Encourage their meltdown

Trump won partially due to how insufferable millennial SJW types have become. IMO we encourage their tantrum on social media. The more they double down on this shit IMMEDIATELY after many many people are happy of a Trump victory, the divide grows.

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I think that "Love Trumps Hate" slogan is hilarious...

Are SJW's even capable of any emotion other than hate?

Fear, irrationality, paranoia, but yes hate is their primary programming

Love Trump's Hate.

It's time for Trump supporters to start using Love Trumps Hate. It's the stupidest slogan in all of political history because it is so bidirectional and builds name recognition for your opponent.

We should put up huge statues on the mall of Carl the Cuck and Zoe Quinn's pussy to commemorate their contributions to the Golden Age of American democracy.

i love trump's hat too

Actually, isn't that why Trump won?

Because Trumps love of America trumped hillaries hate?

>i love trump's hat too

IT is a nice hat.

It's time to antagonize the living fuck out of these people.

LOL, she tried out for Suicide Girls at one point? Or is that just a lookalike

New Orleans

If they didn't want trump, they should have got off their asses and voted, only 50 percent of the population voted

T. Clinton voter

Making fun of them has gone really well for me on other sites. Converting people even.

And it is causing people like Van Jones and hysterical CNN protestor to double down on theatrics.
>I know a lot of you are saying my feelings aren't a big deal
>but they are

I honestly thought that if trump won, liberals would do some real introspection and challenge their conceptions about trump
But no, they just doubled-down on saying trump is racist

Having any expectations of liberals was your first mistake

i agree, mybe we can even get some of them killed, one can only hope. go forth and do this

Fanatical layabouts are only a characterization, just like that racist trump character.

It's weak liberal shit, in my opinion.

A better slogan would be something along the lines of "string him up", "bash the fash" "hate trumps hatE" etc.

Remind them that if Clinton won the electoral college but not the popular vote, they'd be rubbing the impending Clinton presidency in our faces.

hmmm, how to best stoke the flames ?

Give them the shovel to bury themselves. I like it OP
