Ban the degeneracy, Donald!
Yes please
I always thought he was a fraud, and no better than Hillary or any of them.
If he does this, I will eat my fucking words and he will go down as the single most "based" President in American history.
He must follow through on this, if the article is real and he actually promised it.
>Elizabeth King
it's a bad idea. If you dont like porn, don't watch it.
Have some self control
If you don't like pedophilia, don't watch cp
How could you ban porn? It's like a billion dollar industry.
I don't really care about people getting off on staged eroticism (i.e. porn) but I hope he does this just to assblast liberals even more.
I hope it would include furry porn. That'd be awesome to see the reactions of.
source: my ass
Literally saving the children. Based.
>government lets exhentai slip by cause they cant get past the panda
Humans are not good in nature. Degenerate.
Idgaf nigga it's trash and it's not the kind of people who you want making lots of money.
ban it..
for those that have no self control.
..pretty sure its an addictive habit
Based in Chicago therefore it's liberal media once again blowing it out of proportion
>We got to ban that pedo site exhentai, Donald!
>There you go again about your silly panda site. I'm not falling for it! Sad!
if you don't like murder, stop killing
>burger porn shot down
>the golden age of JAV begins
>SO lets try and control it
>ugly buck toothed JAV porn actresses
>mosaic censor ship
>old, fugly men
na, no thanks
Except in CP and murder someone gets the bad end of the stick and they cant even pick if they want it or not, porn is just a business where both sides agree to do something for money and isn't damaging to anyone.
The better question is iof Trump would replace meat with shit would Sup Forums agree with him or disagree.
This followed by an end to abortion and all things Poz is THE ONLY WAY to make America great again.
Once people start caring about virtue and duty instead of cummies then maybe they'll help their neighbors and we can get rid of welfare.
pls ban Sup Forums
Considering he showed up in softcore porn... yes this actually happened.
I think the best way of getting rid of the cancerous porn industry would be imposing psychological tests for the employment of actors. 90%+ of them would fail guaranteed. (((Porn producers))) would complain that this would ruin their business, but of course such a high number of people failing would prove how necessary those tests were to begin with.
How do you get past the panda? I've never been able to figure it out.
nice try trump
ask barron, he knows
>mfw drawn/animated porn is better anyway
The panda is it. Sickos just like to stare at it while pleasuring themselves.
"Porn isn't damaging to anyone" said the rat faced man as a drug addled 18 year old is sodomized on his computer's screen.
kek, he didn't even say this. he signed a pledge to prevent child pornography and the left are stirring shit up with faggy headlines
That article came from a parody site
I agree.
>Faggot libertarian
Let's make America Christian again
>let's pretend like we can change human nature with laws!
Found the fascist
cant argue that
> Normies will be forced to come to chans and beg for porn dumps
Go to g.e-hentai.org, the safe version of the site.
Make an account.
Get in good favor with the system.
While logged into to g.e-hentai, go to ex-hentai.
The site will detect your cookie from g.e-hentai and let you in.
I'll go ask him.
Porn is really bad. This do too bad things for nen like low testosterone, always tiredness and depression
Men* not nen
Bringing more people closer to Kek
Prostitution is illegal, porn is prostitution on tape. Again, he's just enforcing the law.
you idiots will literally defend anything this man does
wanking off is no different biologically than getting off to your dick in a hole. nofap is a meme
Google "TED porn"
Probably for the best desu
its going full circle, praise kek.
You just young. When you will be over 25 or 30 you will thing the same way just because will see and feel everything bu yourself.
I read that article when it was published, it's a complete fraud.
>make an account on forums.e-hentai.net
>go to exhentai while logged in
Fuck him if he bans Helixstudios
I asked him, he said he did not know what I was talking about and left to go to his room.
is that a guy or organization who makes money going around talking to people? because thats not the sort of person I trust on anything. may as well be selling books about UFO experiences
I've always had a thing for Princess Peach.
i k-know that feel
post some webms pls
You need Tor to find that kind of shit m8
And it's already illegal
This is a lie you christcuck
This will be good overall, because the common man lacks all self control.
>doesn't relies MAGA hentai contributed to his win
You can believe in whatever you want. But porn is like drugs. It make you addicted with consequences. Believe me i am now. I can not stop watching it every day and fap since 11 years old. Even i have girlfriends i fuck them and go to watch porn to fap after.
Why is it legal to watch people get murdered then?
are there actual erotic korean comic books that are unavailable elsewhere? the only motivation to register seems to be the fact that sometimes people link to it and you can't know what it is
It's usually stuff harder to find, a good portion of stuff is already on g.e-hentai but they don't allow the more extreme stuff on there, so you have to go exhentai.
>Ban the porn
>huge rise in sexual assault
Good job, Doland.
A literal non-issue. If you care about this, you need to reassess your priorities.
Porn will become contraband, better stock up on some hard drives boys.
Rare lewds for prime shekels
>porn gets banned
>everyone copes by having more sex
then the world will protest against him until he backs down, who cares about something that didnt happen yet
Yes. Destroy all forms of kike propaganda.
>when a feminist wants to ban porn
Stop hating freedom you feminazi!
>when Donald Trump wants to ban porn
Yay, stop the degeneracy Dahnald!
Yeah, yeah, Sup Forums is not one person, but still.
Fuck lol - this is just like that post-apocalyptic game, Lisa, where the currency is dirty magazines.
Except in this case we avoided the apocalypse
wouldn't that be a blast.
Jesus, it's retards like you with no self control the reason why we have so many laws and warning labels. Kill yourself.
>tfw Trump cleanses me of my degeneracy
I really hope he does this
that's so alt right look at those men going their own way
If he leaves my furry porn alone then he can go ahead and do this.
>in b4 "Sweden..."
Speak for yourself you normie hedonist fuck
> It's like a billion dollar Jewish industry.
I hope he will ban saudi donkey fuckers by a pretty big nuke.
I really hope he does. At a minimum, all of it should be behind a pay wall. It is pure cultural rot.
Yes please, every type of internet lewdness should be banned including fetishes
>no more BLACKED porn
He would be a madman for this.
Not to mention that if porn didn't exist or was a lot harder to find, then people (like me) wouldnt spend hours looking at stuff and actually be forced to go outside and meet women.
I suffer from extreme social anxiety and me never at all speaking to females during my teen years has turned me worse..
Honestly this is for the best. Just leave hentai as it harms nobody and relieves desires.
Don't forget the skinned-cat screaming.
One of the many heads of satan shall be cleaved off.
Hentai is a very serious psychological damaging porn because it is teaching your brain to only be attracted to cartoon characters.
I never understood why people would prefer non existent cartoon characters over a real female.
Once you go nico nii you never go back
You've probably never lived with a woman before. I almost went gay because of it.
This doesn't work though. I still have an account I created like three months ago. Logged into g.e-hentai.org, but sad panda never goes away. Cleared cookies and started fresh. This is fucking trash.
I've been in the site before a few years ago, but ever since like 2 years ago, I've never been able to get back in.
lol, good luck.
Good riddance.
masturbation is not the same as porn