What the fuck? He caved in just like that? No boxing or anything?
What has Trump told him?
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Canada PM says ready to renegotiate sharing wife with Trump
> be a pussy
> cave in immediately
Pick both
jesus christ what a cuck
yeah pretty much this
>Day 1, grabbed Canada by the pussy
Jesus Christ this is going to be the best four years EVER
This "man" sits with his legs together. What on earth were you expecting?
36 hours in and Trudeau is already on his knees swallowing every drop. I'm glad the ride never ends
fucking white nigger weak as fuck!!! bwahahahahaha
We're literally America Jr. There is nothing--nothing--more important that maintaining excellent relations with the USA, and Trudeau knows this. He might be a flamboyant liberal with some very questionable practices, but he is not an idiot.
Working with Trump to ensure our best position possible in future dealings is key to a healthy 8 years. Trump and Trudeau's leadership periods overlap almost completely, and they MUST get along.
As if NAFTA is any good for our industries. Mexico needs to go
why is this a bad thing ?
I almost pity you, leafs. Almost.
Trump has only been in office for less than two days and these cucks are already changing their beliefs! Russia is asking for friendship with the USA. The DOW hit it's highest high of all time! The next four years is going to be amazing!
If he kills Trump, Trump wins.
Trudeau is a pushover.
Now that Trump is in charge I'm grateful for that.
America could bring Canada to its knees without a single boot on the ground, missile fired or drone in the air, let's be fucking real.
The western world is saved. We should all have a party again.
>Trump has been in office
American education, everyone
lol, he knows all that cheap shit talk he was doing a few months ago is coming back to bite him in the ass.
It's glorious, liberals are just beginning to discover that their actions have consequences and they're having a collective meltdown over it.
>stock markets record high
>america going to be great again
>cucks from everywhere desperate to ride the coat tails
Trips = truth
>everyone acts like a gangster until it's time to do gangster Shit
Every fucking one of these people.
We've been saying he's pussy/cuck ever since he got elected.
You're right. He's changing hearts and minds without even being the President. That's much better.
Remember this fag was scrambling soldiers against Russia. Haha. All the cuck bullshit is over now. Just be a fag and keep sucking our dick LOL
>Syrup faggot leaf fears The Day of The Rake
>collapses immediately
That was by accident. I meant elected, of course.
He has no choice. If he doesn't re-negotiate, then Trump will just back out and the Canadian economy will be completely fucked. We hold all the power here, he has no leverage. He has no choice but to fully cooperate with Trump.
Could be good. America needs to favour Canada more and Mexico less.
Shameless Kellie Leitch bump
That's good though, even if weedman is a pussy
>Trump has been in office
Canadian Lugenpresse. Turdeau will cry on TV. That is our mission.
Maybe USA really just has that power. Mexico will pay for the wall too.
>no boxing or anything?
Poland pls
> Oh yeah. Drink down every last drop of my freedom syrup you dirty slutty canacuck.
Trudeau is a little bitch. You really shouldn't be surprised.
He's a weak beta, he knows how it works.
it is (current year) after all.
He promised to fuck his wife sparingly.
He WANTS to renegotiate.
Keep in mind The Liberal Party in Canada never wanted free trade with the USA anyway.
They campaigned hard against it -- I still remember the TV commercials with an eraser erasing the border as a scare tactic.
It was the conservatives that pushed for the deal.
Many Liberals would be happy to live in poverty if they could at least stay far away from American cultural influence.
>hurr u should fight the leader of the most powerful country in the world which is right beside us cuz he called him a president insted of PM
getting along with trump is in our best interest as canadians
he's a cuck, beta cucks bows to the alpha male, nothing new here.
>i was merely pretending to be american
good. maybe trump can whip our panzy ass leader into shape
There isn't a problem with factories moving to Canada, my guess is Canada wants to basically keep NAFTA and just kick out Mexico, which would probably be fine.
>nothing more important than maintaining relations
No leaf. The day of the rake is coming and you should be scared
I'm dual-citizenship. I fucking love America.
The fuck did you burgers expect.
If you look up cuck in the dictionary you will literally see a picture of Trudeau.
>the day of the rake
Keep NAFTA, kick out Mexico. They are the problem.
>renegotiating NAFTA after you signed a free trade deal with eurotrash and your on your way to sign the TPP.
I dont think these negotiations will go very well for canada. Trumps no fool.
He has just asserted his dominance.
Trudeau status
>fucking grabbed
NAFTA is shit. It needs to be dissolved or reworked or something.
Not really scared.
We will survive with or without you.
I think NAFTA benefits you at least as much as us if not more. (taking mexico out of the equation)
If you want isolation, you may get it good and hard.
But thats' all bluster, because if it makes economic sense, there will be trade .
But we are fairly self sufficient… we grow our own food and build our own housing and have our own oil. Ultimatly we will be A-OK
is he supposed to say NO WE WONT DRUMPF BTFO
retarded idiot just looking to meme
Underated post
Kys ahmed
This is what happens when a real leader takes office.
Wow. Canada is so fucking weak. I wonder why theres hasnt any terrahist attack there?
No Ahmed.
Don't get yourself TOO isolated. I know independence is your thing, and you could probably swing it - with a drastically diminished standard of living.
But so can we.
May be for the best in some respects (?)
>We will survive with or without you.
really? who's gonna buy all our shit?
>we grow our own food and build our own housing and have our own oil.
Thanks to the globalists, the chinese and the europeens have just as much right to buy that food and buy those houses than you do.
kek, I'm ready for this. Lend the God Emperor your strength to grab more countries by the pussy. Who is next?
So he didn't cave in? Woah, OP lied to us.
Donald pledged to give him almost 60% of our diversity for nothing in exchange.
>8 years
the cuck is ready to receive the load of his master
Day of the Rake when?
I don't know why this tickled me so much
My sides hurt
A/ We consume it ourselves. And sell to anyone else who needs/wants
B/ Correct, but we are now talking about getting rid of these binding agreements. That is the hypothetical we are discussing
Why do Canadians hate NAFTA?
Diversity is its own reward.
no, you don't have the refineries to process your oil in the volume that you would need to self sustain in isolation.
This is why you just scam yourself and sell oil rich tar sand straight to china.
I think Justin could be memed into a conservative
Trump: "Renegotiate NAFTA in our favor or Quebec becomes the 51st state
Cuck: "Okay please yes whatever you want"
They don't - but the story is the leaders want to re-open the deal, so that is the discussion that may need to take place.
NAFTA - North American Free Trade Agreement
He felt Trump's testosterone over the phone. That made his boi pussy wet and ready.
please take them
we dont want them, while youre at it take vancouver and toronto as well
for real tho, i don't know what anyone was expecting.
Because Mexico is getting a free ride and companies moved their production lines to Mexico to lower the costs, costing thousands of jobs in Canada and the USA.
It's common knowledge that Canadas most abundant natural resource is dirt.
Time to be annexed.
The disappointing son. Now gimme that NAFTA. You'll be home alone again tonight, I'm going out drinking with dad.
>day of the rake
>not even in the office yet
>already more succesful in foreign policy than Obama
really fires up those neutrons eh
He either cooperates or Trump just pulls us out entirely
Flower girl Trudeau wouldn't risk it
>300 years