Pic related. Libshits in Commiefornia and New York btfo. The vote counting is actually not done.
CNN projects Trump to win the popular vote
Nice, I'm hopeful he will win the popular vote, not that it matters.
It does. then his victory will be complete. Otherwise, the retards can whine how the electoral college should be done away with. I saw people in California chimping out and yelling on camera about that.
Aren't all the votes counted?
Is this a troll or is it real? It's taking an incredibly long time so I can't tell.
crybabies BTFO
No, 92% of the vote has been counted, you can see it in the lower left corner of the pic in the op.
Yeah but the map also says things like Cali only having 68% of votes in.
Is OP retarded?
Are all Trump supporters this dumb?
Nytimes says that 100% of the vote has been counted in Arizona and Michigan (even though they didn't give them to Trump yet).
We'll see though.
Maybe the votes in big cities in CA have been counted and the rest of the state hasn't, I don't know, CNN says Trump will win it.
All Trump supporters are dumb, yes.
Yeah but that might just be an old projection they had when he started turning the tables on Clinton.
why the fuck havent they updated the ec votes yet?
some pages are already showing 307 for trump
Do I really have to explain the difference between a winner of the electoral vote (which is final) and projected winner of the the popular vote (which hasn't been voted yet) to a native speaker of English?
Doubt it, it's been 2 days.
Because Michigan is tough to call since Trump is leading by only 12 000 votes.
hasn't been counted*
All absentee votes have not yet been counted. Those are mostly military. Most of them go republican.
Butthurt. They're doing it out of butthurt.
Trump won the electoral college by a wide margin, and he very likely won the popular vote as well, despite the Dems getting a million+ illegals to vote Hillary.
There are apparently still some military mail in ballots waiting to be counted, but those will be for Trump as well.
But also a lot of California votes havent been counted so idk
Wait until overseas (military) vote comes in. Something tells me they aren't going for Clinton.
it's already too late
while the vote is only 92% counted and Trump may very well win in the end, the narrative is already out there and regressives will NEVER give that up
you'll be hearing this online for years to come