Do liberals not understand this?
Do liberals not understand this?
They just don't care.
>dirt deserves votes
Holy shit, it's like the 3/5ths comprimise but instead of brown people it's clay.
The electoral college is retarded and you are retarded for defending it.
>we're sorry, we cannot process your deposit at this time
They think it's unfair whenever they lose, just ignore them. The electoral college is utterly necessary just as our representative model in Canada is necessary.
a true democracy is merely tyranny of the majority. fuck that noise. Welcome to America retard. Learn how your government works.
Is this what CTR has you doing now that Hillary lost?
Your tears are delicious. Hillary lost. Trump won. Get over it.
The irony is, it would be analogous to a sort of colonialism without the EC, which the left claims to loath.
This, American is a Republic based on freedom. Anyone who doesn't like this can move to Canada
>t. pissed off hillary supporter
It's inconvenient for them right now. If Trump had won the popular vote and lost the election, they'd understand it for sure.
God this board has gone to shit. You used to be able to say anything you wanted now it's nothing but shitposted memes and nonarguments against anyone who doesn't play along.
It's just a way to quantify votes. It's just a state-by-state race rather than the entire union. The USA is like fifty separate countries, you need to realize
>majoirty vote
>the people getting what they want is tyranny
Get the fuck out of here with that brainwashed nonsense. The candidates were both shit, there are at least a million other better candidates we didnt get to vote for.
So if you live in the middle of nowhere, your vote should count more than if you live in a densely populated area?
>tyranny of the minority is somehow better
Are you kidding, user, that's what this board has always been
Everyone knew the rules going into this, but since they didn't get their way they are pitching a fit. Fuck em.
That's bullshit. People have been bitching about the EC for years. It puts undue power in the hands of a select few states. There is ltierally no reason for it.
I bet you don't even know why it was created in the first place.
They only talk about it when they lose.
Fact is without the Electoral College candidates just wouldn't go to most of America, they wouldn't need their vote.
But also the US is a federal republic, its a union of states.
And I'm from Cali a state where my vote is meaningless unless I vote dem.
>Muh minorities need privileged
if Trump lost with the popular vote there would be a million hufpo articles about why we should just accept it.
>The USA is like fifty separate countries, you need to realize
That hasn't been true since the Civil War, my bro.
If you love the constitution you should be happy Trump won, as he will put strict constitutionalists in play in the supreme court.
I've been MAGA-ing for months, but this is true.
I mean, to get Trump in the White House I'd have supported any legalistic shenannegains up to and including a military coup, but you should probably fix this college shit.
Deport all the spics and blacks first, obviously.
>whites still majority
>majority votes to kill all minorities
>it's OK because it's what the people want
You're a fucking retard
You can still have a Republic and no electoral college. You do realize that, correct?
Fucking idiots in here.
Coming from a Canadian perspective; I believe the electoral college system has issues and valid criticisms that should be addressed. I also believe that the primary system has and criticisms that should be addressed. Again, I believe the entire election process in the US (and in Canada!) have issues and valid criticisms that should be addressed. Then there's the gerrymandering, which in my opinion is unacceptable.
By "addressed" I mean there should be an open debate and a bipartisan amendment to the system coming from the federal level down.
I believe in the US constitution but I think that when it comes to the Federal election the states should not be able to determine their own rules. There should be a federal template that they all adhere to. That is the one criticism I am offering for now.
Not an argument
This place is meme central station now. It's worse than Sup Forums, and that is a horrible horrible thing to say about a board.
What dems don't understand is that if you're conservative and live in NY, CA or a hand full of other states, you usually don't bother voting.
Also its not like Hillary won the popular vote by a landslide.
It's _like_ fifty separate countries.
> Implying the electoral college works
Campaigns would just fight over the majority population instead of the majority electoral votes, nitwit.
You mean states like California and New York
>It puts undue power in the hands of a select few states
Explain to me how not having the E.C would take away power from those select few big states? Oh right, you can't. Because it's the same shit. States with the biggest populations would still decide the elections, idiot.
Kill yourself faggot Trump won by FAR. The Electoral College is the definition of American government so no it doesn't matter what "more niggers in LA" want. Not to the rural communities anyway.
By that logic Hillary would have been the one all in for killing minorities and the representative of white america.
>unironically supports clay being able to vote
But we are a federal republic, essentially 50 smaller republics in a union.
Monmouth County, NJ voted Trump.
Here's the thing, if we got just 1/3 of the population in the blue areas to live somewhere in the grey areas, they wouldn't think like they do now.
I'm confused. Which of the following voting really pisses you off?
a. Dead people
b. Illegals
c. Those that voted more than once
d. Absentee ballots that were autonomously filled out
Because you do realize that the popular vote would have been nowhere near tied if the 4 categories above were prevented from voting, right?
Well we are a heavily decentralized federal republic. States have their own permanent populations, legislatures, governors, etc.
>By that logic
What? I was using it as an ironic example
anyone else a trump supporter but hates the electoral college?
I'm glad as fuck he won but I've always felt the college is retarded since it makes your vote worthless if you don't live in a swing state.
It exists because the founding fathers wanted to equalize the representation of both urban center and rural agricultural areas.
If the electoral college didn't exist, we would have politicians that only needed reach out to the cities to win and totally ignore the concerns of people living in the country. Which, in a nation which such huge landmass, would not be a sound way to govern.
Also fuck California. Anything that makes their individual votes count less should be supported.
Hillary lost. Trump won. Don't like it? Leave or go to group therapy.
Wasn't the EC created to protect the smaller (as in population) states from the influence of a few highly populated states?
Let me explain to you how the EC works. It's based on population but it is also based on states too, so the votes if individual American citizens count for more in states low population states than high population states.
Now, going beyond that, there is an even worse result of the EC. Battleground states. If you don't live n a battleground states then you might as well not even vote, which is why American voter turnout is so horrible relative to other countries. This is all because of the EC.
Geographically, it is to protect the interests of wider America, instead of small localized areas. In short, yes, they should count more. Same way in the Senate each state has two votes no matter their size. We are a union of states not majority rule.
And do you not understand how modern states like California or New York may not want to have all their laws decided by a bunch of meth heads from Indiana?
No, there's way more to it than that
The reason polls were so off was not because the media was "hiding the truth", it's because they, and other urban elites, have grown out of touch with the rest of the country.
Furthermore, it encourages campaigning to more than just New York, Chicago, LA because those electoral votes matter. It's why New Hampshire was so stressed as a possible Trump victory path, despite its very small population.
As a bonus, it makes voter fraud hard to commit on a national scale. There was probably a voter fraud in Cali because of undocumented immigrants registering to vote, but because of the electoral college, it didn't cost Trump the election.
I think it's definitely a net positive for the country.
Are you retarded?
It also gives each state representation.
Without people would basically just campaign in LA, SF, NYC, and like Dallas. Yeah living in a solid blue state sucks, but I understand why we have it.
The system that thrust those two as the only valid candidates is my problem you hick. Hill only won by a few poular votes and would have won if the turnout was higher
I cant beleive I have to explain this to you retards, If only a third of people go out and vote it doesnt matter who gets the electoral votes It doesnt represent what we fucking want as a country.
Voting needs to be mandatory
>million other better candidates we didnt get to vote for.
At least let Trump prove he can't be a decent president before arguing against the case for a Republic.
>It exists because the founding fathers wanted to equalize the representation of both urban center and rural agricultural areas.
No, you're wrong. It was to entice smaller states into the Union. That is the ONLY, the ONLY thing that EC was good for. We don't benefit from it in the slightest anymore.
Without the EC rural voters would have a PROPORTIONATE amount of votes. If a candidate swept rural areas and picked up a little bit of cities then they would win. Americans by and large live in cities. You are arguing for a privileged minority.
It's a shit system either way. With the EC politicians only campaign in battleground states.
Without it they would only campaign in big cities
first of all, that's not why there's an electoral college
second of all, that's just clay you're trying to create a contrast with. the electoral college is unnecessary and helps create low voter turnout.
We are a republic not a democracy. We have teh electoral college because our founding fathers did not want mob rule to decided an election. They were pretty brilliant to be honest.
Everyone with a brain knows it's shit because it makes the only focus shitty little battleground states and discourages voting because ppl who don't live in those states know their votes don't matter
The people defending it are morons
Being a leaf you might not know this, but states still make their own laws.
I guess you don't know what state laws are paki leaf
>It puts undue power in the hands of a select few states
As opposed to the popular system, which puts undue power in the hands of even fewer states.
It doesn't matter. Donald Trump won the popular vote, as projected by CNN.
I also imagine more people in Cali would have come out for Trump (including all of my friends) if popular vote actually mattered.
Broken Record Corrected.
Interesting, I didn't know that.
In that case, what's the point of electing a president in the first place?
>Voting Mandatory
>Wants Mob Rule
>Wonder what would happen
There is no reason candidates should be forced to go to the middle of nowhere to campaign.
You aren't even talking about rural America. You are talking about a randomly selected middle of nowhere, battleground states. They are the bane of the presidential election system and why American voter turnout is awful. The EC subverts democracy actually and culturally.
It was made so states like Virginia (the California of the 13 colonies) wouldn't determine the faith of the rest of the nation.
What happened Tuesday night is exactly why we have it. If we just had a direct vote, then California and New York would of determine the faith of the entire nation. Since we had the electoral college, the states with massively less pop. Like Wisconsin and Iowa were able to pitch in their say and everyone got represented.
If we had a direct vote, enjoy having a one party system. Nearly 50% of the population already lives in urban centers. expect about 40 states to be ignored and the candidates to only work on big population states. If you live in any rural state, yeah your vote doesn't matter because the people in Cali and New York are now worth much more then yours. it'll turn the entire country to Illinois where one city determines the faith for the rest of the state.
TD:LR: electoral college make it so the votes represents everyone and not of a few urban centers.
to have an executive branch of government.
You'll call any legitimate argument a non-argument.
It's not fucking about states, you mouth breather. It's about American citizens. One vote shouldn't count more than another.
>SUPRISE! The candidate yo all voted for represents the majority and is evil
>We set it up that way to prevent tyrrany so please enjoy the popular vote loser as the actual president
They still haven't even counted all the votes yet for all we know Trump will still win the popular vote
>you only disagree with me because you are being payed to do so, trust me
That isn't an argument.
Because Federalism. There are different levels of authority and government. I can't be arsed to explain, so look it up on wikipedia or some shite
>freedom is for losers
I think it works on both sides (minority and majority). In Chicago I know plenty of progressive liberals who didn't vote for clinton because they knew it would not matter. I think Trump actually galvanized more people here, and they seemed to have voted out of love for him. I mean this is all speculation but I don't think you can just say that the minority party of a state will get the best out of an abolished electoral college.
The nation is American citizens, not states.
>hurr popular vote is Unfair because i would lose
Logic 101
>There is no reason candidates should be forced to go to the middle of nowhere to campaign.
Running to President is too hard!! Some people just don't matter!
Yeah but then why would you campaign in any other place besides the major cities. The EC isnt great but its better than letting the cities run the country.
>unironically doesn't show an interest in science
And it doesn't...
Wrong. Im a Texan before an American
Honestly i wish we had Europe's style of democracy
reminder that you're not going to get your last paycheck
>he does it for free
point and laugh, everyone.
This, exactly this. If they wanted to change it it should've been a priority movement years ago.
Stop pushing this shit. Its super easy to counter and doesnt help. and thats not why we have an electoral college
>implying I'm arguing anything like that
God you are retarded.
If you think that then you don't know how the Electoral College works. No wonder you are defending it.
Except if we let the blue areas decide then the US would be liberal forever because Cityfags are faggots.
Have you considered leaving the city for a grey area?