With Michigan and Arizona still counting, CNN is projecting he will win the popular vote.
why are they still counting?
because they aren't done yet?
Because it doesn't matter anymore, so they have no need to rush.
I hope he does so we can BTFO these fucking SJWs some more. NYT still forecasting Shillary to win popular vote
why not? the other states already finished counting
Washington and Utah are still counting but CNN shows the districts still being counted are landslide Trump
It's been stuck at 92% since yesterday morning
It hasn't moved at all. Why not
you're retarded. Trump saved our ass by using the system against itself. The electoral college is part of the system that caused the mess. Lurk more faggot.
Seems unlikely. Her numbers are going up at a much faster rate than his. What are the states at stake exactly?
Military and Mail-in votes
Those are gonna be exclusively Trump.
Please, KEK, make this happen.
Should we channel our energy?
It's doesn't matter now, but If Trump wins pop vote.
Lib butthurt gonna really deep.
Also it's just like electoral race, very tense, i like it.
How long is it gonna take.
How long did it take in the last election to get this over with?
Do they count towards states? Could NH flip she only won by about 1000 votes kekekek
The greatest time line.
KEK is sleeping
Niggers in Detroit.
1st time that Niggerr is actualy saying the good news.
93% now
i hope he takes the popular vote. give those cocksuckers fucking nothing.
Bush lost the popular vote by 0.5% and libs called him a selected president not elected
Trump is behind >.02% in the popular vote and they already are, including Moore. Counting isn't even done
We need this to shut them up for 4 years
Good pic to redpill muh popular vote cucks.
yep. this is their #1 talking point since the end of it now. and you can bet the blue counties all counted their votes fast as fuck when it looked like Clinton might lose. looks like he might win the popular vote.
thats what i am woundering
how fucking slow and stupid are you Arizona faggots? Michigan i can understand, there niggers, but i thought spics were smarter. GUESS NOT
Shadilay initiate!
PRAISE KEK, pop vote for trump!
The EC stops mob rule. Fuck off, cuck.
Yes. Praise KEK!
>there niggers
You realize that the popular vote is unreliable when we have an electoral college, right? A lot of people who live in blue or red states didn't vote because they knew how their state was going to vote ahead of time.
So your vote should count more if your neighbors live farther away from you?
If you remove all of the voter fraud Hillary committed he already has
Retroactive meme magic gogogo!
Military absentee ballots, votes from rural areas that probably come in really late, and amish votes that had to be delivered by horse and buggy.
Clinton boost slowly now.
Clinton from 350 lead down to 280 lead now.
Oh my god the tense, it's literally Florida and Pensylvania v2.
Please let Trump win Pop vote so Lib rolling in the deep.
Kek, those numbers are so irrelevantly small they are within the margin of error.
On top of that, the popular vote is irrelevant because that is not how your system works, and thus people in locked states who would vote for the other candidate are less likely to even bother.
Illegals do not count
He won the popular vote too
Does anyone know when they finish counting Michigan?
There was a ton of wonky shit going on in Detroit on Tuesday.
Why do we even bother with the popular vote if it's so unimportant? Fuck it.
They are extremely butthurt and want to drag it out as long as possible
I guarantee you if Trump decided to go in and have those inmate votes removed as well as investigate and remove all of the voter fraud voted that we would see that he won by at least a million votes
Literally had people following around and videoing buses taking people around voting multiple times
Does this matter? I mean that popular vote thing is a stupid argument and the amount either of them seem to be winning by is insignificant.
If he wins pop. vote it will be a fucking nuclear detonation right on top of their shit-ass heads.
They'll be done forever, they will look like utter fucking morons to any single person who was still in doubt.
It will be like laying down a sledgehammer on a seal's head.
Their vote counts more because that was the condition for them joining the union. They would have never agreed to it if they could get fucked by Cali every single time.
still withing margin of error
>No one giving dvbs
wtf m8s, don't you know that meme magic doesn't work without our input?
trump wins the popular vote
kek wills it
It always takes this long. Most of the time we know enough to know who won but there is always some counties in the corners of the country that take a couple days.
Its a good election when we are not waiting a whole week for the entire state of Florida.
America is big eurobros remember that. It would be like counting every vote in the EU and then some if they actually let you vote.
it's to kick liberals while they're down, and to make them sound like hypocrites when they suddenly say the popular vote isn't legitimate either
Yes. We can make libs heads explode if he wins both by electoral college and by popular vote
>live in Washington
>didn't bother voting for Trump because of all the cucks living here
I'm sorry
We want SJWs to explode into infinity
It don't think like they niggers, but they do
Utah is 78% done reporting and the rest are safe red counties. Looks like he could very well win it
Liberals have been brainwashed to think we are a democracy therefore to truly demoralize and push thrm over the edge we need to show them that the cunt also lost the popular vote as well
You weren't wrong about the cucks, cuck.
yes, in other words, the electoral college is a tool for political powers. Seeing the election as a battle between the people is exactly what the powerful WANT you to do.
It's more accurate to compare the election to a board meeting. We are a group of people trying to figure out how to run our country. Don't be a cuckpawn for the jews faggot
Kek demands results
Just to piss liberals off. It's their only argument. It would be funny if this happened.
Just extra icing on a shit-cake to shove it into Hillary's face.
Technically they'd have been getting fucked by Virginia, but I see your point.
Holy shit, the Trump vote in New Hampshire close distance from 2000 vote to 1200.
He have a chance to get New Hampshire.
It does not matter
Our guy already won
Meme lords, please let emperor trump win the popular votes. Praise kek.
Guys, I'm really worried about the prospect of faithless electors voting for Hillary.
Is that likely to happen? Theres no law against members of the electoral college voting against he who has been chosen by the people.
Also, the electoral college was set up so an unqualified man couldn't become president, and unfortunately many people see Trump that way.
Could faithless electors ruin it for us?
>he already won and he's still winning
If they haven't even counted all the votes yet, how can they declare TRUMP as winner?
It's a lib meme and never gonna pass.
Hope he does. That and him
Breaking the 300 gets me another 75 bong bucks. 37 of them were of a £2 stake on getting 300 or more in the electoral collage.
I put cash on Colorado flipping, Florida and Michigan.
>Michigan and Arizona can't fucking count
color me fucking shocked.
White didn't win at all
That's not a winning move
It would trigger a civil war so fast, not even just "If hillary wins we'll have a civil war" Sup Forums tough-guying it.
He has been declared and she conceded, it would cause a civil war on the spot.
When it is very close they do recounts, if it isn't close they don't bother. It is possible the total popular vote is off by hundreds of thousands of votes but it isn't enough to matter with the electoral college so no one really cares.
Kek, give Donald the popular vote by 7 votes please. In return, you have my soul.
Just more things to piss off the losing party
Hillary conceded and Trump already won the electoral vote
Trips of hope. Come on guys, give your power to the slow-states so we can BTFO liberals one last time this election cycle.