Whoa... he's got a point.
Whoa... he's got a point
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Whoa, he fucking salty because the same system that elected Trump elected Obama
wow that really made me think
really made me think shlomo
You mad brah?
Losers ain't winners!
same meme every 4 years
By how much? Inches. Acting like Hillary fucking swept through the nation and got 95% of the votes but Trump still won is absolutely moronic. It's not some great injustice. It's how the system works. They wouldn't be complaining if the system worked in their favor, so they can't complain after the fact. Fucking hypocrites.
>Mexicans in California should get more of a say then 55 goddamn electoral votes
Good, now prepare to be horrified.
>blacks, Latinos, and gays in major metropolitan areas voted for Hillary
>the rest of the country voted for Trump
>Know have the election works
>Trump outplays you hard
>Hurr durr we need to change it
Its not like this is first election in history you dumbfucks, gg no re
He doesn't realise that trump supporters in 90% blue states didn't even bother to vote because of it
He's a degenerate cocksucker.
Why are liberal males such fags?
Horrible syntax my man. You must be phone posting.
Women's Studies ia a college degree as well.
Didn't the same thing happen in the UK? UKIP got only one MP despite having far more votes proportionally.
>media will never breakdown which college degrees voted for which candidate
Rigged nigga.
>most Americans
>a difference if less than a full percentage point
>Trump’s victory is one of the biggest calamities to befall the west and the effect is that every racist, woman-hater, homophobe and rightwing authoritarian feels vindicated. This rightwing populism can no longer be dismissed as a blip. Indeed, without an urgent change in strategy, the left – perhaps all progressive opinion – will be marginalised to the point of irrelevance. Our crisis is existential.
Holy shit. Sup Forums BTFO.
that doesn't horrify me at all
Suddenly the Electoral College is a problem to these dipshits.
>British celebrities/commentators/pundits commenting on the US election with anything approaching a tone of authority
If you're not making a humourous observation about it just shut the fuck up please. It's not our country, it's not our election.
Most Americans didn't vote at all.
Go fuck your liberal tears.
>right wing populism
Trump isn't even right wing. Why do they keep saying this? Is it because anything to the right of them is considered right wing?
nobody cares
CNN projects Trump to win the popular vote. They're not done counting.
>Muh national popular vote
An even gayer meme than the post-Brexit "people regret their Leave vote; they didn't think Leave would actually win!" shit.
>didn't win amongst women indoctrinated in liberal colleges
wow really gets those synapses firing
100% this. People don't realize that the popular vote doesn't mean shit in the presence of the electoral system. Donald Trump would have gotten the popular vote if the winner was determined by popular vote.
A lot of americans didn't vote because their vote would be wasted, nice fallacy
memeber when (((they))) said trump would win the popular vote but not the electorate because the same thing he did in the primaries wouldn't work?
Is Trump's victory a direct reaction to the BLM movement?
I believe BML is actually an anti white racist momvent, and it seems to me white America got fed up with being labled a racist and voted for Trump to shut them up. Am I far from the truth?
Fuck em praise kek
WHY ARE THEY MAKING THESE WILD CLAIMS SO EARLY?? are they retarded??? not all the votes have been counted yet
No, he doesn't.
>electoral college makes some states disproportionally important
>demographics make some states impossible to win by certain parties, or so easy to win that there's no point in getting people out to vote
>each party focuses campaigning on large swing states
>result: popular vote reflects results of this strategy, NOT what the american ppl at large want (ex: if I live in NY, no point in going to the polls on election day to vote trump)
Black Momma Laquisha
I meant BLM of course
Reminder than if you don't count Commiefornia, Trump won the popular vote by over two million.
>She won the popular vote
Yet CNN projects that she didnt
the only solution is send him to germany and let him get raped then maybe he'll be informed of why brexit was important
How many hundreds of thousands of Trump supporters didn't bother to vote in New York or California because they knew their states would go blue no matter what?
How will Drumpf ever recover?
It's amazing the hardon this gave me
>except women with liberal indoctrination centre degrees
Most americans rejected hillary too
No one got 50+
I'm pretty sure I saw a news post saying trump got ~45% of white women with a college education to Clinton's ~34%
British poltical heavyweight right there
To be fair, they're probably less biased and more informed than U.S. news outlets who apparently just make shit up and blame bogeyman of the week whenever they're wrong.
>most Americans
What a dummmy he lost by like 200,000 votes.
Which sure is a decent amount of people, but not really considering the total turnout
>right gains popularity because left keeps antagonizing whites
>"we must not stop antagonizing whites you guys"
>"m-maybe we'll try calling them racist, maybe they'll fall in line even though their candidate is already in power"
Genius. Absolute genius.
This. I didn't bother voting in CA because of this.
Did he just say "whitelash" because he confused backlash with blacklash?
Did Bill win prez again?
What about the people who didn't vote?
>lost the popular vote
>vast majority of states of different cultures should pay for what out of touch city dwellers thousands of miles away think they're entitled to
Liberals love making irrational decisions/judgement off incomplete data m8
Centrists are all neoliberal cunts. I thought Owen was a leftist?
Do they know understand these words mean literally nothing to about half americans anymore? I must have heard the words racist, misogynist, xenophobe, homophobe, fascist etc 100,000 times each this election, they have devalued the meaning of those words, nobody reacts to them calling them those things anymore.
The digits, kek is this what the new Anglo bro sphere looks like ?!
He is a homosexual cunt.
Move on.
>mfw owen calls himself a centrist to try and distance himself from those people who listen to him seriously
Its only 200 k people. That number will be lost in suicides this week alone.
Nah, "whitelash" is a new meme floating around.
please, someone explain this to me
>racist, woman-hater, homophobe and rightwing authoritarian
Pointless buzzwords. Namecalling is the reason why the leftists lost this election, yet they didn't learn a thing and continue like before.
>Our crisis is existential.
>Sup Forums BTFO
Pick one.
don't exist, so that my stupid comment looks correct :^)
It's so funny watching these faggots who were so smug before the election have a breakdown. Patton Oswalt would spam dozens of tweets every hour about Hillary. Now he's resorting to incoherent babble.
Trump won more groups of people in more regions, Clinton won only the city zombies (democrats will claim they're diverse because of skin color but they all think the same way)
Yes very good point - direct democracy would have ruined America.
We'll I guess we should just do what New York City, Chicago, Los Angelos, and San Francisco
Even though if those cities couldn't vote, Trump would have won by 6+ million votes. Lol.
ya im sure there was 0 illegal voting in CA and NY
Checkm9, racist.
In terms of positively affecting white-black relationship effects, you have a point. If they didn't bring so much heat to the less than existent issue of a white cop on black citizen problem, then not nearly as many people would be aware of the huge dosparity between black murder rates per capita vs all other races. Overall has fucking alienated the left wing to an obscure corner of insanity rather than fix anything
Empire strikes back was the best movie in the series retard
This homosexual's face makes me fucking angry. Him and Onision are two people I regularly think about curb stomping.
He's not salty though. He hated Hillary. He went on about how she was a terrible candidate.
He's saying the centrists are wrong, not that he's a centrist.
Consider: He's sympathetic to the SNP, while the "very serious people" centrists will say "Ah, Scottish Nationalists, Brexiteers and Trump voters are all just crazy cultists..."
He's not saying Hillary should've won, just that it's stupid to say Americans are all bigoted racists as a result when they didn't even overwhelmingly endorse a candidate accused of such.
This however is just what it says it is. I'm not going to apologize for Jones and his views or defend him, but I'm going to correct misinterpretations. I'm glad Trump won because (as Jones has driven in before) Hillary was a terrible candidate.
Can anyone who is not dumb tell me what he meant by this?
delete this
He didn't tho, nigger.
no hes too smart for that, racism only really exist in the deep woods of Missouri but those people have cut themselves off on purpose
that's debatable, but I think hes just an older guy whos trying to sound cool and impress people around him by trying to be a "ladys man".
>the left – perhaps all progressive opinion – will be marginalised to the point of irrelevance. Our crisis is existential.
>Holy shit. Sup Forums BTFO.
Sup Forums won retard
ladies man**
You libtards are going to regret your lies.
neither candidate was competing for the popular vote
They don't even count all of the votes if there is not a need to. So the popular election numbers are not a gospel especially if they are as close as they are
Hillary only won 48.7% of the vote.
That isn't most Americans.
They haven't finished counting the popular vote. It's swung half a million even since election and he will win the popular vote by the time it's all counted. (look up what people are saying about it)
So this person's point is moot and shows what a dummy he is.
fuck i had to stop watching after a minute. that made me cringe so hard
Exactly the popular vote counting isn't over. Jesus these libs are truly stupid.
Fuck, they got BTFO so hard.
how is he still alive if he was burnt alive all summer?
are liberals even human?
Trump was never accused of these things until he announced his candidacy. Credibility zero.
There are such places? Jesus Christ, how horrifying.
It's like all these people have forgotten about the 2000 election