What will his position in the Trump administration be?
What will his position in the Trump administration be?
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Secretary of Comfy Naps
Secretary of health.
Or the equivalent in the US
Health I think
Replacing Obongo's Unaffordable Healthcare Act
Secretary of bedtime stories
Secretary of pyramids.
He's an incredible surgeon but I hope to christ he's not allowed within 10ft of a government medical administration position.
Surgeon General of U.S
Well, you are going to be pretty dissapointed...
no brainer: surgeon general.
And Trey Gowdy will be attorney general.
And MR. Brexit himself Farage, will be US ambassador to the EU.
It will be G_L_O_R_I_O_U_S...
These. His job will include being lead advisor on the comfiest waifu pillows for the god emperor.
>this retarded nigger was a pediatric neurosurgeon
wew lad
Secretary of Lullabies and Good Nights
Ben Carson is more of a retard and less of a meme than Trump. He has no redeeming qualities.
Real answer: He is on the short list for Secretary of Education right now. Sleepy Ben is going to sing Cultural Marxism a lullaby.
department of chicken & ribs
just kidding, Carson is based, hopefully some position that has to do with health or education
I would say surgeon general but I suspect he will have a higher roll. His first big job will be to vevamp Obamacare.
Head of Dept. of Health and Human Services.
hey fuck you man, you will never be half the man he is
Oh fuck, we are screwed.
right to sleep. Then Ben is going to gas it... with phosgene.
So glad I am not on government health care otherwise I would be fucked.
So the bloke who deals with liberals, then?
He will be Trump's ambassador to the world of dreams, making sure that the president will never have sleepless nights.
>In MY cabinet?
>Ben Carson
Yea I'm sure you're smarter than a surgeon
he's actually a world-renowned neurosurgeon
dutch flag, so hes either a muslim or a cuck, neither qualify as man so you are factually correct
Settle down, CTR, it's over.
Oh come on!!! We are talking about Nigel FUCKING Farage here man. Nigel would be the fucking BEST ambassador the the EU. They absolutely, positively REVILE the man. He would do a good job. He is an honest man.
>the sleepiest man in politics is actually the most woke
It's like poetry
This desu
token black character everyone likes.
I know he would do a great job in any position in the Trump Admin, but the fact is he's not American. He can't really be an ambassador for a nation of which he is not a citizen. Even if we gave him full honorary citizenship, it still wouldn't feel right because he's a British hero, not an American one.
It would feel great cuz we can shit all over bong posters for stealing their guy
He is also an American one - he coached Trump on the second debate. The EU laughed at him and he is the most irritating face the EU has ever seen. He has certainly been a friend of America. Look at Paul Joseph Watson - he is our guy and he is British. So is Milo - he is a British citizen. Don't let this hang you up. He is not being made president, and these are all quality people who helped Brexit occur. When you think about how we should deal with the EU, there is simply no better man for the job than Farage. Fuck the UE and FUCK the NWO they were making. Fuck globalism.
He needs to be secretary of education
Get rid of the fucking Liberals in our colleges
Surgeon General
Luggage Commissioner.