Is he /our guy/ now?
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He voted for Hillary, how can he be our guy?
I've never been able to make it all the way through one of his videos.
I just find him uncharacteristically dull.
he's a jew
he is automatically NOT our guy
Guy isn't funny or interesting. Have no clue how he has a fanbase.
He voted for Hillary, but he wasn't extreme about it.
That is something that I can respect in people, especially in today's society.
But dude he wears silly beanies and moves his eyebrows a lot how do you not find that HILARIOUS??
The eyebrow thing is just his tourrettes, not much he can control.
>Sup Forums's guy
He wasn't butt hurt like laci green
>jew that voted for hillary
do you even
This I respect that he has excepted the results and not acted like a child about it.
Most of his videos are decent, but I gained a lot of respect for him when he made the response to Casey Neistat's blatant Hillary shilling. I'm surprised he actually voted Hillary, but he basically was saying don't let people tell you a third party vote is a wasted vote or a vote for Trump. Which is a good sentiment, and helped Trump more than Hillary imo.
His wife is objectively a 10/10
He's very level headed, a rational liberal.
What I don't understand is how she doesn't look like a jew
I've seen jew women and they are monsters
She must be another jew ashekanzi european rape baby
Yeah, but he lost gracefully. I can't hate on that.
no, hes our guy
Uhh dude look at any of the female Israeli soldier instagrams that get posted here. or google them.
all are very attractive, and probably 50% of them are blonde with blue eyes.
thats a man, baby
>This guy can't fathom different opinions.
You're just as bad as any sjw.
>What I don't understand is how she doesn't look like a jew
try looking properly next time friend
They are propaganda sluts, you stupid burger.
Kike loving faggots. Ethan is a typical Jew that has a bet each way, trying to appear to be a "rational" person.
papa bless
That he doesn't want to alienate us now that he lost doesn't mean he wouldn't have enjoyed furthering the downfall of western civilization. Why the fuck are rightwingers so weak-minded when it comes to ostracizing leftists?
Either they want to gas all the kikes or they don't even have the guts to stand for their principles.
You utter dunce, that's Laura Bailey the voice actress.
THIS is Hila Klein.
those are the russian rape babies
askekanzi females are like 60% white people
A large percentage of people who claimed they voted for clinton actually voted for trump.
>is pic related /our guy/
He actively spoke against the guys pushing Hillary on YouTube before the elections, didn't mention his own vote until after. That's reinforcing Trump supporters.
>a jew is /ourLAVAguy/
The two are not equivalent.
He's about as based as a jew who voted for Hillary can get desu. There needs to be more people that can accept losing without throwing a tantrum.
>voted for Hillary
>not extreme
hey guys, I am a moderate war hawk. I only want moderate WW3, just bomb a few countries and have a war with Russia. Just moderately importing millions of Muslims and destroying borders. Moderate.
You're wrong.
So he was more of a burnout and didn't want to alienate the Trump supporting portion of his audience
Yeah, it's madness.
Hitler also won in a fair, democratic election tho
He's a toxic piece of shit, his schtick is basically mocking even more sad and pathetic youtubers
10/10 triggered would punch in the face violently
He's a faggot but he's right about people wanting to leave the country after an election being traitorous piece of shit cowards
Actually, he had people assault people and bullied them, kind of like how the Hillary Foundation paid crazies to beat people up at Trump rallies.
I agree
Metokur is a nihilist more than a centrist
It hurts that I'll never know the joys of cumming inside Laura Bailey.
>implying centrists can't have serious convictions
>implying anyone can be more smug than extremists
>implying people who foster divisiveness in the West are even human
Trump could be a great radical centrist leader if everything goes according to plan
hey that was a great little speech that obama gave there, seemed totally off the cuff
props to him
What's this Hugh Mungus shit? I'm out of the loop.
no he is fucking not you stupid shitskin
>Voted for Hillary
>Married a jew
Ethan seems like super lefty faggot IRL but that doesn't mean I can't laugh at his stupid videos. At least he isn't SJW tier.
Plus yeah, he actually conceded and said "okay well here we are, let's go forward together"
That's lewd.
I did... I use it as an excuse while defending him on Facebook every chance I get
I grew up while George Carlin was actually touring.
Forgive me if I have a higher standard than flaring nostrils and wiggling ears.
Fucking this
>Married a jew
All of Trump's adult children married jews you clueless retard.
Oh shit its the guy from that gif
What is wrong with being a Jew? I thought this board was just anti-zionist.
Oh, do you have senseless hatred for a group of people you probably never met?
pretty based video
he stopped doing that ages ago
beside the random goofy garbage, he ridicules and exposes SJWs and just generally tries to stay sane in [current year] on the internet and tells others to try and do the same
he's not, he's was shilling for TRUMP views by making anti feminist and SJW videos - those are the Hillary voters...
>our guy
>has a wife
>stable income
Yeah, I don't think he's our guy.
I would say he's okay reddit tier. You look down on him for using reddit but he has good opinions.
"Our guy" might be a bit much, but he definitely spent a pretty long time arguing against SJW's and the like.
I like him but his recent videos have sucked. I think the quality dropped when he started his second channel, and never really recovered.
He's right about the election, though.
He's not "our guy" but he's accepted here. He's not a fucking ass, and BTFOs SJW constantly
Don't know why, but I have a huge crush on her. No clue why
I'm more of a moderate democrat, very similar to him. I also dislike SJWs. Mostly everyone I know is similar, none of us are super outspoken and vocal about our opinions but we are like a silent majority of the moderate left.
There is this almost cartoonish perception of the /other side/ from both the left and the right, where the most vocal and outspoken extreme fringe minority on both sides is somehow perceived as being the face, when the actual majority is very fucking reasonable and moderate.
the finebros video he complained these are the folks that make people hate jews, lol
Agreed. I think that the left has slipped so far left that any centrist seems like hitler to them. on the political spectrum, I'm dead center, but I agree with Trump on almost everything.
oops wrong one, fixed.
She has Pepe's eyes.
He's a level headed liberal and we have a lot in common with him.
In other words, he probably holds liberal views, but is at least very realistic about things.
>audience visibly on edge
>audience completely silent, some going white in the face. Not as much as a hair moves among those held hostage by his unparalleled humor
>the sheer force of the laughter in the auditorium reaches a power level high enough to tear a small seam in the fabric of space time, quickly consuming the audience, then the auditorium, then Los Angeles, California, the United States, and finally the rest of the world.
No, but he's a really cool guy, i have mountains of respect for him, especially from the hugh mungus saga
The last few videos made me feel like he was behind Trump.
He's far from /ourguy/, he voted Hillary and was for Sanders in the primaries which instantly disqualifies him as /ourguy/ but he's a reasonable guy who doesn't go for the SJW shit at least. Hard to find reasonable leftists nowadays and he's pretty funny from time to time.
Although that Harambe video... dear lord, downright embarrassing. They did apologize for the half-assed content they had put out during that time but still.
Also [spoiler]he's a kike.[/spoiler]
Guy sia a jew that married an Israeli women suffering from mental disorder.
Obviously not.
Right, everything bad about Hitler was made up jews.
I don't enjoy his content any more. His channel seems to have turned into some sort of celebrity reality tv show. The kind of show where a famous person has a camera crew follow them around while they do stuff like drive Lamborghinis, go camping in the desert, or even mundane stuff like going shopping.
I mean Ethan is a good guy and all, but his content isn't very enjoyable nowadays.
>source: my ass
meant for
this, he is similar to an old-school liberal before they got hijacked by leftist extremism
Kill yourself reddit faggot
glad he made that video desu. my roommates won't listen to me but they will listen to h3h3. i think they'll be more open-minded about trump after this
Gas the kike.
Keeping ausposters' reputations alive and well I see.
Mirin those quads, bro.