Things a hot good woman does to get a hot man like US!

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I will start


Throats my dick and licks my asshole

wait for me to get home to discipline the kids


prove that you're not a 300lb sperglord first

Has political views that are based on logic and not emotion.


accepts my skinnyfat body

6-6 you manlet

double chin, dark clothing to hide your fat rolls

>hot men liks US

lmao you're disgusting

dude your gay
I am way way better looking than you.

>>I am way way better looking than you.

no you aren't

yes I am
post a pic
I need a laugh
you are probably a skinny guido RAT
italains are alway fillping out over an ounce of fat because they have no muscle

things real women, who are not insane are allowed to have

>preference to males
Meaning that they are allowed to reject any guy they want to, base on any kind of traits or feats
>social resistance to change
Meaning that she can still choose not to participate in social things, or even sometimes suggest social things to do

things real women are somewhat are allowed to do, but with council from the outside

>hold a man who lost his goodness, inside of a marriage accountable
think of alcohol/drug abuse and/or not completing his duties. Though of course, there should be severe scrutiny towards these things since it was abused heavily by modern women. So basically, the bias should go 180 degrees and only in extremer cases of men going bad, the women will have right for divorce

things women are not allowed to do at all

>have leading positions, private or public
>be able to vote
>are allowed to speak to men in matters other than children, the household and a few other generic female things
So git them out of politics, out of corporations, ban them completely from anything else but being a wife. The woman should be completely absent from public life almost.

death penalty tier

>Attacking men, even weak men, verbally or physically, or attempting to instigate unrest towards men in a hostile fashion.
>trying to compete with men for resources in the same jobs
how about that so called wage gap? How about we turn it actually up to 100% you dumb cunts?

wait for me to get home to discipline her


ha ha total skinny potato nigger FAG
Dude I am so far beyond you with my looks its another galaxy!!!

LOl cum catching fag beard!!
hipster conformist ugly FAG LOL!!!
Hilarious shitty shop at leg level FAG!

>Hilarious shitty shop at leg level FAG!

uh huh

you fukin homo!!!
oh god my eyes hurt
go back to crossifit and epo!!
you short poptato nigger fuzzy faced conformist FAG!!

this is really quite pathetic