D-daddy Trump is going to remember this, right?
D-daddy Trump is going to remember this, right?
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Trump probably doesn't even know where Hungary is
T-thanks Hungary...
I call bs on this map
Was this map made by a tumblr user?
Visegrad is our super best pal. We'll watch your back.
You are welcome to look it up, Luigi.
>the polish president congratulated Trump on wining straight after the outcome was announced
>Poland supports Clinton
The tumblr called "mapsontheweb"
How is this relevant?
Surely it's in the best interest of these countries for the US to be weaker and less of a threat?
Go away skew Hungary. The Magyars are pretty redpilled.
This was before the election. Orbán expressed his support for him months ago.
They polled local femen groups and the jewish population in the countries.
This, I believe the Czech prime minister was also pulling for Trump
who gives a shit about the EU kikes?
US isn't a threat to most of these countries, there's this thing called NATO :^)
And speaking of NATO, Trump is the one who wants these countries to be spending their obligated part on their militaries. Currently, they essentially hide behind the might of the US military, which is a big waste of money for the US.
Not based on a poll, but official statements made by gov officials.
Does Trump know where Suomi is?
Our foreign minister was so fucking disgusting this election, i hope the Trump administration shits on him so hard our government feels forced to replace him.
>all these white people supporting hillary
fuckign white people amiright
His wife is from Slovenia.
>Poland support Hillary
not sure who made this but it's just as accurate as democratic elections in North Korea
Our relationship with USA was pretty shitty thanks to Obama and his administration so our new gov wanted Trump to win
>US isn't a threat to most of these countries
of course not :^)
And speaking of NATO, Trump is the one who wants these countries to be spending their obligated part on their militaries. Currently, they essentially hide behind the might of the US military, which is a big waste of money for the US.
I highly doupt that map
Keressétek már ki nekik. Tusnádfürdőn mondta
hungary is best girl
>virtually no Balkan data
now why would that be...
>the globalist elites in control of europe supported hillary
the fire is rising and the day of the rope will come soon.
Yeah me too.
>anyone in the east
>supporting a liberal woman who aborts children
Czechfag here. The map is bullshit- people in CR are fed up with the liberal media and the constant strem of lies pouring from Prague (the capital), which is why Zeman got elected as president by a landslide. After the US election the president quoted some of the media calling him "Czech Trump", a title he feels proud of. In a press conference, the president already stated that Trump will be invited to visit CR at the first possible oppurtinity. Since this is the attitude in CR, I imagine the mood in Slovakia and the rest of Central-Eastern EU countries is the same, not to mention the Western EU states.
This is a poll about population, not the governments. Polish people prefered Hilary to win, as did the vast majority of Europe. Trump hate is strong on the Old Continent.
I hate our government.
Fixed for geopolitical accuracy.
I disagree with Clinton-Trump split though.
What about the serbs?
>Faroe Islands
Literally the whitest country on earth. Proof that the more homogeneous your society is the more based it becomes.
>half the population of Iceland voted for Clinton
Proud to be Hungarian
>inb4 mongoloid
ive killed more real people in vidya than live in iceland
Whoops! Just remembered Faroe Islands is Denmarks far away Åland (sovereign territory). Disregard my above I suck cocks
>France - Le Pen
>UK - Farage
>Germany - Frauke
Glorious days ahead, lads. We shall all be witnesses to the fall of the European Cuckdom
>right in the sides
>what are we going to do about hungary?
>yes i wouldnt mind something to eat right now
>but sir, thats not what i-
>cmon we dont have time mcdonalds closes in 5 minutes
>but we can't go to mcdonal
>there is no time
*runs outside, gets shot*
>goddamnit, mister presednt
There were no negative news about Clinton at all, at least in Finland. Trump was ridiculed every day in the news.
Most of the people still think Hillary was the saint who did nothing wrong ever.
>Southern Finland tells a story
>half of registered voters in America didn't vote
>sampling European countries
No one gives a fuck about the serbs, even in Yuropoor
Right wing is ecstatic about Trump winning and bullying crying leftwingers with mean tweets and interviews all day.
This is what they told you on TVN? You are full of shit Maciek
>friendship ended with polan
>USA is my best friend nao
Actually in Europe economy would suffer, since Trump planning to impose protectionism.
No but he can tell at a glance that Argentinians aren't white.
Slovenia didn't support TRUMP? Melania is best FLILF
>half of registered voters
Wasn't it half of people eligible to vote?
Bull fucking shit here the majority supports that cunt.
They probably only polled colleges and shit.
>Disregard my above I suck cocks
I can tell that much just by looking at the flag, Sven.
>check jewbook yesterday
>news posts everywhere
>My country is this pathetic
It's up to the people actually.
If Poles, Bulgars, Romanians etc. weren't such leeches there would be no problems.
If the Eastern Europeans were more concentrated on their own economy instead of exporting millions of people in Germany, UK etc. Things would be different.
Eastern Europeans/Balkans are among the lazies people in Europe.
Speak for yourself, FYROM
Fake and gay, nobody here supports Clinton.
I hate latinos too so it checks out.
Are you committing suicide then?
But I am, that's a real problem here too
Why are faroe islands so based?
>Faroe Islands has Europe's highest fertility rate, namely 2.1 children per woman, and the islands also in modern times have been able to maintain its population size without considerable immigration.
>abortion illegal
>90% support trump
Can any danish confirm? Can you post any other stats so we can learn more about faroese people?
Please /pol could use faroese people as an example that conservative culture results in stability and that it's simply better.
Calling bullshit on the map. Or at least I am pretty sure it doesn't represent opinions of general population. Maybe that of some "experts" or other government officials.
Sorry, Hitler. I should have been more specific. I hate all latinos but me.
I'm sure he's talking about ChicANOS. They're trash that have ruined my country.
LOL this shows how much all our media is Orban-controlled
Lithuanian fag here most of the people know nothing about the election only trump is racyst n we gunn die
t. Alberto Barbosa
What a fucking lie, baltics and poland 100% support Trump
I've been there, 100% based people
We probably have the most racist country in Europe. Its pretty funny when faggots complain about racism in other countries and flinch every time they see a black guy on the streets.
You can add Norway to that map, media is cucked as ever before
Well I don't see black people on the streets so I can't tell if anyone's flinching.
they allowed gay marriage though. Can you tell me more? Are they right wing? They might be the last of europeans in 200 years.
No, a CBOS poll did
Clinton 57%
Trump 6%
It's not even a contest so drop that tinfoil of yours now.
I see your father.
Oh wait, I don't see your father.
I love you
That's gotta be total bullshit though. Our media is VERY VERY pro-clinton, constant propaganda for her.
>YFW Russia will be red though
>YFW That beats all the other countries
Op is a retard, he should have clarified, Orbán was the first and only eu leader that supported Trump before the election finished.
(((Bloomberg))) worldwide.vote
I hope Trump really dickslaps our anti-Western leaders.
Well, they kill whales and have some self inserted survie mode, this keep cucks and beta mentality away from their land. Also Denmark acts like a wall.
>gazeta koszerna
friendly reminder
Orban supported Trump in July:
At least for Slovenia the map is correct. That Melanija had the chance to become first lady did not faze the majority of Slovenians who hold at least vaguely left-wing views, and it would not have affected the Catholic right wing's choice either, had the situation been reversed
Nobody buys into their lies anymore.
That map is BS. Poland was behind Trump all along. Of course not mainstream media whores. We even have a petition to send invitation to Trump to visit Poland as 1st country as a paresident.
Why did bozgors give Trump cold welcome?
I thought he was everything Orban wants to be.
If the media poorly polled the US itself one day before the election, why do you guys think fucking Europe isnt also going to also have Hillary winning somehow?
So we should all make it mandatory to kill whales? Is it a coincidence that japanese started to think about allowing immigrants into their country precisely when they try and stop killing whales? theguardian.com
He does