Since Trump won, and I am soon to get deported (under DACA, undocumented) and a citizen of the EU, which European country could I move to?
Also, not willing to learn the language of the land.
Since Trump won, and I am soon to get deported (under DACA, undocumented) and a citizen of the EU, which European country could I move to?
Also, not willing to learn the language of the land.
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The Atlantic, you fucking bum.
The one in which you have citizenship. Having an EU passport doesn't actually entitle you to live anywhere except there, you know.
>Also, not willing to learn the language of the land.
stay wherever you are. you are not welcome in europe
>Also, not willing to learn the language of the land
you are commended to a great journey my libcuck friend
Funny because I'm a citizen of Poland. I speak Polish.
Poland is a cuck country though, that's why I left.
Where are you from and why did you immigrate illegally?
I hear germany is alright.
Trump won. You will be given a home in the least hospitable European country: Sweden.
Than Poland, any english speaking country, the netherlands and nordic countries.
But if you couldn't figure that out on your own you better try Africa. At least you could BLEACH them up a bit
Fuck off. Ireland is full faggot.
Currently live in NYC (Lived in US since I was 4, now 17)
Born in Poland
Why not just become a citizen of America, you fucking dimwit
The bottom of the ocean.
Then move to Poland, you fucking mong.
>now 17
enjoy your ban Geralt
Too much of a cuck country, I can't even squat anymore.
>Also, not willing to learn the language of the land
Then your choice is awfully limited.
I heard Sweden is a good choice, specifically Stockholm
So you wanna get through with english and a non-cucked country? That leaves only Switzerland
>Poland is a cuck country
As opposed to what, Sweden?
>now 17
most of the underage faggots at least are smart enough to say they're not
you can go to sweden, they'll take anyone in
Come to the Glorious Motherland, friend.
You could say that you're an american and everyone will literally suck your dick.
Also, no knowledge of russian language required - just vodka drinking skill.
mistyped age actually, born in 97'
Go back to your country.
they have sandniggers though.
Switzerland is filled with niggers, arabs and marxists.
You wanted to type "born in '97" and ended up writing "now 17". Riiight.
You should move to Turkey
I love 'Murica, I wanted Trump to win too. I don't want to be surrounded by socialist/Marxist cucks...
Go to Albania, we will meet up
True, but then there is nowhere he can go in europe. English skills seem to corelate with the amount shitskins. He ruled Poland out. And if we are honest here the US is cucked too demographic wise.
--> drown yourself in the atlantic
Spain is not an option then
i don't think you'll find an uncucked country in europe where you can get by without learning a new language
actually, let me revise that: i don't think you can find an uncucked country in europe
>Also, not willing to learn the language of the land.
Okay so how the fuck did you get from Poland into the US and somehow stay there undocumented?
Proof off my passport
9/11 and patriot act
My parents were dumb
>Not willing to learn the language of the land
The obvious and only solution for you is Ireland. You can clean toilets there like other Polacks.
Literally nowhere. It is nigh on impossible to move to Europe now unless you are from specific pockets of Africa or even more specific pockets of the Middle East. The only other way is through family connections which still get rejected most of the time.
God fucking dammit, I was going to rule out UK + Ireland too because their all chav cucks...
>underage, illegal aliens on Sup Forums
i dont know man, consider suicide
Turkey or Russia. And say out loud you're gay.
Just get the fuck out already you underage faggot
Then why did you go to America which is 100x more cucked?
Germany lets any fucker with a heartbeat in.
Post communist Poland had nothing
I think you're undocumentally retarded.
Still shit, that's why all the Polacks leave
yup, could be worse, I could be brown, black, gay, serbian/albanian/russian, sandnigger
Do you know what the word cuck means child? USA is number 1 in the cuck rankings
lol finland.
France is already full of shit like you
Then move to Ireland
Fuck off out of it. He can crash in the north though. Fuck those guys.
So why would you want to live in a country where you can't communicate with people?
>calling his fatherland a "cucked country"
>leaving it because couldn't get enough gibmedats
>not willing to learn a language of a country he wants to go to
You are the literal definition of a white nigger. Don't come back to Europe.
Ask hilton for a place with her isis squad, road for Syria
>Also, not willing to learn the language of the land.
Stay out, filth.
>not willing to learn the language of the land.
Perfect. We don't need illiterate fatties, stay where you are or go fuck yourself in england.
Let's praise Le KEK
Lesquen 2017
Are you being ironic on purpose you worthless subhuman?
Tie a cinder brick to your legs and jump in national waters
Fuck off we're full, he can stay in the North Sea
Continue please
>im too cucked to feel safe in poland
you're fucking retarded, ride the wave of path to citizenship that will be offered to the illegals that arnt criminals.
you literally have no problem
That's you get for not going through the process of becoming a citizen you stupid fuck
You have nobody to blame but yourself, you bum