ITT: we predict the outcome of the next election
ITT: we predict the outcome of the next election
no fucking way cali's ever gonna be red though. sorry m80
>next democrat candidate is going to be Kanye West
This is my final prediction
>Ever being red
We'll get a Linke / GrĂ¼ne government in bavaria before that happens.
I think it would be quite difficult to campaign from prison.
She will never run again praise God.
I think it will be Warren. Warren rails against big banks, against Jews, and is more worker-friendly. She will probably win in a landslide.
Either way a Trump win resets the state of both parties and it has pushed the Oligarchy to the brink of destruction. Couldn't be more thrilled.
I'm still hungover from this one. Can we like, chill
>Implying we won't let California secede
>Implying New York can ever uncuck itself
this is likely
people need to realize, biden is their eventual 2020 nominee for the DNC and man what a low energy pedo cuck. excellent choice. will make 8 years of trump a certainty
New Jersey is too diverse to become red
I live there so I know
It will after Trump deports all the illegals and builds a big beautiful wall, that Mexico will pay for
here's my prediciton for next election
r8 and aprec8 and CHECK EM too
Slow and steady wins the race.
Yes, please.
Please please please Lord KEK
>California is used as a new nuclear testing zone to see how well our bombs work in urban areas like LA and San Diago
>We don't warn them beforehand
>Biden is their eventual 2020 nominee
I had the same thought just a minute ago. But he has said again and again he wouldn't run after his son died. And now that we see if he had run, he would have easily won (carrying NV/NH still, and certainly WI, MI, PA) he will probably never forgive himself for NOT running.
I think it might seriously be Warren/Biden and this would be a ticket that would win in a landslide. I think Trump does not want to run the country for more than these 4 years.
>next election
You're naive.
Oregon would go red before Washington.
was debating whether to put 'election' in inverted commas
This is my prediction for Warren/Biden vs. Trump/Pence or Trump/Christie
I don't know where these Western states will fall cause spics, don't know where Florida will fall because of Cubans (if Trump doesn't cut off Cuban relations, which Congress might resist) and I don't know what GA will do cause Niggers supporting Biden.
You've clearly never been to Portland
Seattle is a nice meme but most of Washington is pretty conservative.
But as you can see, it doesn't matter because once people see Trump can't do shit for them they will flock to Warren and her message and the success of Biden. Trump could win Florida and it wouldn't matter; just like if Hillary had won Florida this year, it wouldn't have mattered
The future is in the rust belt and midwest.
>Michigan split up
>Trump in 2020
haha hell no you brain damage
?? he runs as incumbent President you retard. There's no way that a Republican will try to subvert him and run and the last (only) time it happened was like 1816
Even Minnesota could turn red.
They were actually pretty close. Hillary won by like 2% in Minnesota.
Much better than in the past.
If trump does well we will see an absolute landslide next time.
if she runs again ill be shocked
I'm dropping my proposal here. Propagate this so that more people give it a thought.
If Trump does his job I expect a Reaganesque landslide in 2020. Every state except Commmiefornia and DC will go red, and even Commiefornia could be in play if Trump deports enough of them.
The democrat party has no bench. It boiled down to an old establishment fossil and an old socialist fossil. You can't tell me that shrieking harpy Elizabeth Warren would stand a chance in a national election either, let alone against an incumbent.
Biden would be too old
Fuck off with this projection. The Democrat party is committing suicide. Rather than be graceful in defeat, they are now labeling it a "white lash" and calling Trump voters racist, sexist, and xenophobic - many of these people in places like Pa, Ohio, Mich, Wisc, and Iowa voted Obama twice! Now they're racist for wanting to bring home jobs! If Trump delivers on a fraction of his promises, he wins 2020 in a landslide.
If you can't spell curriculum, you shouldn't speak to Education. Republicans shouldn't fuck with education because it loses us elections.
>See: NC
You need to be looking down the road at the surge of spics and niggers and coalburners and you need to teach kids HOW to think, not WHAT to think (like Liberals do)
If you teach them HOW to think the redpills will automatically follow. Simple.
you don't become president by letting others do the work for you user
Trump is 70 m8, he won't do a second term.
>How to make America great again
>Cedes territory Mexico unjustly demands
Why Minnesota?
I know how to spell. That was just a typo, relax.
>Give away valuable land to Mexicans
ROFL yes he will.
It's Chelsea's turn
>The Democratic* Party (so forgive me if I don't trust the assertion of someone who can't use grammar) is dead
This is exactly to my point. Something new (Warren) will emerge from the ashes of the Democratic Party. This was going to happen in 2024 regardless; all we've done is hurry it along.
It will be Warren. I promise you this. Screencap it now because I'd bet all my money on it.
Okay, but my point stands.
If Reagan can do it we can too.
Hillary won MN by a hair. It was called yet Arizona and Michigan weren't?
I meant to add that Trump will not want to necessarily run again. I think he will want back to his Empire versus losing badly. He CAN'T deliver on at least 50% of his promises because he does not believe in them (repealing abortion, etc.)
You really think another Republican won't see him as the greater of two evils and not do anything about it? Wew.
That was before the spic invasion
i think his point was that trump is definitely not alive in 2020
you can guess why
Warren is fucking scum and one of the most unlikable people on the planet. She comes across as a condescending Ivy liberal, she'd get fucking shellacked. If you thought the Midwest was red this year, imagine it in 2020 with incumbent Trump versus Warren.
Trump plays incredibly well with white people and blue dog Democrats, and he'll do even better next time around. That would be the reddest map since Reagan.
Please run, Pocahantas. We'd love to see you take on an incumbent Trump.
I'm saying that Constitutionally and practically it is not going to happen.
Even if you got past that, you really think a Republican is going to challenge the entire populace? The Trump Mandate is now the Republican Mandate.
Wew lad. You are something else.
>literally giving away land
you're making me angry
i got fucking angry when the stupid fucks in norwegian bureaucracy even joked about moving the norwegian-finnish border ten meters to give the finns the peak of a mountain on their side of the border
>NC pink
come on, HRC got btfo this year. No one that lives in NC ever thought she had a chance.
Could be. But Pence is far more Conservative than Trump. And I am an Independent.
I know this. But the populace sees her as someone who will rally against the Jews, the Banks, shitty trade deals
Gosh that sounds familiar doesn't it...where have I heard this from...the election that JUST happened?
20 million less voters.
What if Trump fucks up though? I don't really care too much about your elections but if there's a what if scenario where he fails to deliver on his more extreme promises, what are his chances of doing a second term?
Kayne/Swift 2020
Clearly you don't, because you're grossly overestimating and overstating her chances and misunderstanding a great deal of what makes Trump popular.
Trump is not in the least PC and stands up for traditional American values, and appealed directly to white people, whereas Warren is an extremely PC social justice warrior type who blames white people for all of the world's ills. Trump's a blue collar billionaire, she's a condescending Ivy League-type. She would get wrecked in the general, especially because she won't have much to bitch about on that front after Trump gets done taking care of business.
Hillary will never run again. Trump is already the oldest person to be elected president (70 years old). The one before him was Reagan, who was 69. Hillary is 69 too.
Warren barely won her seat in Massachusetts and retarded liberals like you seriously think she could run for President?
Minnesota's going red next year, so long as Trump doesn't fuck up horribly.
Hillary clinton will run again, but she will actually be dead like the majority of her voters that vote absentee. they will run the most morbid campaign and the democrats with become president of the united states of the south side of the trump wall. day de la muerte will become real.
Slow and steady
When they going to announce Jeb won the popular vote?
Also, and I have to add this, she's physically one of the ugliest human beings that I've ever seen in my life. You can say "looks don't matter" all you want, but it's going to play into things.
Trump effectively delivered the presidency, congress, senate, and supreme court to the republicans. Not to mention his massive support among the voter base. Republicans are smart enough not to bite the hand that feeds them.
Do you guys think he'll have enough energy for a second term? Being president at 73 is not easy
And you are misunderstanding what makes her popular is the same reason that so many Bernie supporters (hi) flipped to Trump
You are also overstating how many people are anti-PC. They simply can't counter the populism of Bernie, Warren etc.
Bernie would have crushed Trump because of his white, working class support in WI, MI, PA...Hillary never set foot in WI and I said that was a mistake back in June. And whoever runs in 2020 also has a lot of the Spic vote in the West.
But okay, I respect your opinions. I think you'll be surprised how accurate my map ends up being. I called this election as soon as she picked Kaine and I'm going to call 2020 right now. I won't be far off.
Another solid point which goes back to my followup to the other user about why even if you get past the constitutional issues of a challenge, you still have the populace issues to contend with. Well reasoned.
>a Trump win resets the state of both parties and it has pushed the Oligarchy to the brink of destruction
The democratic party, yes. The republican party, no.
Republicans rejected Trump because they thought he would lose. They were trying to adapt to The New America and trying to embrace the changing demographics. They thought Trump would fuck it up.
Now that he's won, and they see that extremism still works, they'll campaign like him from now on. They'll still govern the same way though.
If Trump is a net positive for the country he will be reelected. That is generally how it works with incumbent presidents running for re-election. You have to make things worse than your predecessor left them to lose reelection.
I would vote for this.
*Slow Claps
Congratulations crackers, you prolonged your eventual genocide
>alberta, saskatchewan, and manitoba going blue
Specifically, he needs to bring back those factory jobs and fix the inner cities. If he doesn't, he's toast.
Hillary will win in 2020.
Fuck Trump and white people.
>implying the rednecks in UP want to join Soviet Canuckistan
>implying Ohio/Penn want to join Soviet Canuckistan
>implying Wall Street wants to go to Soviet Canuckistan
>implying Upstate NY wants to go to Soviet Canuckistan
can't campaign from prison
>Fuck Trump and white people.
You still here?
She'll be dead by then
do you even Kanye?
Why? That would be so stupid.
Almost as stupid as voting for a reality TV star I guess.
Warren landslide desu senpai
This will be the map. Screenshot this.
My prediction. Trump gets impeached. Multiculture Backlash wins.
Nope. Trump actually knows what he's doing and he worked hard for his victory. I guarantee you that Kanye and Taylor will have no clue what the fuck they're doing and will likely drop out within the first week or two.
MS and GA aren't flipping
Not even for a proven, trusted conservative?
reagan was the one that turned cali blue, imported and legalised all the latinos. Guy fucked up in a lot of ways.
It all depends on the economy.