Why do you guys hate women so much?
And where do you get these facts from?
But that article was written by a woman. Who cares about what a woman thinks?
what facts?
because i hate everyone
facts to back up your evidence that trumptards hate women?
women also has nothing to do with his policies
wtf I hate USA now
wtf, I hate women now
But women comprise 51% of the population...
Because they're literally Hitlerinas
How does this keep happening
>Michelle (((Goldberg)))
Hate feminism but love women. Thank Jesus for pussy.
the article clearly states that america hates women, not "trumptards".
And why the fuck are you asking me for facts anyway, I'm the one who came here to ask you guys why you hate women. You tell me.
Every. Fucking. Time. You can't make this shit up.
>If you do not give a group of people what they want, you hate them!
Liberals in a nutshell.
>Michelle (((Goldberg)))
Actually it tells how much americans love their women. They want to protect them from the Muslim rapists for a greater good. If that's not love, I don't know.
>any country in the west
>even remotely, in any way shape or form hating women ever
I'm not putting those bitches on a pedestal.
no. we just don't like women in power. when has that ever worked out in history?
>written by
>cheat on every single chance they get
>200lbs of makeup to look somewhat decent
>live niggercock
>worship arabs
>only see their white husbands as source of money
>child support pregnancy
>uneducated and not very smart(entertained by the big bang theory and similar shows)
i literally just could go on
Why are white women so based bros?
If you told me that last week I wouldn't believe you. It's apparent that white women we're scared of being scrutinized by their peers. And they kept their power level on the down low
How do they keep getting away with this?
Implying Hillary is a woman.
>58% of white women have voted for Trump
Wtf I want a godfearing republican wife now!
Conservative women are.
This is fake, right?
It's articles like these and people like this that gave Trump his victory. They need to be reminded constantly. People are sick to death of being called racist and sexist.
Why is CTR still here?
Why do women insist everything is about them?
Any man who has ever spent ANY amount of time talking to women can easily tell you: no one, absolutely no one hates women more than other women. Women loathe each other. "Best friends" will take great delight in telling you stories that make their "friends" look fucking terrible, they will undermine their fellow woman both blatantly and with subtlety. The hatred a man bears towards a woman is absolutely infinitesimal compared to the hatred a woman bears for her woman friend.
Especially if they are co-workers.
>highly competent
yes they are
Because Sup Forums is full of frustrated virgins.
I just can't help it I have to grab them by the pussay
>The Donald defeating 'a big guy'