Just move on? If Hillary isn't charged?!

Part of me wants Hillary to be pardoned and for the country to move on. Rather than going through a long and public prosecution.

What say you?

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The penalty for treason is _____


no. she must serve her time like every law breaking criminal.

pardon edward snowden.

hilary can rot in a cell for the rest of her life. make an example of her for the corruption and collusion she has committed.

And what if she won?

Hang her.

She's a corrupt evil cunt who's more or less certainly in cahoots with a paedophile ring, if not part of it herself.

She should be hung up alive, publicly, until she starts to rot.

I want her to be prosecuted so there will be a serious revolution and shit will hit the fan for real. Then no one can make fun of me for prepping.

If Hilary isn't charged then Trump went back on his word.

Thus beginning the age of Sup Forums being the cucked.

She needs to be put on trial. Whether or not she's innocent is for the court to decide.

Who gives a shit at this point? Would love to see her and Obama locked away forever, but who cares? We won!

>Rather than going through a long and public prosecution.
Why WOULDN'T you want to enjoy months of Rowdy Gowdy running her through the ringer??

Doesn't matter. She sold out this country. Traitors need to be punished

She deserves to rot in prison but jailing a former political opponent would make President Trump look like an asshole and might hurt his run in 2020.
Letting it go is sadly the best thing for him to do.

Maybe a trial and a sentence to work for community a few months. To sweep streets, gardening, not office job ofc.

Inb4 trump pardons snowden check these digits

Nah she should be punished to shut liberals up and end the lgbt nigger meme disease

hillary please leave

Still too much bad blood between the R's and her over Benghazi. Who knew lying to entire country and specifically to the face of mothers who lost their sons would lead to intense, long lasting hatred.

Get all of your arguments but given how divided the country is currently. Why not move the fuck on and get things done. Rather than going through a dramatic case. BTW. I do think she is guilty of the worst crimes imaginable.

Day of the rope, when, Sup Forums?
I need to prepare.

Am i a pussy for feeling bad for her when during her concession speech.

I don't care anymore. She's probably going to get kicked out of every secret society for letting Trump get into office, anyway.

She's already destroyed and publicly humiliated.
Going after her at this point would just make her a martyr for the liberals. Leave her alone, she'll probably croak in another 5 years anyway.

Fucking seriously, when is the day of the rope happening?
I want to purge this nation of all the scum.

She deserve to die :)

Who can't wait for this weasel to get ousted?

Nah. It would only serve to embolden the strong and the weak are already leaving.

He should extend an olive branch and make her the Libyan embassador.

He needs timing, if he moves too fast Obama will pardon her before he leaves office.

deportation to Canada to live with Trudeau.

Make her do the landscaping at the White House in an Orange Jumpsuit.

I want her to cry and beg for mercy from Trump

It would add to the anal pain of the left. Just imagine, the Hillary they idolize and the Obama they declare as their god, found out to be child traffickers and worse. The cognitive dissonance man. Just imagine all the anal pain and mental gymnastics.

>But but, being a sexist and racist is so much worse than selling children and raping them

This is what I want to see happen.

No one should be above the law. This is important. Lock her up.

That's just saying to the rest of them it's ok. We had the leader of the socialdemocratic party resign because she had unpaid parking tickets and had $6000 in private expenses on her govt card. There's a lot of things wrong with Swedish politics but not accepting corruption isn't one of them and it's the first step towards getting at least a little bit of public service into the thick skulls of these career politician faggots.

Anything less than 5 years in prison and multiple people held accountable would be a disgrace imho.

If Trump was smart, he could keep her on trial for 2-3 years straight, then easily win a re-election by keeping her in the spotlight and blaming the Democrats for her legal problems.

Then again, Obama could just pre-emptively pardon her, all she has to do is accept guilt.

Its about maintaining the rule of law. Nobody is above it.

How would you feel if you were Kristian Saucier sitting in a jail cell while Hillary Clinton walks free for doing far worse than you?


nice try clinton

Trump should leave pursuing Hillary's case to members of his Cabinet. He's already beaten her out of the presidency, he shouldn't turn Hillary into his white whale.

If there is major corruption, fry her.

Otherwise let her die broken naturally and find legal ways to end the Clinton Coundation and Clinton Global Initiative by starving it of funds.

A legal battle that's long and slim won't be good for Trump. At all.

We can't compromise on our ideals. This is the trap the democrats are trying to spring for us now, just like all the bs talk about "working together." No, Trump won with a mandate and Republicans hold Congress as well for the first time in nearly a century. They need to push through as much as Trump promised as possible including prosecuting Hilary for her crimes without letting the democrats stall out the clock. Disregarding their base and "compromising" with Obama is what led to trumps rise in the first place. Liberals don't vote in non presidential elections anyway. Don't fall for the media's new tactics.

I bet he will stay. Politicizing FBI post will be the last thing you wanna do as Prez. I say Comey is still our guy. He handled it like a master. Trump won because of it.

A long legal battle that would cause unprecedented media attention would be horrible for trump - trust me.

Republicans held congress under W until they lost the senate in 2006.

We need to get her. This is a matter of justice and law. This is one of the few promises Trump gave out that is very, very easy to not to renege and get through.

Appoint an independent prosecutor.

The problem was that there is the appearance that the state department and FBI colluded to protect hillary from prosecution. We need to appoint an independent prosecutor who is free from political pressure from either side to investigate criminal actions and pursue justice. If a court determines that she did nothing wrong, then fine.

Or obama can issue a blanket pardon to save the country from such a horrible divisive act. Of course, that will tarnish the clintons record like it did nixons.

Hillary needs to be prosecuted


My fucking issue with Hillary Clinton is that she surrounds herself with pedophiles and operates an institute of pay to play in our government through her foundation. My biggest fucking objection to that is that by our government doing anything less than prosecution sends the wrong message to the American people.

Do we do nothing because those values don't actually mean anything? Is our government actually that corrupt?

I think that as long as people like Hillary are allowed to exist doing what they are doing, there is something fundamentally wrong with our government on it's most basal level.

>Just move on?

she should be made an example of

Congress and even the presidency has had this coming a long time now.
For 30+ years its' been getting worse
At current. It's okay to lie, cheat and steal. With no ramifications.

Imagine in another 30 years.
Killing, bribery, extortion become acceptable when caught? You become brazil?

They say the US is becoming a 3rd world country, with its' economy. Well, by the looks of what hilary has done.(and other politicians including past presidents) Politically you are becoming a 3rd world country.

It has to stop.

And the only way to stop it, prosecute them.


>ctr still trying to sway public opinion on mongolian horse taming board

We need a public trial to vent our pent up energy.

No, Most of the country want justice.

Personally, i'd see her burned at the stake like the witch she is.
Or we could throw her off a cliff.
if is she's innocent she will fall to a christian death,
if not she can fly off, at which point she will return to be burned at the stake

I'm ok with her being pardoned(not for #PizzaPartys though). Really, I just wanted her to fuck off from public life and her entitled fucking attitude, and that's somewhat happened. She lost, like McCain did in '08, and thus this is the end of ever hearing about this bitch and the Presidency.

On the other hand, seeing the CGI, CF, and the entire bribery apparatus set up around her and her buddies... BURN THEM ALL.


No. Trump needs to string her up like the pig she is. Good leaders show no mercy to their opponents

They may be satantic child sacrificing cultists, so no, fuck off.

The left might finnally get a wake up call if a public trial is held for the world to see, that our politicians are not above the law and no one should be.


Can you explain Benghazi to me? I'm not being smug or anything. I just need to know exactly what she did wrong.


off the top of my head

She sold arms to the attackers
She ingored 100's of calls for help
She slept through the attack

That's just the main points.
Oh and lied about all the above.

>CTR trying to adapt to a new reality

lock her up

sex slavery

kill this rat also

Big black dick

The theatrics are part of his appeal. It'll be fun and scandalous to watch Hillary on trial for months. And it'll take attention off Trump while he's trying to push his policy through.

Also Trump's brand has been tarnished and dismantling the Clinton legacy is part of restoring it.

We need to make an example of her and show others corruption will not be tolerated no matter who you are.

No. She must be punished and there's only one way we can guarantee that.

We need to rev up our twitter cannons and meme Trey Gowdy into the attorney general position.

This will guarantee not only that the god emperor is well advised on legal matters, but more importantly it will guarantee that he follows through on draining the swamp.

There is not a single American better suited to be chief prosecutor of the united states during an anti corruption campaign than Trey Gowdy

The emperor has already considered Gowdy for ag now we just get the word out that our choice for AG is @TGowdySC

Fuck the swamp, flush the toilet.

rudy guilani is most likely to be attorney general and he hates the clintons

>This is what I want to see happen.

already has

>Then no one can make fun of me for prepping.

I have a security clearance and anyone else with one will say no. everyone that fucked up will hang!!!!!!!!!

I doubt she'll ever see the inside of a cell but I'm glad Wikileaks isn't letting up. Let's keep digging

No, you're a human being.

She still deserves execution.

Yes, but it needs to happen on a much bigger scale. We need that legal proof in writing. So we can rub it in all these dumb leftists faces. So that we can laugh at them and degrade them for being pedophile enablers, remorseless monsters who care nothing about children.

Never. The FBI must investigate this and clean it out. Any crime must be investigated and prosecuted. People have no faith in the FBI, time to fix that up.

she should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, and if found guilty punished

there were 2 jews named Rosenberg who were executed for stealing nuclear secrets

it would be anti semitic if we let a waspy white woman walk for the same crimes if found guilty of the same crimes

she should be executed if found guilty of treason, I don't care how assblasted people get, fuck them, this is serious shit

exactly, if he doesn't follow through on this he sucks and is a shit president

Nah brah, once Rowdy Gowdy becomes AG shell be indicted for EVERYTHING. That being said she will have fled the country by then.

double nine elevens confirm, the victims of 9/11 ask for justice, prosecute Hillary for her crimes, prosecute those who caused 9/11, not hard to find out who had those put options, those people are going down, they killed Trump's friends,

they are going to get it

>she will have fled the country by then.

drone her, drone all pedos

If she wants to avoid doing time, she must testify

You are a cuck. You have this one chance and if you don't take it, republicans and white race in USA will be dead forever. Media has to go, Hillary has to get locked. It's that simple.

FUCK off

Hang the bitch and the Podestas as well

A president can't charge anyone you dumb cunt. There's a little thing called separation of powers in democratic countries

She and our entire government need to be exposed. There is no other way.

According to my marine friend, the penalty is death.

whats sickening is trump never showed her tax returns

oh shit, i dont' know if that was a joke or serious
if that's serious...that's fucked up HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

child porn ring with kidnapping and shit vs the tax return

liberals are just this fucking stupid, and it's scary


Says (((anonymous sources)))

Gowdy would eat Rudy alive in a court room.
>We NEED him as AG
>we NEED to drain the dwamp

Burn the witch
Burn her campaign infrastructure
Dissolve the DNC
Publicize CTR

>part of me wants to ignore treason, money laundering, murder, and the possibility of a pedophilic satanist cult investigated

guess you dont care about justice or law in this country then

Guiliani already shut down the idea of Mexico ever paying for the wall this morning.

All you got is Bush 2.0 when it comes to Russia. Expect another invasion like the Georgia one that will shatter the bromance.

we can still try her for canabalism

I want her to suffer and I want to watch all the way up to the moment they cuff her.

Won't happen for a number of reasons.

- He's a soft target for prosecution after leaving office
- Republicans won't stand for it as it's casus belli for a war of tit-for-tat with the revolving door of presidential power
- He's been trying to act presidential recently (moving more into warmth and conciliation), not moving on from 'lock her up' is hardly building bridges

/Pol is in the burnout stage right now give it a week and I am sure Sup Forums
will be kicking her shit in.

When will we start digging through Wikileaks emails again? I think everyone is tired after all this shit though. Hopefully pol goes back to normal after a week