'm a US citizen, but I still wouldn't if I were.
Idk why the fuck other trannies would commit suicide just because Trump is getting into office, before he's even done anything, though.
I don't like to say it but it sounds like they had severe psychological issues beyond just wanting to live as the opposite gender, and were just looking for an excuse to off themselves.
This might actually be good for the republicans. A big thing holding them back has always been the religious nutters subset on the fringe of the party screaming about unimportant shit like MUH GAYS MUH ABORTION and alienating lots of people.
Trump seems to basically not care on either, which will hopefully change the republican party.
Because of Pence.
Pence doesn't like fags
I don't. I kind of want to hug him.
They realized that they just cut off their dicks for a passing fad
Trump is literally the most pro-LGBT republican candidate in history.
>darkest timeline
More like dankest.
The future is bright.
Pence was picked specifically so liberals wouldn't try to take him down.
How ?
wasn't pence plan B because plan A missed his plane?
Mass hyperbole hysteria, its mostly encouraged by theirs peers sperging out of control.
With Trump as president Pence has basically no influence over his policies, however he does take over if Trump is killed, and that's a much worse deal for the liberals.
I've never heard of that, maybe "plan A" was even more extreme. Who knows.
Fags can't handle it
Wasn't there a whole story arc in this anime about Trump supporting LGBT out of nowhere? And then Bruce Jenner did a photo op in the bathroom of Trump Tower?
Does anyone else remember that episode?
Its Pence
>Why do mentally ill people fear trump so much?
and the answer is
they're mentally ill
Jesus grab the noose
I'm a tranny and I voted for trump all of these gen-z faggots just lapup twitter/fb libshit ideologue posts about how trump is a super villain and that he's going to revert marriage equality and breed anti-gay propaganda, even tho he is pro lgbt, and a social liberal I don't dislike Pence but I recognize his anti-lgbt views, however he is VP and I understand why trump chose him, and I don't think he would've won the election with any other VP.
Whatever. A lot of those trannies probably aren't even actually trannies. most of the reason the tranny bubble has become so big is because of depressed nu-males looking for an easier life while they project their conception of woman-hood onto themselves that is typically sexist; the "trannies" that claim they don't have dysphoria, the ones that like their body hair, the ones that "wanna grow their beard out one last time" I'm going on a tangent but, a lot of those people really hurt the actual transsexuals that need mental help like me.
I've had a massive boner since Trump won Florida.
Should I go see a doctor or is this the normal effect of a trump presidency?
why do even people care about people being anti-lgbt?
lgbt is the worst cancer to ever exist, normal people would never support that bullshit
t. a huge homo
I'm not just saying this to be snarky Sup Forumsish
I've always noticed Trannies are extremely dramatic.
I think they take the emotionalism of women and exaggerate it to a caricature …in the same way they overdo the make-up and high heels to be an over-the-top impression of femininity
I don't know if it is a part of their nature or culture, but that's what I see anyway.
I think they're more concerned about Pence than Trump.
8 trans youth?!?! What a loss to American society.
How will America ever recover?
Enough already.
have you tried grabbing any women by the pussy?
only 8? looks like its down by 10 from last week
They would have comitted sucide sooner or later anyway
No, but I heard that is legal and mandatory now.
Does this apply worldwide or just america?
Stay strong senpai
Live your life via Social Media with other mentally ill people
Suddenly Tumblr is telling you Trump is going to send out Death Squads and deport all non whites and you think its true
trump needs to replace obama, then it will be legal everywhere
it's a completely unjustified fear
They don't fear shit, they have their scapegoat now for their fucked up lives.
good to know
I'll make a list of the ones I want to grab by the pussy and get ready for inauguration day
This. It's propaganda 101:
>Give people something to fear
>Tell them that you're the only one that can protect them from it
The machine told them that blacks, gays, trans, Mexicans were all going to die if Trump gets elected and voting for Hillary would prevent that.
On the flip side, Trump did the same thing.
>Mexicans r taking ur jerbs,
>Chiyna is taking your jobs
>the swamp is rotted
>Hillary's coming for your guns
>voting for me is the only way to stop it
It's Machiavelli.
i dont get that one either. in no way has he ever threatened lgbtq rights. or transgenders....or has he?
It's because of Mike "Kill all the trannies" Pence
>Why do people with mental illness act irrationally
>private support group
Credible source. Also their lives would have been just as shitty with either of the presidents.
Keep your head up
Weak people are weak and strong people are strong
Following the demise of the cunt, they'll have to resort to michael obongo, a niggering shemale.
And that'll prove to erryone they're all mentally ill.
They can't have that, so they're flipping their shit.
Nah he doesen't care. If people are really killing themselves over Trump winning then blood is on liberal hands. They made it trendy to think it's the end of the world even though everything will stay pretty much the same.
fucking losers. If Hilldawg won, we'd just keep making memes and continue on. I'd feel sorry for them, but I've got my hands full making America great again.
>why do even people care about people being anti-lgbt?
it's because people are selfish and self centered and people really like to breed their own fears, they have a singular narrative in their head and refuse to listen to others because "they don't understand" it, but this just breeds ignorance and halts critical discussion due to them demonizing the other side and not listening to their ideas and thoughts, never letting scrutinization take place. The homosexual community is a statistical anomaly compared to the population, and transsexuals are an even smaller anomaly, so it doesn't really make any sense to especially pass specific legislature for them. When I was younger I really opposed the evangelicals that constantly denounced homosexuality in that they were imposing on social freedom, but these days I see a lot of the exploitation and ill-will in a lot of homosexuals or homosexual circles, the way they encompass certain practices and the like and how 'don't ask don't tell' and other methods let homosexuals thrive just fine, while also defending against the impending "growing" of the lgbt community which doesn't really stand for much these days, and if you want my opinion I think the Gay community was more or less used as a vehicle to push for all of the other bullshit, exploited even. Just as an aside I went to a support group one time, everyone there was really fucking weird, had very skewed views and perpetuated hate and white-misandry worse than some neo-nazis depict faggots or minorities. It really feels like a horseshoe and I don't really think we should ever pass identity politics related legislature to begin with, but passing it regarding people that make up well than less of 3%> is just completely asinine.
So I think they have a 'us or them' mentality, they have this idea that everyone that opposes lgbt rights wants to burn and murder faggots or something, when a lot of people just dont want it shoved in their face, because it IS weird.
>Why does trannies fear Trump so much?
Because they finally found someone who disgusts them more than themselves.
>boy feels he should've born a girl
>would probably accept his body eventually, especially if he's doing boyish things
>doctors pump him full of hormones
>cut his dick off
>brainwash him into believing he's a girl now
>kills himself when he realizes he isn't one
I'm sure in 30 years we're gonna look at this shit as we look at lobotomy today.
They're unstable and taught to embrace their mental illnesses. They commit suicide on the reg, you may as well blame Trump every time a lemming lands on a rock.
They are unstable.
but Trump doesn't hate trannies, the liberal muzzies do. wtf.
fucking nothing
there are about 30000 suicides per year in the US, makes bit more than 80 per day.
those 8 trans killing themselves is just klickbait
I really don't know. Trump hasn't said anything about trans people as far as I'm aware. He doesn't give a shit, and basically nothing is going to change for them.
And yet now they're killing themselves and going on about how they don't have a place to exist anymore because America thinks they're second class citizens because Trump won?
I can only assume it's some kind of whacky SJW/liberal/Hillary misinformation and propaganda.
Agreed, the PC left pushing this whole demonizing, us-vs-them, pro-censorship rhetoric REALLY needs to go
OP's image is just a rumor, likely spawned out of this mass post-election hysteria. The 'support group' in question is never named nor was any confirmation ever provided.
>Just 8
Well, it's something, but...
Fuck it, noice!
that sounds too true
surely the better route would be a brain transplant so you'd ACTUALLY be a girl, which is showing some promise
Thanks friends, I'm pretty surprised people just didn't call me an attention-whoring faggot. I'll probably never transition because its just asinine, but the feelings are there, and I watch people support things like informed consent clinics and complain about needing a few months of therapy to receive hormones that completely and can very much permanently change you, I can only think "what the fuck are these people thinking" since I've been thru 9 months of therapy and a lot of issues can be talked out or discussed, but these people just want to chase a dream. a mirage, their personalized idealization. It's really creepy and its one of the big reasons I distance myself from the movement.
It is truly hysteric, isn't it? Even casting all of the illegitimate band-wagoners aside that want a piece of the 'female' pie, You are at best trading your life for 15 'good' 'non dysphoric' years of life, assuming you started in your late teens at best. That is the absolute best scenario. People live 70+ years. That alone shows you how illogical it all is, how "me me me" and "give me now" it is, how self centered it all is. SRS has always been a terrible thing, hormone therapy and the sterilization is really terrible as well. But this is ignoring all of the facts that as a transsexual you'll never have Fallopian tubes, you'll never have ovaries, you'll never have a uterus, you'll never have a female reproductive system, or even the same skeletal form, correctly developed breasts and breast tissue, I could go on These are all things pretty integral to being a woman, and creating a wound cavity and making your skin softer isn't really going to make you feel like a woman for very long, and I think a lot of them realize this when they click to 30+ and they quit riding the high of being a sorta-moderately-attractive feminine figure in a society that idealizes feminization (at least this is how it feels in the media) to begin with.
>brain transplant
Does this let me take over someone else's body? Cause that'd be fuckin rad.
Some comment he was pressured to make on FADA
Cuz he would grab them by the pussy and find out it wasnt pussy.
>why do the mentally ill have irrational paranoia?
Gee, I don't know.
I chuckled
He's not wrong that LGBT has been freaking the fuck out. I guess maybe they kind of sort of have a point with Pence's conversion therapy shit? But nothing is going to come of that. And Trump doesn't really give a shit about gays.
I kind of feel bad for them. They've been brainwashed by regressive marxists, and they don't even know it.
Like how do you not literally shake after reading this headline!
> People suicide because a candidate they didn't like got elected president
> No, said people are not mentally unstable
> So much happiness for nothing
Trannies have a special snowflake complex combined with a victim complex. They're exactly like jews...
They think a shoah is around the corner everyday now and all their writings reflect this mental illness just like the jews have a thousand myths about holocausts from egypt to germany in their religious texts
>Why does trannies fear Trump so much?
mentally ill attention whoring
the election was really about mentally ill men in womens clothes just no one knew
This nigga gets it desu senpai
>They should be cured of this disease, not getting told it's okay and be encouraged to spread it.
> tear
They read like the death throes of a deluded tyrant desparately trying to cling to his stranglehold on a country.
If only it were actually dying.
>Trannies are just looking for any excuse to kill themselves.
Their entire lifestyle is allowed to happen because of cultural Marxism.
You don't see Peter Thiel having issues being a gay man and not a complete faggot.
Your point?