OccupyDemocrats and Michael Moore casually advocating for an all out coup


Race war is fucking confirmed, lads. They WANT it.

I say give it to them.

Other urls found in this thread:


>leftists crying for an open race war

this really is some bizzaro timeline, it's beautiful seeing them become the thing they so like hate


>Leftists before Trump Elected
>Leftists after Trump Elected

I had an angry lefty try to fight me last night. Honestly it was stupid to wear my MAGA hat out in public considering I lift in a super progressive neighborhood but yeah, it was surreal the way the tolerant left was treating me.

How will the FBI handle these threats?

Jesus Christ, don't blacks know what happens when white people participate in a race war?

What did they mean by this?

uhhhh, someone's going to jail in 3....2.....1......

I wonder if they will have twitters for twits in jail?

They have been very privileged by Obama protecting them, but Trump will put them in the can

Does no one get that white people are REALLY good at race wars?
Like, ridiculously good?
Western history up till the mid 20th century is straight up 'LOLRACEWAR' with Whites running away with it every time.
What is 13% of the population going to do against the the wealthier, more numerous, more well armed populace?

Best of luck!

The best medicine when they are screaming is to laugh on their faces. Always have a friendly witness with you recording and do as follows:

When they come screaming and rambling trying to make you scare or apprehensive, just laugh it off. Don't say anything just laugh it off in their face. If you do it right they will get angrier by the minute, until a point they will make a move. Keep an eye out for their hands and feet, let they make the first move but make sure it won't hit you anywhere damaging. Then after the first blow apply self-defense as necessary.

You know they are just like you and me. The difference is that we get to vent and lower our testosterone pressure. They have been repressed their entire life and although low-test as fuck, it's a life time just pent up in there ready to go at any time. That's why they overreact at any opportunity they can get. They need to let loose some steam.

Unless you are talking about niggers. They are just savages, no point expecting anything else.

I live in an open carry state bro. Most numales and SjW types are too cowardly to approach anyone that isn't a manlet, and the lower races don't say shit to a white with a gun. Ever.

They've learned.


Makes sense considering democrats minds are usually unoccupied

i cant wait to pick up my p229 tomorrow


Who's got that speech by some European politician that was about exactly this?

these are the people that think Hitler built the Berlin Wall

>if you see a trump supporter be sure to fight them if you can
bring it bitch

they wont
saying stuff like
>kill all whites
>kill all white men
>someone should assassinate the US president because he's a white male
is perfectly acceptable and not racist or sexist at all
but if you say
>i voted for trump
people are allowed to attack you and steal your car

i wish I could get this in Louisiana. Work my MAGA hat to a bunch of places yesterday and for every disgusted look thrown my way I got three smiles/thumbs-ups.

Occupy Democrats

Poor people, seems they finally worked out spamming shitty quotes with yellow text doesnt win elections

This makes a nigga think.

These fucking pussies. Just like every other bit of slacktivism, they'll never put their words into practice.

They won't move out of the country, they won't race war. They'll just bitch and moan on Twitter for the next four years while everything around them slowly improves.

Well they are just taking a page from the republican book. You know what they say if ya cant beat them join them and kill them from the inside.

>not having a race war anyway

what i'd do to give her her 21st std

Probably the same way they have with several government officials including Trump saying Hillary should be assassinated they will ignore them.

Manlet here

Will I be ok? I dont live in an open carry state though

Dont forget

>Private Citizens shouldnt have guns
>Lets start a civil war

>#5 hillary won the popular vote

Kek I wonder how long until they edit in a new point.

I honestly wish I lived there right now so i could gather up some Sup Forumsacks and go curb stomping libcucks. This all makes me rage so much and i don't even live there.

stay safe, Ameribros - I'm assuming you're all armed anyway.

never mind I just checked

apparently delaware is open carry which is odd to me

yes for once i beleive that maybe the left could become based, thanks to trump. It is truly a bizarro world.

The radical left is actually glad trump won and hate the democrats and the establishments probably even more then us.

haters getting mad

only white people trying to organize is a crime user. The FBI wants whitey gone too. So they let the niggers and spics do whatever the fuck they want.

I love my country so fucking much

How are people allowed to write sentences like that on public social media?

Shouldn't someone istigating stuff like that be thrown in jail?

Praise Kek and pass the .223. Can we wait until my stamp comes in and my can gets out of ATF jail?


Pick one

You would get here gather them up then realize none of them have the backbone balls or power to do it.

Seems like the FBI will have to work overtime for a couple of weeks.


this is what i thought would happen too. they're mobilizing in over 7 cities though.

curoius to see what happens next.

But we're not talking about the liberal faggots


Oh I wish they would.
I wish they fucking would.
Guess what you fucking cunts? The ball's in our court now. And marshal law is sounding pretty nice

[citation needed]

>Trump is both a creature and creation of the media

What the fuck am I reading

not if it's directed at white people. have you learned nothing this year?

That`s why i dont understand why all those Rapefugees want to go to Germany.

He literally built that wall out of jewish bones shitlord! Before my parents were born my grandparents were worked to death building the wall!


god, I hate having to spoon feed sources to people too retarded to think to use google for 10 seconds.

I know right, i literally burst out laughing reading that.

media around the WORLD not just the US fucking despises him. he's literally delusional.


They gonna pepper spray me to death?

They also forget that they're only 13% of the population and any "uprising" wouldn't end well.

you know it makes me kinda mad to watch those celebrities calling for a coup they won't even partake in, once again they think of people as their pets

eh, they love the views he generates.

Never heard it someone deliver this plz

someone report that last tweet to the FBI as a death threat

Good luck with that coup when the military and law enforcement are overwhelmingly pro Trump.

It would be the funniest most pathetic coup ever.

These people better what out. Inciting riots is a crime.

Why waste tax payer dollars?

Honestly, blacks have a small number of hand guns and... that's it.

Whites are armed to the teeth, and rifles change a fight dramatically. Not to mention the population difference.

And hell, we have rooftop koreans on our side.

reminder that he felt suicidal after that tweet

(check his account)

Umm... did you internet at all last night?

If you're gonna start a civil war, be on the side who didn't cuck away their 2nd amendment.

>those signs

wait a minute...

people need to spread this shit to finally bring an end to these psychotics. meme war is just beginning.

They won't until the swamp is drained

I know he is talking about gun toting republicans from pol witch most look like pic.

I see nothing about a violent uprising in the article. I'd ask why right-wingers like you keep lying, but then I remembered that a right-winger just became the most powerful man on Earth through the power of lies.

Considering everyone like you just sold the whole world down the river? I can't say I blame him for hating you, even if I condemn his violent reaction.


So this is what it feels like being on the right side of history

is this a good deal. I am thinking the shit is going to hit the fan soon.


It's been confirmed in Silicon Valley that all tech companies and employees are starting rogue agendas to stop trump

Quora removed all pro trump stuff and placed anti trump shit on every search result

Twitter doing the same thing

And so on

his twitter is suspended. WTF

just wait til he turns up dead, he was so depressed after the okeefe videos, he just shot himself with two shots to the back of the head

Did not know truth could be used as bait haha

This is what you made me do, Trump. Hillary, you're dead to me. #CutForHillary


Who cutting for Hillary now?

I heard he accidentally left his cement shoes on when he went swimming








it's pretty scary that he mentions other dead democrats that died under mysterious circumstances

like seth rich

How the fuck would the left fight a race war? They don't even have guns. It would be short and brutal. We would wipe them out completely.

>women, niggers and nu-males wanting to fight

>left could become based
Only when they become redpilled and become non-leftists, otherwise not

But hating and attacking Clinton supporters is 100% not okay, right?



with sticks and harsh language.

Don't fall for this Soros agitprop, ameribros

Holy shit. Guess they should have paid him off

perhaps if you pulled your head out of your arse you'd have seen the attached image.

>through the power of lies

We'll see if he keeps most of his promises

> Guess they should have paid him off

Now they just have to off him, instead of paying him off

Literally play out like this




Are... are burgers and rossia really bros again?
>what a time to be alive

The people did choose, the Don to elect
Suddenly there was no record left to Correct
I don't really know what libtards expect
I do know my penis can only be so erect

Get fucked commie

I was reading "secret history of the Mongols" a few days ago. They valued the life of their calveryman so greatly they very rarely engaged in direct hand to hand combat. The Hungarians or Russians would assemble in a field, in a block ready for warfare and the Mongols would ride and shoot using the bows killing everyone with arrows, only when the block broke would they draw their swords and then cut down the retreating enemy.... killing every single one.

oh my sides shitbro

"Brad, looks like these new #DNCLeaks2 just nailed you and @rbcreamer like a Podesta Pizza"

>Podesta Pizza

did he just make a fucking pedo reference?

woops, i meant


but... we're the ones with the guns