Now that Trump is finally coming to power and Russia can regain its influence, we can resolve the issue of Ukraine once and for all: this state should not exist, especially after their illegitimate nationalist upheaval when a Nazi-sympathizing, fascist junta took over the country. Say no to fascism, glory to the Saviors of the West - Trump and Putin!
Let's take out (((Ukraine))) Russophobic mafia
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Welcome to Sup Forums.
Heil Hitler.
Trump is but a doorway towards greatness.
>Nazi-sympathizing, fascist junta
wew lad
Agree desu
>Nazi-sympathizing, fascist junta
That's Lugandon, not the entire Ukraine. Get the fuck out of my land.
>Another RIDF thread about Ukraine
What the fuck is going on here. Do we need to ban Russians again?
>Russia can regain its influence
Bwhaha, How? Your country's economy is in deep shit, you can barerly function.
>Nazi-sympathizing, fascist junta took over the country.
>This is what Russians actually believe
They actually do...
There's definitely an organized effort behind this.
Imagine CTR but actually real.
Russophobic myth
nice try kacap shill
You're not even trying
Just wait until Americans can purchase Russian-made firearms again.
>being on Sup Forums
>not being a Nazi sympathiser
gommies pls go
>There's definitely an organized effort behind this.
Of course, there is. They were caught so many times that they even have their wiki page.
Slava ukraini, and fuck your mothers
>Just wait until Americans can purchase Russian-made firearms again.
Why? Aren't you making your own weapons?
Let's take out Ukraine and let Pootin who robs russian serfs from their tax money rule Europe!
Russian serfs like it when their government steals their resources and robs them of their tax money
Woohoo! What a great country to fight degeneracy and fascism!
When did Sup Forums turn pro Ukraine suddenly?
Weeks ago you were telling me Ukraine is a non-country.
Where is the actual evidence?
>Get the fuck out of my land.
Make him. There's contract army now, you know right? Serve your country.
Send in 543 chechen shock troopers and get some thermobaric ordinance to be rained down before their charge to take Mariupol.
Connect 'novorossya' to Krim and sign a mutual defense treaty with them while you instigate more trouble in ukraine and have the so called nadziz fight among each other like they eventually do.
Kill porkoshenkos loved ones first in fucked up ways so he breaks down emotionally. Then kill him as well, with a bomb in his toilet or something, be creative.
Then say, Ukraine is a mess, such low energy, they are a BIG FAT MESS, unbelievable blyat.
Your country already got sanctioned for invading ukraine, i just cant understand why you didnt invade for real.
>ukrainian memes
Just cuck my shit up.
Not many people are pro-Ukraine because not many people think praising red-black murderers is appropriate
nah Ukraine will be EU territory and you lost them for ever.
Rise of the EU niggers. mark my words.
Coлoвїнa, cyчий cинy, ти poзмoвляєш coлoвїнoю?
>Where is the actual evidence?
Did you even see the link? It's got like 40 citiations from various sources.
Split it between Russia, Poland and Hungary. Everyone wins, Poland and Russia will reconcile and finally the hohols will get a real national identity.
>communists wants to take down nazis
You're in the wrong place bud
Fuck you red scum.
Neither Washington nor Moscow, EUROPA
fascism isn't bad
you gave your port
why do you want the rest?
How about this ?
russia saving the west is the same shit like niggers enriching culture
you are living in state that US avoid electing trump
but ukraine is shit, i can give you that
Looks good.
I don't want them, fuck off.