How much did you earn/lose on this election?
Bet thread
I bet a lot of hope
I earned salvation
10 bucks
what were the odds online?
I lost $50.
18 mother fucking thousand
£1000 up, feels good
How much did you bet, Australian madman?
Odds here were great, I won 60k Swiss Francs
6k euros
I won $5 and hope for the future
Same # of Hillary's deleted emails in Independence Pounds
Eight thousand GBP. I'm swimming in goodboy points lads.
that I won*
bet 50 quid, got 300
Holy shit mate, that's amazing.
My stock account is up like $2000. I was sure it was gonna crater.
They said i was crazy.
Made 4500 us
won good on prison stocks. I told you fuckers. CXW to the moon baby!
I earned a GodEmperor and lost a corrupt system.
I only had £50 to bet. Put £25 on a win at 11/2 and £25 later on electoral college being 270-299. Guess I will lose the latter but I'm still up.
Wish I'd had more to bet