What did she mean by this?
I think that is what Common Core now calls a "multi-step problem"
>Things that ACTUALLY happened
What a surprise. Crazy people murder their children.
>1 (((support group)))
>6th grader = usually 11 years old
>4 different cases in this (((group)))...how many members could they possibly have?
>Did this actually happen?
What did happen is that little baby back bitch faggots got btfo by literal nothing but leftist fearmongering. They have no one to blame but themselves. Now they keep on playing the part of perpetual victims. Hopefully they do just go off themselves for real this time.
Maybe she meant they killed their transgender selves and went back to being the gender they were born as, the gender they truly are, and gave up the ghost of their pretend transient gendering
>it happened in my mind
>it must be real
>Trannies killing themselves
So nothing changed?
I hope this is real
maybe they should have gotten them help for their mental illnesses instead of coddling them
>got btfo by literal nothing but leftist fearmongering.
So much winning we're going to be sick of it
Trump was right
>liberals make shit up
Sounds like their parents didn't teach them how to deal with problems in life and over sheltered them.
mentally ill people commit suicide regardless of who is president.
I wish it was true
Trump is more pro-LGBT than Clinton.
Couldn't care less about mentally ill trannies desu
Tranny here. This isn't even real.
>4 trans babies killed themselves
i have some questions
>as if 6th graders are smart enough to know that they should kill themselves
it means their own stupid rhetoric that trump is this, trump is that, trump hates this, trump wants you dead got their kids killed.
Surely there is a police report?
so very tiresome
How big is her transgroup that she manages? how come 4 people offed themselves and the only thing they have related are
a) being trans
b) knowing her
Sounds like she killed 4 kids by being irresponsible. Let someone fuck their own life up by insanely thinking they are an attack helicopter, but let them choose to do that when they are able to safely throw their own lives away. 6th grade is way too young to be letting kids make their own choices about dimorphism.
6th grade trans , these parents should be guillotined.
>transgender parenting support
I hope they all kill themselves, to be honest, familam