Moving to The Trump Empire general

I have decided to move to The Trump Empire now that The God Emperor Donald Trump has won. How do i as a Norwegian do this legally?

I want to move to a red state/region. I also want to live somewhere close to mountains, and a place i can hunt and fish when i want. Where should i move to?

Also, moving to The Trump Empire thread.

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I am also highly interested

We need some advice from Americans and other legal european immigrants over there!

how about you fuck off and make your country great again before jumping ship like a coward.

Fuck off and let us fix our issues first.

>I also want to live somewhere close to mountains, and a place i can hunt and fish when i want. Where should i move to?


Norway is fucked for good. We have liberal/socialist indoctrination from kindergarten and up.

I mean it has its problems, but if you really like rural life West Virginia is a beautiful state. Solid red, lots of forests and mountains.

Isn't that becoming some liberal pot smoking degenerate place?

The Rockies are probably the most beautiful part of the country, but are far from solid red. If you're living outside of major cities though you're looking at red majorities.

Some states in Appalachia might be more amenable politically.

What is it like coming from Europe to the US though? Is it easy making friends, getting a job and so on?

Yes, it is. I live about 10 minutes north of Denver and as soon as I graduate I'm moving to a red state

Really all the Rockies are red except for the county of Denver and maybe Weld north of Denver. I grew up south in Douglas county and they are rich and red.

I suggest Shenandoah Valley, VA. Very nice mountains and good red there, plus you help VA as a whole get redder. If you want a red state go 30 minutes west to West VA

You should come to the Appalachian Mountains. Somewhere around there would be really nice.

It would be great if some of us /polacks would stay in contact for this purpose. I will file my green card application next year, Trump must come into office first.

We could emigrate together and open up a company in the US

I would love to!

Looked up some photos and it looks really nice!

Pennsylvania went red this year. There is good hunting and fishing here. Our mountains are pretty but they don't compare to the Rocky Mountains. The cost of living is low as well.

Libtards are contained to Philly, Pittsburgh, and state college for the most part.

I have created an discord channel /esc

what fields are you guys in? I'd like that too

I live between the Blue Ridge and the Appalachian mountains in beautiful southwest virginia.

Come here. You will not regret it.
Barely any dark people. Lots of jobs. Low crime. And now that our glorious leader is taking office...the sky is the limit.

I am an electrical engineering student, done in one and a half years.

I've never used that, but i will sign up!

Can I trade my EU citizenship for a US one with some SJW? There should be a procedure for this!

I am a mobile software engineer

How hot is it? I am from Norway, and i am not used to intense heat. I like medium temperatures the best (around 10-15C or 50-60F)

Latveria . D letter is for Donald.
Those girls are Melania and Ivanka.
Long live god emperor.
Greetings from Bariloche Patagonia Argentina !! Germans here love Trump.

If any of you Trump followers want to live here you are welcome !! . We need to kick some kikes out

I'm an iOS and OS X developer! We should create a software company when we get our green cards lads!

Alaska as well

join me on discord, I am not German btw just grew up in the caliphate

Truly the greatest place on earth..
there is no intense heat. or intense cold...for very long

We have four, balanced seasons. You get to experience snow for just a little bit..then wonderful spring..then summer and girls in bikinis for just a couple months...then the best season of all FALL.
its my private utopia.

Northwest Montana is the place for you.

Sounds nice! I am used to four-five months of snow and ice, but i like fall (hunting season) the best.

I actually went looking for resources on how to immigrate to the USA for OP, but I couldnt find anything that wasnt marriage or work visa related.

Thanks for the effort!

Man I wish I was in the same field as you guys. I'm a biochemical engineer. Good luck to you though if you decide to move.

>I want to move to a red state/region. I also want to live somewhere close to mountains, and a place i can hunt and fish when i want. Where should i move to?

Idaho. Good hunting lands, a decent amount of fishing waters, solid red almost always, and smaller population of people that just want to be left alone.

>not First American Trumpire

I am from Argentina . From the city of Bariloche where Priebke and Hitler lived. I would like to move to Norway or another Scandinavian country. How it is going the immigrant problem there??

Don't expect the same types of paid vacation and benefits you're used to in Norway. It's not even close in the US. Starting out as a 20-something you're looking at 1-2 weeks paid vacation, tops.

Just want to throw a reality check in for you. And if you're expecting NAV/sykmelding kind of support you can pretty much forget it. A that stuff is extremely dependent on your employer and by no means guaranteed.

But I will answer some questions if you need advice from someone who knows a bit more on US/Norwegian immigration

t. American in Norway

I am a civil engineer specialized in 3rd design I worked for nuclear plants and metal structures for buildings. I know how to build walls like no other just in case. Autocad 3d. Catia software. Etc etc Hehe we must take a a little nation with professionals of same thinking have good lands etc

What kind of money do I need to successfully immigrate?

>red state, mountains, hunting, fishing

Harris, Arkansas. Location of the National HQ of the KKK (scares away blacks from moving there). Located in the mountains. About an hour south of Branson, Missouri - a popular vacation and tourist center. Lots of live music and such.
guys I found another way kek

Trump is talking to Obama

Europe is not what you may expect, the taxation and vicious propaganda will eat you up, we are basically finished

I will hit 30 soon, fuck I am too old

If you have a College degree of any kind or any form of higher education that is remotely comparable, moving here is a piece of cake and can take as little as a few months to go through the process.
If you don't have a college degree, the process is way more complicated and tedious.
So which is it in your case OP.

it doesn't matter, we all have a degree and would be sent to officer school after basic training, to which the age rule doesn't apply
yeah but you can't just move willy-nilly, you have to find a job first

Realistically, you need to have money for an immigration lawyer or some rather good connections with your potential employer. This is going to be expensive, probably on the order of $25-40,000 USD including application fees.

The working visa for people with a college degree that you guys would be looking at are called H1-B. Read about it here-


There is a capped quota at 65000 accepted applications per year. The majority of these are used up by the tech industry employing poo-in-loos. There is no quota for academic research positions, however.

It was much easier for me going the other way to Norway. I had a job offer in hand and I can speak the language though, which helps. Good luck, anons.

from rusia with luv

I am in the middle of a bachelors degree in electrical engineering. Is a bachelors enough, or do i need a masters?

What's the code though? paste the code

White foreigners are highly respected by everyone. And bitches will be all over your dick. Come over and make many white babies, friend. I'm looking at moving to Wyoming personally.

Bachelors is just fine.
If you didn't have a college degree you would have to "prove you have a skill-set that an employer wouldn't reasonably be able to find easily in the US", or be famous.
Since you have a degree, you need to find a job, and then it's just a matter of filing paperwork, finding a place to live, etc.
You know, all the essentials.

Come to Reno NV, we're twenty minutes away from Tahoe.

Reno went blue this year and 2012, and is a huge, disgusting city. Basically it's a larger version of my town with even more meth.

> t. Susanville

Wow, i thought it was very hard no matter what, but that's a relief! The only thing holding me back is the thought og leaving my family, but i will see in a year or two if i'll apply for a visa.

And more spics and niggers I should add. I wouldn't live there.

I want to buy a bit of land in bumfuck nowhere Montana. Can if forbid people from trespassing on my land? I just want people to leave me the fuck alone.

Gonna be though to find a job out there though

How into US when i'm a poorlack?

Not if you live off the land i.e. become a farmer or learn a trade and move to a small town

But how do you apply for a visa for "buying some frigid and arid land in montana and live off it"?

Nah I have masters degree so I in the worst case I'd be doing some stupid office job for a while. That's not the problem.

see This is what I plan on doing if I don't find a job after college (2 years tops). I'll join the military, serve 5 years and live in some backwoods in a red state

Check out the smokey mountain region around east Tennessee. Beautiful area of a solid, red state. Not as redneck as it was years back, but still solidly white. Plenty of jobs and a growing area as well.

Alright, but you need to come legally.

If you have skills of any kind you shouldn't have trouble finding work.

as far as i can tell only in the cities. If you go out of the populated areas to the mountains or plains they're pretty conservative and hate the hippy-dippy, pot smoking fags in the city with a hard passion.
Cool state-their gay cities, honestly just like every blue state.

I don't even know how i could come over there illegally from Norway.

I don't really have any work-skills yet, as i am still in university.

pretend to be a rapefugee

I'd finish up that degree, senpai.

Just immigrating from Norway in and of itself is easy mode. You want a good job once you get here.

Tennessee, Georgia, northern Alabama, Kentucky, these are all what you describe. Personally I recommend Mississippi if you want to live for super cheap, have plenty of space to hunt and fish, and be within a few hour from mountains, but that's just my preference.

pic related

This will change when Trump takes office. He wants to make European immigration much easier.