You all look down on libs for crying and rioting about the loss but you'd be doing the same thing if Trump lost admit it
You'd all you'd be acting the same way
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The tears of my allies are tragic. The tears of my enemies are hilarious.
No we wouldn't, we're used to society spitting on our world view. No one is invading our safe space because we don't have a safe space
you mean like we did when Obama won?
oh... wait...
Not at all, if Brexit had failed (I voted out) I'd have been annoyed but just carried on, not wailed and bitched and cried like a fucking 5 year old over it.
Damn, that blonde chick's hot when she cries.
Their tears give me a freedom boner.
It would have just been one more step into melancholy, since humanity passed the point of no return a long time anyway.
These lefty fuckers cried because they favour emotions over logic. Hopefully this loss will harden the fuckers up and they'll begin to understand the right point of view..
..fucking unlikely, but still
>entire media slandering Trump
>voter fraud
>being literally threatened if you vote for him
Gee I wonder why people would be mad.
If hillary won, I wouldn't cry. I'm used to life giving me shit. If anything, her being president would make Sup Forums more fun.
Now that trump is president, he can only go down. He reached his high point.
Yeah I went into the referendum mentally prepared for defeat, so it just made it all the sweeter. Same with the US election
no.i can honestly say this isnt the case
>Sup Forums isn't a safe space
>you'd be doing the same thing if Trump lost admit it
Why would we do that? I Hillary won the status quo would have continued... no change. For people to cry/riot it would have to get way worse than before the election.
Of course, life of the libshits won't get worse either, but they are too far detached from reality to realize.
Nobody's banning you faggot
I voted for Hillary. Those bitches are babbies.
Chances of civil war would not have been 0.
I would neither cry nor riot because I like I am an adult and as such I and I would have thought most other adults have come to terms with the fact that not everything happens like you wanted.
Because they lost on an ideological front that objectively has no basis in reality. Hillary would've been much more detrimental to this country and its people. Protest against Hillary would be justified considering she would further the globalist agenda and send us to war with Russia.
ITT: sympathizing with butt hurt liberals who incite violence and mayhem on a platform completely based on identity politics and passion.
No, conservatives have the courage to look their own losses and failures in the eye and come back from it stronger.
Liberals just go hide from reality in their safe spaces.
Who #CuttingForHillary here?
This is what you made me do, Trump. Hillary, you're dead to me. #CutForHillary
We'd shit post, that's it. OP is a faggot.
We didn't in 1992
We didn't in 1996
We didn't in 2008
We didn't in 2012
Fuck off and grow up. Elections happen, and if you lose you don't go out and riot or throw tantrums leading to civil disorder.
Liberals talk about how it's time for change and how they're reaching the "breaking point"
They have no idea how close things would have gotten to revolution if Hillary would've been elected. I swear I though I was going to see it within the next 16 years (assuming we didn't get into WW3 first). I might not have to now.