My Lib professor is salty


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Stand up and announce that America won't listen to that shit anymore! Your cuck professor lost!

Send him/her/it/zhir this:

Let us begin:

Shillary: 59,588,878
Trump: 59,353,324
A margin of error considered acceptable is normally around 1%.
So, how many people voted?
So, 235,554 is what percentage of 118,942,202? 0.198%, 0.8% less than an acceptable margin of error. Therefore, Shillary's 'win' within the popular vote is likely not only a margin of error, it is well within the requirements for a margin of error.

That means as only 118,942,202 people voted and 177,232,466.52 didn't (as 24% of the population are below 18), 32.889% of the population shouldn't be complaining.


>Wasted votes are included in the general population.

Ask him to cite actual policy decisions that are any of the things he has listed. And when he can't, ask him why he would not have the intellectual integrity to provide evidence for his assertions.

This is my reaction picture for everything like this. I hope they cry themselves to sleep every night for the next eight years. Faggots

We're on our way to bringing the US back to the way the founding fathers envisioned it. Now we need to strike back against the propaganda machine that is responsible for the misdirection and outright fabrications about Trump.

The media.

Whether or not it was motivated by the Clinton Foundation they still bear responsibility for the hate and fear mongering that we say in our nation today. Had it not been for their hyperbolic attacks against Trump we would not see aimless crowds akin to the Occupy Wall Street movement. Luckily for the nation these people are essentially harmless children having a tantrum, but the amount of bile and hate they spew is toxic. The intolerance that the media has bred is ironic considering the supposed ills these crowds are espousing.

We memed Trump into the White House. Now lets meme corrupt media out of America.

I don't understand how the fuck anyone smart enough to be a college professor can eat up the rumors about him being racist, homophobic, or wtfever. H about you check your own goddamn sources, professor.



I actually have Cerebral Palsy and I don't think that Trump is anti-disability.

Start talking about Libya.

Me too, I've got the Asperger's.

STAND UP MAN. STAND UP FOR YOURSELF. Their tyranic regime is over, you do not have to put up with this humiliation anymore. Stand up, call him out, make your voice heard, cite him, make him show documents that prove his points. When he won't, call him out, get him out of there. That is not a professor, just a marxist plant.


It's just like being a fucking "journalist". It seems like qualifications and standards went out the window.

You're forgetting that it's possible the blue states had a large number of Hillary voters. Added to Hillary votes in red states to make the discrepancy if it is correct. That doesn't mean their votes weren't counted, it just means they were too condensed into already blue districts.

Hopefully soon to be unemployed.

Ask for examples of these claims, and then remind them that Hitler was a socialist to trigger them further.

so Putin is Stalin?

>I'd tap that
In the upper right corner.

These people are meant to be professional. What kind of nutjobs get hired as teachers over there?

>we should give retards position of power they aren't qualified for.



Remember that time Hitler had the leader of a relatively larger and powerful Jewish nation call him up to say that he was a great friend?

>American colleges
>not liberal

I guess? Though, I'm working with the officially released numbers. Regardless, it is more likely than not that Hillary's lead is due a statistical error.

Kek I can't wait for my lib cuck oceanography professors butt rage...He's a dumb baby boomer who can't even keep his office clean.

I'm going to laugh at all of the dumb millennials laughing with him

They lost
Meme won.

Talking about consent.
Raging about Trump's tape.
His tears are delicious.

Being liberal is one thing, but they are taking things a little too far.



I voted Trump but I'm more liberal than they are. They're turning communist, to be honest. There are even communist clubs in some colleges here. Retarded

wish we could report these teachers and get them fired

I don't understand why this is a race issue, neither illegal immigrants nor muslims who live in violent countries are a race

This is all on the media's hands for pushing all the Trump character assassination like he's going to execute all the gays and blacks and start the fourth reich

Just for reference I'm at UNL.

I'm guessing he's not even a professor of history.

I teach at a state university and had several students request I cancel class due to the election. I responded to all three of them with "I will just count you absent today."

I'm a TA, not a professor, but still. Some hope for them in the darkness.

Still though. GG, lib tears are delicious.

Hey, it's like I'm actually on Sup Forums right now!

It's stories like this that make me feel good

These people are going to encourage an uprising.
Trump will have to use the police state to bring back law and order.

Your professor is creating his own Hitler.

Lesser known historical facts - Hitler loved to read Arabian nights in his pajamas between genocides. Also, he later reincarnated as Kurt Cobain, writing such famous songs as heart-shaped box, which was cleverly renamed by his producers from his original title of jew-shaped box. (Too soon?) Well, I guess they both took a gun to their head? Or so we have been told...this is a conspiracy site after all! He next became a walk-in with George W Bush, and pushed the man to invade Iraq. Eventually spirit Hitler became enraged that the wars weren't spreading fast enough and so he slid into Obama and prompted him to start wars across the middle east while naming them The Arab Ice Cream Social. It worked for a bit, but as people are wising up to the deception, he has slid into Trump, hoping to build stationary devices of torture across the world, otherwise known as walls.

Can we all just focus on the final step to make America great again?

We need to rev up our twitter cannons and meme Trey Gowdy into the attorney general position.

This will guarantee not only that the God Emperor is well advised on legal matters, but more importantly it will guarantee that he follows through on draining the swamp.

There is not a single American better suited to be chief prosecutor of the united states during an anti corruption campaign than Trey Gowdy

Let Trump know that our choice for AG is @TGowdySC

Take out your MAGA hat, make this play on whatever device you have, call him a massive cuck, start dancing while packing your shit, take your time, and slowly leave telling him that he's a cuck and you are proud to make america great again.

Throw a party afterwards for any person in your class that isn't a libcuck.

i like how these people have to list off 3 smear tags that essentially mean the same thing because just calling somebody a racist is routinely ignored from overuse now


I'm a self diagnosed autist.

Ah, I'm medically diagnosed.

Is there a source on these numbers?

Any news website with the results, including the Google search for: "us election results".

When did you grow up and learned to recognize jew words? Parasites of language against the white man?

This is what I hear when I see these words these days
Sane about proper gender roles and proper functioning men

>anti immigration
Strong racial values and pride in ones own race, and with the healthy desire to protect one self

Strong desire to protect one self and being wary of potentially hostile elements

Good pattern recognition and respect for ones environment, and ones territory. And desire to see it not being disrupted by inferior races.


You know what we made against these jew words? Pro white words like


and the lingual assaults on these foul creatures continues. But you must know which part of the lexicon that you have are jew words, and which words are pro white and created by other whites, in honor and love of ones own race.

What a bullshit...


Same class:
SJW feminazi says there needs to be violent protest to get our point across.
I say peaceful protests are more successful.
She says it's different we need to be heard.
I replied an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.

My botany professor started crying before class and did this whole pathetic "You're all accepted by me" thing. It was pretty cringeworthy.

The next step in racial realism, is trying to find out which race, created what kind of words, and then you realize that certain people, use certain words a lot more than other people do. And that jews are the ones who created a lot of these white guild words.

So in short, jew words that are not part of the lexicon of the white race. Alien words that were inserted to only disrupt and be hostile to the white man, and to impede in his proper functioning.

We already have two anti jew words

cuckservative was a huge victory to mentally neuter the right wingers who wanted their womens cunts be filled by blacks.

And then we created "regressives" as a means to verbally attack the leftists. I like that word a lot.

I also call myself a race realist, but I think we still have quite lot of work to do in this word war.

"Hey Professor, guess what? Now that Trump is in charge we don't have to put up with you pinko commie traitors anymore!"

>an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind
Man that's deep



>peaceful protests more successful
>only after more violent protests to give them context

Peaceful protesting doesn't give you anything unless the other side shoots you when your arms are open wide.

peaceful protests are a meme

>attending a class led by a libshit faggot

drop out OP, your integrity and the result of them losing money is more important than your toilet paper degree

She says we won't have a peaceful protest like Gandhi because it happened in India not in the U.S.
They are insane.

I also like regressive a lot."Regressive liberals", it is contradictory and makes someone think why. It also functions well as an intellectual insult that flies under the radar but has high impact.

I would love to be in one of those Dutch TV shows and call someone out with it. Always to be delivered with a stoic face and a faint grin.


>tfw libertarians are now nazis

>My Lib professor is salty.

More accurately, your Lib professor is an imbecile.

1. a dunce; blockhead; dolt:
2. a person of the second order in a former and discarded classification of mental retardation, above the level of idiocy, having a mental age of seven or eight years and an intelligence quotient of 25 to 50.

3. stupid; silly; absurd.
4. showing mental feebleness or incapacity.
5. weak or feeble.

Ask your professor why he feels he needs to create a fiction (ie - an event or events that hasn't happened) about a Republican. Then ask your professor if he is aware that he is force fiting that Republican into his quotidian scholarship of Hitler. Then, while your professor is fumbling for the words to explain himself, ask him how he would define the Obama administrations efforts to collude with American and foreign billionaires as well as multi-billion-dollar, multi-national corporations (including investment banks and media outlets) and executives of the worlds major central banks (including the Fed, the ECB, the BOJ, and the IMF) to create U.S. policy that enriches and empowers the Democrat party, the foreign and domestic billionaires, the multi-national corporations, and the global central banks all at the financial and liberate expense of the middle class across the globe but most especially of the American middle class. If his answer is "Well, that is a fascism the pervasiveness of which the world has not seen since the 1930's", drop his class immediately and report him to the Dept chair or your Dean.

>tfw my libcuck Chemistry professor started to cry in class and told us a story about how he moved to California because Florida was "too white for him" and he didn't like teaching "a room full of white people"

>Then the SJW says "You don't know what it is like to different."
>I just showed her my leg braces and told her I have disability.
>She told me I was internally oppressed.
What does that even mean? Is this a new Tumblr phrase?

It means that they can't be wrong, so the only reason you can possibly disagree with them is if you're brainwashed.

Just fake announce it, the media will follow, they are desperate for a scoop

The established media is the enemy.
Journalism is dead and anyone with a well researched view can publish a blog and make ad money.
Why the fuck do you even need the media?

It means you may be disabled or a minority but you disagree with them so fuck you anyways.

So basically it's a new version of triggered.

Send him this pic from an anonymous email

damn I wish I had one of those signed magazines.

This. Use fake email generator.

Why didn't he move to the ghetto if Florida was too white?

Thanks leaf.

>We respect minorities and disabled people unless they disagree with us.

What class is this?

It was an English class.


You should report him for teaching falsehoods. Demand evidence for each claim he makes.

What kind of education is that, you're paying for this shit you melt. Man up and sort it out.