I'm indian and I hate niggers (I don't fall the black vs niggers meme), asians (CHING CHONG SMALL DICKK), hispanics (To an extent, although one of my best mate is Spanish) but I respect white people. Muslims are bad overall but most are pretty based.
Can I come live in the US? I'd love to work alongside white people.
White people are best race
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yeah whatever
this is a ivanka thread now
just stay where you are we appreciate the love though
As long as you can shit inside a toilet bowl, bathe the curry smell out of your skin every once in a while, and fill out the necessary paperwork to legally become a citizen then by all means come on over.
Rare fag
(I'm on mobile I don't know what your rainbow flag is)
But what would you say to a liberal if they confronted you about what you just said?
Her neck is so long holy shit
I know another Indian that thinks white people are the best.
Imagine how nice it would feel to slowly drape all ten of your fingers around it as she sneers at you for being irresistible but also poor as fuck.
Muslims are shit you retard
Are you hindu/sikh or one of those "indian muslims" that goes around burning the flag
Listen, Asians and Indians both aren't exactly known for our massive dongs.
Rare flag?
See what I'm saying, these smuggies are all used by fucking faggots who haven't been here even a year.
Its mauritius.
Use clover.
Fucking stupid retarded monkey
Ivanka is NOT white
She doesn't even have blue eyes
Also she's a Jew through her kathrrina Kober lineage
You're all retarded if you think that plastic khazarian freak is beautiful
Cannot unsee. Fuck.
>Brown eyes
The west doesn't need more racists like you.
If you think anyone here wants to breed with her you're just being a silly goosenheimer. Mostly everyone just wants to suck on her fake titties while she calls them a good boy over and over while stroking their leaky wieners.
Also Asians are better than you poo in loos by a mile
Who is this fluid druid?
So what? Women have longer necks than men. Long neck is a feminine trait.
t. Tyrone
Fuck off nigger. Indians (even the shit ones ) are more valuable than your entire race.
Get out.
indians are nice little ppl dont get enough respect
i've cum to ivanka every day since trump won. this will continue. that is all.
>face pulled back
>fake nose
>fake lips
>fake teeth
>fake tits
She's fucking gross m8
They found that India and Japan both used a swastika sometime in their past. Both are pretty based and tend to be more like us. I wonder if whites were there.
Yeah, man. Totally.
White person here, gonna set your delusional ass straight.
Here is the official list of minorities ranked according to how based they are:
White Tier
Ok Tier
Shit Tier
>Mixed-Race of any kind
Animal Tier
Insect Tier
Fish Tier
Sub-human Trash Tier:
So fuck off. We're full.
Oh I forgot sand niggers
They are in the same tier as fish
He doesn't want to move to your venomous penal colony.
Check the demographics of Australia compared to America, or the HDI
You are basically a 3rd world country
The second largest demographic of Australia is dog-sized spiders. Shut yo' mouf.
Toppest of keks
>most muslims are pretty based
Most muslims are pretty bad. I've worked with several and they steal and lie at work all the time, yet somehow still claim to be religious and praise the merciful allah even though they lie and steal and try to get people fired. Guess it depends on who you've met
So basically you're indian this guy?
>le aryan meme
every indo european is aryan by definition
if you believe that recesive genes matter, end your fucking life
You also forgot abos but maybe not since they don't even rank as animals.
Indians are weird in that they're the only non-white caucasians. (Maybe also Iranians?)
If you integrate and support keeping and maintaing a white majority, you're fine by me.
I almost reeeeeed
then I saw the flag
my god this show is so based
Holy shit behave yourself. This is one of those autistic things your gonna look back at and be like ''Was i really that cringe?''
You think she's a product of genetic engineering?
Like, she's far too beautiful to share half of Trumps genes
Or maybe Trump had a stud get his wife pregnant on the down low so he could claim he produced a perfect child?
I can't tell if you're retarded or not.
Good talk