How do we resurrect Rhodesia and South Africa to their former glory?
Those countries are the one example in my mind where whites were cucking blacks and outbreeding them.
How do we resurrect Rhodesia and South Africa to their former glory?
Other urls found in this thread:
>that hot M60
>You will never be a Rhodesian mowing down niggers in nothing but veldskoens and a sock on your cock
>Noticing the M60
>Not having a throbbing erection due to the thight tactical combat shorts
well for one, rhodesia would have to exist again
Rhodesia is dead till further notice.
Now South Africa however, that has a fighting chance.
How can you call yourself an american and not id guns correctly? Sad.
What do they do on their down time Sup Forums?
I don't like to admit it but you need to kill all the niggers.
The whites went away. The country will live in it's pre white state until the yellow man get involved and start telling them to not kill each others and build roads, schools and hospitals.
I was gonna post this. There's no other possible way and we this has been proven to us time after time after time...
The white man lost Africa to the Chinese, it's over already. I think it's more viable to genocide the abbos and make the Australian outback livable rather than trying to salvage Africa.
Yeah, there's really no point in beating around the bush
if they were the RLI, drugs mostly.
Why not both?
Also, I'd like to take the time for Sup Forums to thank the most important man in history.
Leopold II killed 10-15million + Congolese Africans. With population growth included, that's the equivalent of 40-60million Africans.
Thank him for his service to humanity.
I don't like him. He appointed the Congo as his own property instead a Belgian colony, fuck him. His endgame was shit too
Even if you don't agree with his endgame, his means by which he did so were fantastic
Pretty much the African equivalent of the holocaust.
Dunno man, niggers are niggers but I really can't get behind the idea of killing millions of people.
What are you, a cuck?
Dead niggers are the best kind of niggers
Impossible. Not enough whites. Rhodesia especially.
Best we can do is try and establish an independent Western Cape, seeing as we have a large coloured population that's also fed up with the blacks, and feel as if they've been left out by them since the fall of Apartheid.
Why can't my fellow South Africans start shilling this as much as they can - everytime I speak to a coloured about this they're 100% up for it.
I hope the trump presidency inspires other countries to uncuck themselves. Let's make South Africa great again.
I keep clicking and hoping for QTs and it's never QTs ;__;
Looks like a huge fag
Can you explain the coloured demographic?
I get that they are mulatto but that's all.
This. Whites have to either out-breed the niggers or out-kill them.
If S.A. blacks were Duffy +ve like W. Africans it would be quite simple to engineer a haemorrhagic fever (like Ebola) to target them.
Southern Africans would be much harder.
Just move out and let the Chinese farm them.