EVERY FUCKING THREAD EVER MADE (I've seen) on 4ch, 8ch, pastebin archived here: pastebin.com/pEkBMJMf

-Summaries For Newfags-
imgur.com/a/Dt9rf - archive.is/jbwcI
imgur.com/a/Cx4ol - archive.is/QIcj7
sli.mg/a/hhe7CP - archive.is/LoIgS

David Icke on Satanism and Pedophilia
[YouTube] David Icke Exposes Satanism Pedophilia BBC & The Political Elite (embed)

The De-Occulting of John Podesta
[YouTube] The De-Occulting of John Podesta (embed)

-Persons of Interest List-
Rachel C(hild)handler
Jeffrey (((Epstein)))
Podesta Brothers
Anthony Weiner
Madeleine McCann
Jimmy Comet
(needs to be updated)

Other urls found in this thread:






FBI is monitoring this thread
Remember to filter the disinfo from the info


cool dude

fbi user's post proofs ya fags









>blowing a kidney stone with your load

Was this posted yet? Besta pizza changed their logo

Seriously tho...Please lmk

What kind of person would be against investigating potential child abuse?

Does seeing people waste their time trigger you or somthn?

>-Persons of Interest List-

any congressman should be on this list, everyone who works in government, for the pentagon, or parliament, or the church should be considered suspect until cleared and until they are cleared they should be kept watch upon

we have to protect the innocent, they are harvesting human suffering

Thank you user, never stop posting these threads.
Whether or not this is happening, too many questions have been raised to ignore the situation.
We need answers.
But we know too much now, and the shills will be coming soon.
Memorise these tactics so you know who to ignore.


user government, money, and religion shouldn't exist at all, i understand this, but for now its just the main few people. suggest a revised list.

ty this is good

Wikileaks is avoiding the pizza question on reddit, if they know something I doubt they will say it, perhaps that´s a way to secure their lifes.

Here we go about Dr.Pong from the old thread and new information that I found on the bottom:
That site is kinda sketch.

drpong.net/angebote.php - A child on the side

drpong.net/bilder.php - A baby on the side (but the page has all adults having fun?)

The pictures won't enlarge for me nor can I access the other galleries.

drpong.net/linken.php - Hotdog on the side, which is code for young boy.

Check out the developers site: pipto.com/

the FUCK.

I bet pipto.com/photos probably has some serious shit.

I dont understand.. why is the last article on this "site" from 2012 but at the bottom its 2016 Othergallery? This is a link from that weird drpong site..

© 2016 Othergallery


Holy Fuck

from drpong.net/manifest.php

The organization of the organization, as well as its space, are therefore intended to be less than comprehensively organized. It should be clear what makes up the association and its activities, but less definable in what it produces in the way of a specific atmospheric quality or public image. We, like the public at large, might at times wonder what exactly we're dealing with here, and never know.
I'm from Germany and this site looks very creepy. Here is an article from a big german newspaper and Dr.Pong is mentioned:
The author spoke with the "chef" of Dr.Pong and said in the interview the reporter „vorapokalyptische Betriebsamkeit“ in english "pre-apocalyptic activity" . The reporter doesn't know what he meant...

I posted this in another thread, but why doesnt somebody just try to send Alefantis a request to follow his instagram account.

He likes l33t sp3ak is all I can gather from it. The password is StarforElkinsEloqua in leet. He likely would use the same methodology for his other passwords I agree.

>Goat on the Manifest Page
>Pelosi owns 'Goat Hill Pizza'
>Fucking Goats everywhere

So are goats a reference to 'kids' here or is this rabbit hole even deeper than that.

Just done.

Don't forget the ICMP, CPS, or Amber Alert.
We need to be suspicious now of any organisation that deals with missing persons or children.
The ICMP (The Internation Commission for Missing People) was established in the 90s by Bill Clinton, and he is compromised (Epstein Jet, Island, Minors, etc.).
It is unlikely that low level police departments or low level FBI is compromised, but higher positions are likely to be subject to direct manipulation.
Keep an eye on Haiti, it is very likely a mainline for their child supply.

Just so you guys know, I had to go into a different EWO thread made to find this one. Something fishy definitely going on, I looked through like 50 threads and couldn't find it. We need to make sure to post new bread before archiving, it's imperative to keeping us together.



Oh snap

bump for justice.

it is possible, even likely that they have the proof of pizza is in the insurance files that have been encrypted and distributed publicly.
Maybe one could infiltrate wikileaks for the decryption key(s) so anyone could access this evidence?
If that's even viable, it would remove their mainline defense against any sort of attack on assange and his team.
But it could save the lives of multiple children.
But then again, it might be like killing the chicken that laid the golden egg.




>pedophiles seek jobs and become volunteers for activities where children are present.
>Some pedophiles idolize children and consider them objects to possess or projects to work on. They often use strange, inappropriate words to describe children, such as pure, divine, heavenly or angelic.

>Before long he took me to see his friends, members of the pedophile ring that he was a part of. In what became an endless cycle over many years, I was drugged, raped and used for child pornography.

As a diagnosis, pedophilia is often coupled with another major psychiatric disorder. Many pedophiles also demonstrate narcissistic, sociopathic, and antisocial personality traits. They lack remorse and an understanding of the harm their actions cause


Sit here and bump this shit all day

It's unlikely to be directly Haiti, likely they use places that are suffering current turmoil. Whether that is man-made or natural, and exploit the chaotic situation to acquire new 'goods'.

It's worth looking into any Foundations that are currently operating in Syria that could be linked with this ring. As a side-note; one of the largest transit centers for human trafficking on the planet is Israel. Primarily taking in individuals from Eastern Europe or Asia, and then re-directing them to the Americas or the Middle Eastern monarchies.

jimmy comet shutdown of instagram
and now this?

this is guilty behaviour, i would even say confirmation of our suspicions.

We need to act sooner rather than later now, they are likely purging evidence as we speak.

What happened to the protected part of their website?

Full resolution won't open on my phone ... Does that way "Yumm.. Baby?

Has it been removed?

Nah sorry I was vague, what happened to the guy that cracked the password

what the actual fuck. i cant even. Hope this is some seriously sick spam he got


I was one who originally found Alefantis Instagram, unfortunately I didn't take a ton of screenshots but here are the ones I haven't posted yet... I noticed the links to archived images of his Insta have been deleted (anyone else know of a link that hasn't been?)


I haven't seen any new developments.
They might be asleep, but hopefully they post the password soon, we need to act fast, I would be very surprised if they are not covering their tracks right now.

wow, check this out everyone and look at the youtube videos. for me the channels aren't availiable

Thanks for bringing this back up. I spent a good part of my evening looking at the goodandplenty.de website. Mostly nonsense. But if you follow up on the "Schweintech" youtube videos there is some brief nudity. All of the other links I can't make sense of. The videos themselves are about "finding" images that weren't there before. But it's difficult to tell what at all they were even trying to signal. Was it a joke? A stupid art project? Maybe someone else can follow up on it.

Hopefully an user with good foresight crawled his profile and downloaded all images+posts.
I'm fairly confident most of the strangest images were dug up when it was still public.


Also there is a hotdog on the homepage of the good and plenty. And some creepy backing track with a dancing animated girl. But I'm sure everyone has already noted that.


Comment about inspiration for the bathrooms...

Amnesty International.

the links are all kinds of indie alternative bands, artsy stuff, like those kids around comet

tho good and plenty leads to the method to convert pictures to mp3 or wav or something

This was James' friend's Instagram, you know, the one that made baby coffins and commented #killroom on the freezer pic?

I know this one isn't too crazy, but I seriously have never seen a single person post just a horse's ass. I bet these fucks love beastiality too >:0

Are these human ribs?

The striped shirt isn't mentioned and the color code


Caris james again but no one knows what that means and all posts on that Instagram tag are being blocked from viewing (167 total)


This whole situation is fucked, because I was asking myself the same question too

The bullshit youtube videos were about "data compression" and "image enhancement" or something like that. Given the sort of wide scope of circumstantial evidence that we're working with, I thought it might be significant. Plus, like I said, the one picture of the naked woman and the picture of the hotdog stuck in a coke bottle that popped up in one of the videos was suspicious.

>pizza for the secret meeting
oh shit there's an illuminati card for this

it's fucking real guys

We're going to hunt down and lynch every satanic ritual abuse pedo ring member.

We have the best vampire hunters.

>Berlin’s ethnic sinkholes give the lie to the multicultural mullahs So what will the New Europe, aka Multikulti-Großdeutschland, look like? In a 1-minute clip, a German police spokesman points out Berlin’s viciously violent & wholly welfarized Muslim ghettos on a map youtube.com/watch?v=2CbXjKCJLAg &feature=player_embedded. In a decade or so, he won’t need to be so precise and can just wave wearily in the general direction of Europe – courtesy of Merkel the Misleader & her gaggles of gone-gaga German Goyim. This is Germany’s terrifying blueprint for the whole of Europe, whose governments and citizens are too spineless or bird-brained to fight back. And that Austro-Germans believe that they can once again ride roughshod over their Eastern European neighbors – nearly ausradiert by the Nazis and then, to the cheers of the German Left, the Communists – and once more change the whole face of Eastern Europe is the Ur-Mother of All Chutzpahs. Do Austro-Germans have no shame at all?

wow, they really did. thats fucking crazy

little clarification on Lazzatto.
What's it gonna take to move this from the web to the world?

FBI user even said focus on the cards.
He might have meant this.

Bump fuck these faggots

I feel this one deserved more attention. I can post the OG if anyone doesn't believe it's actually from jimmycomet Insta

>meanwhile a guy kidnaps a girl, kills her boyfriend, keeps her locked up and brags about it on amazon and internet detectives had no idea

>We need to be suspicious now of any organisation that deals with missing persons or children.

this type of abuse was dominant in one end of my family going back as far as I have been able to research, I am descended from one of the founding fathers


If this is as big as it seems, you can be sure Obama is involved. Therefore you can be sure there is massive corruption from the ground up in all government agencies.

probably worth having just to point to if people question it.
Also sometimes the comments have valuable hints in them.


>those 9 year olds have nothing on us

He either meant this or the Podesta card game with the girl.

Holy shit, street's icecream, now this?
Hoping this is coincidence.

>9 year old
>9 is also the little boy lover sign

The numbers mean words.

Why is James Alefantis in the slums of China? How does a pizza shop owner have the salary to travel the world and become ''49th most influential person in DC' according to some shitty fluff piece likely written by friends/fellow pedos

So I was watching various periscopes durring the riots last night.

In Oakland, there was a heavy antifa/soros provocateur presence at the front of the pack. The were breaking windows and starting small fires, sometimes a molitov or two. At one point they stop, seeming out of nowhere, and start really fucking up this random little indie pizza place. It appeared the were dropped off in a white SUV.

They're getting rid of the trail.

Some were dropped by the suv, then the driver had turn around to avoid the police lines

it's pizza with a microphone in. so not-so-secret meeting. it's a card game.

Not entirely sure how the cards connect to all of this, but the frog god card is fucking spoopy. Maybe look through all the cards and find one that will give us insight into what we do next.

Anyone got a link?

The protests and riots have created the perfect smoke for cover.
If the CTF knew about us they may have made the decision to stop rigging the election, wait for riots, bingo-time to clean up our leads.

Could this be linked to the Pizza.jpg in the Podesta emails?
If I remember correctly, the two women in the photograph were child traffickers cleared of charges by Bill Clinton.
e.g. children sourced from the same region or even a connection between the women and alefantis?

Professor of Photography at George Washington University. So far looking thru her photos I can't find anything too overtly creepy, but I'm sure there's something out there.

She seems very familiar with Jimbo, no way anyone normal could be around him and not have their skin crawl.

Fixxed, bad cropping

Might be far-fertched, but maybe the microphone was symbolism/suggestion that the meetings would be audio related, like the hidden data mp3s?
If that is the case, could there be decryption hints in the cards?

Oh shit I remember the Chinese girls with a very small young girl in the middle and the email itself said something along the lines of
"Man, can't get any better than this"

already there bud

This is kind of a weird lead I got looking at people who tagged Comet. Eatsqueakpops or whatever. They tag it multiple times using kids sucking and popsicles. Normally I wouldn't think twice but knowing what we do.. And if you go to the this Insta you will see a disturbing video of a baby sucking on a popscicle. I work with little kids at an autism treatment center, I've never seen a kid eat a lollipop/popscicle that way. Am I crazy?? I think I read something about pedos using honey to get the child to you know...


>free calais

"Achilles" is rumored by historians to have a boy-lover in Patroclus.

The numbers user, Numbers are part of the code talk.

9 are little boy lover, 6s are little girl lover, or they might be reversed, look at the logos, the spirals are that of a 9 and an inverted 6s.

Find other numbers in pictures and such.

Can someone make a script for the passwords with ingredients that go on pizza? brute force the files with that, maybe you already need to know the coded kid they have

>pls donate

Same art style as drawing visible on sketchpad from FBI child abuse cold case?


Look bottom right above the dick jizzing pizzas square.

He purposely put that honey bottle there for the reason you mentioned.

James Alefantis Insta