>(((Jared Kushner))) - main advisor
>(((Jason Greenblatt))) - chief financial officer Trump Organization
>(((Sheldon Adelson))) - main kike lobbyst in the US
>(((David Friedman))) - Lawyer while undergoing Atlantic City failures
>(((Michael Abboud))) - chief PR
>(((Lewis Eisenberg))) - Trump Victory Committee President
>(((Elliot Broidy))) - Trump Victory Committee Vice President
>(((Samuel Fox))) - Trump Victory Committee Vice President
>(((Michael Cohen))) - Trump Organization VP
>(((Alan Garten))) - Trump Organization VP
>(((Lawrence Glick))) - Trump Organization VP
>(((Michael Dezer ))) - Trump partner
>(((Gil Dezer))) - Trump partner
>(((Stephen Feinberg))) - Trump Economic Advisory Council member
>(((Paul Achleitner))) - Trump donor
>(((Carl Icahn))) - main Trump donor
>(((Wilbur Ross))) - main Trump donor
>(((John Paulson))) - main Trump donor
>(((Stephen Wynn))) - main Trump donor
literally a kikes' puppet
>inb4 we always knew
>urr durr ctr get out
>implying there is anything wrong with jews
funny how this thread get slided to page 5 in less than a minute
tipical jew lie to hide their real intention
good job kikes' shill, now go back in the oven
>>All jews are bad meme
>>Italian flag
Trump said from the beginning that he let's men wearing yarmulkes handle his financial affairs
What does (((username))) mean?
>financial affairs
>(((Michael Abboud))) - chief PR
>(((Lewis Eisenberg))) - Trump Victory Committee President
>(((Elliot Broidy))) - Trump Victory Committee Vice President
>(((Samuel Fox))) - Trump Victory Committee Vice President
means trump is a kikes' puppet and /pol ogot literally used by kikes in order to further their agenda, which makes /polacks literal goys (cattles/goats)
forgot pic
this is something worth sorting out
Gee I wonder (((who))) could be behind these posts
This is the second thread getting pushed to last pages in less than 1 minute
Maybe it's bc no one is interested in it.
Adelson also lobby to stop internet gambling so people will go to his Casino. Who else has a Casino?
Say goodbye to betting for Trump on 2020
Trump knows how to outjew the jew. Read the Art of the Deal.
u-uh drumpfkin here, he is just trying to uhhh get a chance because the votes are rigged by the jews so he had to improve relations with jews to win the election
Donald Trump is indeed a Jewish puppet. A zionist kike tool. But this Sup Forums and the other one don't accept this yet. I'm not sure why, but the evidence is there for all to see.
fucking kike mods
OP buddy, every damn candidate. What makes trump so special is that you might not expect it I suppose?
But every
You people have no clue whats going on here.
Russia and Israel are the key.
1. All Right Wing News from Fox and Murdoch are owned by Israel. Alex Jones is owned by a PARENT company in Israel.
Nearly all Alternative News is owned by Russian Interests. Alex Jones recieves MONEY from Russian Donors, some of his highest paying donations are Russian.
2. Russia is using Trump to attempt to convince him that they don't need to be in Syria and they can fight ISIS together.
ISIS is a weapon created by the U.S. to cause chaos on Irans Borders, and in Syria. It's a Wild Lion. They don't support it, but they need it.
Assad is willing to allow the Qatar-Iran Pipeline go through. This grants absolute access to Russia to take over the Middle Easts Oil enterprise. By 2025, the American Dollar will be half of it's value without a valid Energy Standard. This give Russia the upper-hand. It's why Israel switched sides, they wanted this too happen.
3. Trump is willing to pull NATO out of the European Region. Russia will take over Ukraine controlling all it's ports. That's why they want the Ukraine. They will have a superior naval dominance in Northern Europe and easier access to intimidate the rest of Europe.
4. Israel and Iran will but heads, but under a Russian alliance, there is one path to peace between the two nations.
Iran is a Russian puppet, and Israel has just allowed Russia to vassalize Israel.
5. Russia utitlized a Culture War in the Western World to distract Westerns from the Global Hemisphere. The common person doesn't grasp Global Economics whatsoever, because they have no clue how fragile it is.
TL;DR - America was out-fucking-played. And it's thanks to Sup Forums
No doubt when Trump enters the White House today, he'll be briefed on this, and HOPEFULLY he will realize the repurcussions of his promises. Or he may be to far gone believe in Russian lies. Or he works for Russia himself. Who fucking knows.
JIDF leave.
the fucking mods are pushing these threads into oblivion
Trump wasn't the end all be all. He's only the first stepping stone to take the white world back.
As a person of jewish heritage, I love this post.
well sayid goi
hillary was right it was the russians the whole time holy shit
How do you make sure you always win ?
It is simple. You just have to have control of all sides of the dispute.
so this is what CTR will be doing for the next 70 days
It's almost as if Jews are individuals.... who belong to a group.
If I was Italian, I'd be worried about what they did to the Orthodox Jews in the past......
Maybe nobody actually cares about your dumb thread.
Trump's Jewish ties have long been known. There was never a non-Jewish option.
What matters are the promises Trump made and the direction his candidacy took normie perception.
Yeah after over a year of Trump flexing his cock, he's just going to start bending over to Russia and Israe and let them buttfuck the US.
I thought you fucking Canadian cuck fucks would leave after the election. You make me sick.
>take the white world back.
sure, kikes will literally elect someone they don't 100% have under control? wtf is wrong with you?
You cannot bump your own threads dumbass
And it WAS known he always had jewish friends and ties you newnigger, we got threads spammed for days about the issue
Same shit happens in Mexico all the time and I don't see your sweaty panties in a bunch over that.
If you think it was the kikes that elected Trump you're retarded.
Vermont is like 100% Jewish and so is Massachusetts. Look how they voted.
back in the oven, oven dodger
I didn't want Hillary, I wanted Jim Webb.
That's why Obama re-enacted Operation Mockingbird during this campaign, there was an interior crisis.
But that was a wet dream due to the WOMAN vote.
But she wasn't wrong and neither is the rest of the world.
The only way you can defeat Russia now is by creating a renewable energy source (Nuclear Fission Batteries and Power Plants) or Trump WAKES UP.
The latter is undeniably impossible, and the former is... well... let's hope the FBI Vault leaks give Elon Musk an idea like it was intended to do.
Remember, everything is a LIE, nothing is CERTAIN
There is literally nothing wrong with being Jewish
nice try jidf
how is that an issue holland with poop in the middle?
You are really believing the lie that we are all just plain and simple racists and also stupid right, you fuckin "hill"billy
bump for truth
trump is literally an unwitting kremlin/mossad plant
the greatest feat of spycraft in the history of mankind
can you imagine maneuvering an agent into the top position of your biggest rival? it sounds like fiction yet putin did it
Just give us the citations already m8.
So? Have any of these people done anything communistic? Is this going anywhere?
So what?
Here on /pol we love jews.
For free
Trump wants ex-Goldman partner Mnuchin to run U.S. Treasury
Literally a puppet
>The Argentinian city of Paraguay
>Trump wants ex-Goldman partner Mnuchin to run U.S. Treasury
lmao well done Sup Forums
Hitler had a lot of jewish peers in his party
You speak for yourself.
I'm not Jewish and I voted for Trump. His Jewish ties have been known from the start and that does not detract from what he is trying to do, or what he has accomplished. You're an enormous idiot and probably a paid shill.
Reminder that threads like these and "X for 2020" are meant to demoralize and divide Sup Forums in advance. Sage and ignore.
nice try jidf
Call of Duty: Fear of Jews
>Remember, everything is a LIE, nothing is CERTAIN
Except for your shitposting
He's their puppet.
I'm not with CTR.
Watch for James Comey later next week, Trump is fucked.
It's called Global Strategy. You wouldn't grasp it because you don't understand politics. You're warped in the world that everything is BLACK and WHITE, when it's really just grey.
You're on a team, you have no choice, you're born into it. You switch, you are a weakness, you stay, you better bolden your grown.
I'm sure someone who hates Jews and doesn't have any Jewish connections will be allowed to run for President in 2020.
Not all jews are evil user.
Let's see what he actually accomplishes. Then we'll know if he's pro white or not.
Remember Hitler's driver was jewish.
We are the jews now, so it's fine :^)
you must be new here
>Remember Hitler's driver was jewish.
He'd have won the war with a white driver.
This thread is making me nervous. Was it all for naught, lads?
>main trump donor , main trump donor , main trump donor
Wasn't it said that he wasn't into lobbyism?
Trump was most pro-Jewish candidate. This has been obvious for months.
a "I am a cuck and I will get fucked by kikes till I die" episode
Trump, a self made billionaire who self funded more of his campaign than any candidate in history, is a Russian puppet all because he wants to get along with Russia.
Russia, and by extension Putin, is our greatest ally. They exposed massive corruption in our government and in the Clinton foundation. We owe Russia a huge thanks.
lol ctr plz
israel has always been a wild card, and has always had usa on a leash... and now its supposed to be bad for usa? how come usa has survived all these years as such?
in fact the idea of usa's hegemony as is, as something worth preserving would only work toward kike goals, because theyve already been IN for a long time
trump has to stand back and reorganize foreign policy in order to plan an hegemony that serves usa's itnerests, not israel, his plans are spot on
Thanks for the tip m8. I'm going to vote for Hillary now.
Thanks for visiting octo chan.
But here in this board, shit moves quite fast unlike your home board which has a post every 15 minutes or so. Though your paranoia is funny, it's unwarranted. Here's a bump and a (You), potato nigger. I'm sure you'll create 8 more of these threads today.
I like where things are going. So long as Sup Forums remains influential I bet it'll be only harder for jews to run for elected anything.
>implying jews cant be conservative
>implying there is anything wrong with jews
I'm new someone explain the context of (((these))) pls
fucking google you kangaroo....pol have been the biggest kikes' puppet manouvre since ever.
>shit moves quite fast
Especially if you're a mart sharter.
Have the kikes taken over this site????
What's with all the fucking jailbait ads???????.
And the Captcha was pizza ..wtf
I remember after I went through family trauma, my shrink was a kike. She was a conservative, and she supported Trump.
Our enemies are the zionists and globalists. We can't hate someone simply for the way they were born. Well unless they're niggers. Lol.
United States of Kikes
russia now 3rd world country, all intstitut dead, no laws,no judge , dead place. this shit can not do enything.
so trump is owned and controlled by jews, while actively fighting against other jews who have been rallying against him for the past year? sounds like burgers are caught in a jewish civil war. we had one too - ended up killing 40 million :^)
>We can't hate someone simply for the way they were born. Well unless they're niggers.
Or women. Or liberals. Or gays. Or people who get laid.
>do any kind of business on a large scale
>don't hold your nose and interact with jews on a daily basis
Choose one, goyim.
We're gonna make Russia great again. Best ally. I love you. God bless.
They're fucking kikes
>nteract with jews
Interacting with them is one thing, but selling your own daughter to them?
Its too late to have regrets now. Just give him a chance and see how things go.
and still they fucked him for good, because they have no morals, no faith, no interest apart from killing all the goyms.it's like you kikes apologists don't stop shilling even in front of kikes' firing squads
>There was never a non-Jewish option
the only non-jew option was bernie. He didn't go to that kike ass kissing meeting
This. Don't you dare to name (((them))).