What would a sane and worthwhile Left look like?

If the Left stopped caring about gender neutral toilets and shilling for mass immigration and globalism what would it look like? What policies and ideas should it be advocating to actually improve the lives of workers?

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It would like 80s USSR

The left needs to kick out the SJWs and focus on class warfare and economic inequality.

Clinton was so cucked by the SJWs she was fucking OUT FLANKED by Trump on the LEFT on issues of the working class. She was that pathetic.

James "wrecking vagina in Indochina" Webb is a 0erfect representation of what the modern left should strive to be. Conservative social policies combined with a historically proven beneficial liberal economic approach.

>central committee deciding on how much automation actually cuts into the job market, and then adjusts basic income based to it
>they also try to still keep people employed as it is an important psychological thing
>race realism also an important part of the whole equation, basic income is different for each race and IQ bracket, to make sure that the dumbfags dont create 20 children, but also spur the smarter ones to create more, subtle eugenics to reduce the other races in favor of high IQ, but also high test white race.
>free market still allowed
>but also have a very aggressive anti monopoly/oligopoly police force willing to wreck shit up
>also allow some semi direct democracy on what kind of grande projects should be build, or what kind of focus the industry/science fields should be going towards
>connected to a giant AI that analyzes many different variables and is allowed to adjust things in real time to always have a favorable outcome for the quality of life of whites

The focus should be on providing seatbelts and airbags for the wild ride of life, not a nanny state. So that people know that no matter how hard they crash, the gubment will be there to sort them out.

An original socialist motto was to 'provide by ability, receive by need'.

mabe this
late soviet shit is interesting, except few memes like queues


You're confusing identity politics with the "left".

The "left" is not what you think it is.

Pic related.

>What would a sane and worthwhile Left look like?
It would look like the Right.