A new front. We persuade the blacks to leave america
BLAXIT Thread Three
I say we use
hashtags. Emphasize this is an anti-Trump rebellion to return to Africa to prosper in our homelands.
Who here willing to pay a 10% tax to pay for travel and startup costs in Africa in order to help them with their movement?
I 100% am. Take my fucking money and build them their own country in Africa.
(Blacks out of America)
Black Pride, Black Power, BLM symbolism.
>Hashtag is filled with stormfags as subtle as the holocaust.
We built this country we can build africa
I'd say ignore #LoveTrumpsHate
Make this about black people. Make the Liberals think it is best for blacks. And suggest that coal burners should go with them.
Obligatory viewing
And that's the white neighbourhood of Argentina kek
no fuck them, they got free money in the states before and africa had BILLIONS and they didnt do shit
lets bono and his ilk pay for that
Wait for the "movement" to pick up storm and get media attention before deciding to invest.
You should attach some WEWUZ imagery as well.
this sounds good
I was trying to get allies from catchy hashtags
make africa great FOR ONCE
would be more appropriate
It has been done once before, it can be done again.
>The Republic of Liberia began as a settlement of the American Colonization Society (ACS), who believed blacks would face better chances for freedom in Africa than in the United States.
>1. The NFL, NBA, and NCAA football/basketball
>2. Beyonce
>3. The Obamas
>4. tRap music
>5. Real lips, butts, and melanin
>6. The word “Fleek”
>7. Neil Degrasse Tyson
>8. Every invention by black people
>9. Our 1.2 trillion dollar annual buying power
>10. The whip and nae nae
>11. Rhythm
>12. Soul food
>13. Oprah
>14. Cornrows
>15. Gospel music
>16. Will Smith
>17. Morgan Freeman’s voice
>18. Michael Jackson, Prince, and Whitney Houston’s entire catalogs
>19. Shondaland
>20. HeLa Cells
>21. Cadillac
wise words italanon
We can do it, goyim, this is so much better than all my ideas today of making Earth great again.
>mfw when the natives were segregated by the colonists
None of these things will be missed except the buying power, which we will easily make up for. Homogeneous utopia incoming.
Another thread claimed it formed naturally. Is that true or are we starting it from scratch?
Either way we meme actually a white america again without spilling any blood. Sup Forums seriously posseses a peculiar power.
Guess we reached pic related
Shouldn't crime be on the list of things they are taking with them?
Neil Degrasse Tyson and Morgan Freeman.
>Everything else on that list is replaceable and some of it is even abominable.
Homosexualgenius utopia, sounds pretty gay..
WTF, Nigher beats Trump supporter
WTF, Nigher beats Trump supporter
WTF, Nigher beats Trump supporter
Lets just convince the left to do that. Spin it as some sort of cultural rehabilitation program. They'd be all over that stupid shit.
It has a chance.
>cultural rehabilitation
so they've been poisoned by contact with WHITEY? Perfecto.
buying power will be negative anyway, if offset against stealing power
>implying the subset prone to rioting, burning shit down, polar bear hunting and pulling passing white people from their cars can afford to leave the country
It doesn't even rhyme. Here's how you do it:
black lives matter nigga
so let's all move to africa nigga
We persuade the leties to fund it in order to protect muh precious niggers
>create memays for plebs
I'd we did this are we not playing into Jewish hands ? You know they are too poor and lazy to afford leaving
>encouraging civil unrest and niggers to chimp out
>civil war
They have to strike first or we could be on the wrong side of history
Considering that these are the same dumbasses who supported communists, I can see this working.
Just make it seem "humanitarian" and "progressive" and they will do it.
For nogs, just play on their hatred for whitey, fear of a Trump America, along with showing whites how they run shit to get them to leave.
Either way, it's win-win. Crime drops drastically, left gets drained, and America can reach greatness like in the 1950s.
See this.
I resent that. I am not a stormfag. I just want the niggers to leave. Sorry if my being giddy at the thought put this likely successful covert operation in danger. Fuck you.
I'm not leaving. I voted Trump
>cultural rehabilitation
>get them away from EBUL NAZIS
>Trump gonna kill them
>shaun 'wewuz' king has been tweeting nonstop about it
Not to mention they made it worse. They actually became slave owners!
You're an outlier, brother. This is only targeting the Niggers.
Not productive members of society.
shame on you for using vice as a source of any kind
especially this. tweet it at leftnuts
Just tell them Trump will reinstate Apartheid.
Congoid need to go back to congo!
White country do not need culture which bring perversion.
Like 6 of these things are music, white people own sport teams and Cadillac, these entertainers wouldn't be famous if not for white people, and almost all those inventions were patents, and these people won't be missed.
The only useful thing you guys got is the buying power but that's offset by the amount of welfare taken and crime committed
Is that Dolan and a lego man in the back?
What does the mantis signify?
I am inept.
kul att du kann tala lite holländska
Lord emperor trump please be real
just create a kickstarter, or a crowdfunding page to do that, they will pay it themselves and it will motivate themselves
>you guys
are you calling me a nigger?
get those twitter cannons firing
They forgot their beloved cotton, thousands died for it, wtf.
Just pay the damn tax and ship them to Africa first class you stingey racists
Once theyre gone, money wont matter because every neighborhood will be a good neighborhood
>blacks from America go back to Africa
>use their billions to create a new city away from the natives
>natives go to them for help asking for food
>naw ya'll gots all kinda white missionaries over there have them help you
>actually you're no longer allowed to be near white people
>and we don't really want none of you dark skin niggas over here
>and you're not allowed to marry our women or have sex with them
>they hire Eugene de Kock to help with the growing population of african natives
>Apartheid is put into effect in New Detroit South Africa
>Make this about black people. Make the Liberals think it is best for blacks.
This is actually what will work the best. We have to make it seem it's about them via appropriation, a reverse plagiarism of sorts.
Also, libtards are big in soft racism of low expectations without even knowing it. They will go with them just to 'help' those poor people recover, because that's how low they think of them.
Let's see what we can do Sup Forums
thats a good one!
Get it Rollin use normie twitter accounts and make it trend.
Lesquen aprove this thread
Yes, I can barely tell this is our meme.
That's what we need.
double of truth.
The kek is with us.
When they leave, we can finally enact our hand fetishes without tainting.
pointless exercise, people will hate on america but will never actually leave. its a big commitment and black people certainly wouldnt do it
#with election 2016 and ill bet we get this trending REAL fast
Anybody have that picture of how crime would go down, prison population, abortions, income going up, etc. if all black people disappeared from the country?
Please Blaxit.
Its the lefties we're trying to convince to help le poor oppressd nogs into relocating to Africa and become a great black nation.
At best it becomes Detroit 2.0.
>implying that these people think rationally
they dont, they regurgitate anything
Ah but that's the beauty of it. The money is mostly the issue and if we can keep it trending the liberals will pay for it all by themelves.
> but will never actually leave.
> never
> Trump will never be president
> you're all delusional
We heard that never a lot here lately.
Never say never, papa.
by these people i mean liberals and shit
>That pic
Assuming it's not LARPing, this just made my day.
take it mein neger. Czech'd
liberals always want to help but you rarely see them reaching into their own pockets.
You forgot based Malik Obama
>feminist frequency
I'll grant you that that's PROBABLY true, but in the wake of the election I think they're willing to go to further extremes
It was most likely LARPing, but legit possibility to be legit as well.
lets hope so for the yanks sake. if it was my country id rather see the lefties gone tbqhwy
WEWUZ is good for this sort of thing
You're missing a big issue here. Prison population.
Many prisoners are black.
Many black families have relatives in prison.
You need to address this somehow. You need to be able to convince people that they have no ties at home.
Maybe campaign for the release of the prisoners so that they can travel to Africa?
good idea
Literal zombie attack.
Stealing power ,abortion power, prison power
perhaps we use #SlavesAgain and #SetUsFree
That last one is particularly important, as it serves as a call for the lefties to free blacks so the can go back.
the main hurdle is convincing people to leave a first world country with all their material pocessions and civilised lifestyle to go live in fucking africa
blacks are proud of their african ancestry but wouldnt go near the place
so we lie to them. Or get them to go to africa's cities. Thanks to whitey, nigeria's capital looks like this
>every invention by black people
Oh shit, not peanut butter!
>suggest that coal burners should go with them.
>implying these poor bastards can even afford to go to Africa
take pics of seemingly nice african neighbourhoods and claim that this is what is waiting for them in Liberia