bump for video
>Trump: "I hope this shit doesn't stain"
Trump grabbing a pussy
I don't like that nigger touching the Donald. Where is his security team?
> who decorated this place. It's going to be all gold when i move in.
Obongo's free hand is protecting his genital, legs wide apart and eyes looking away from the next POTUS.
He's probably thinking that going back to Kenya is better than being investigated in the USA.
"uhh.. i uhh" uhh" uhhh uhh i wanna uhh uhh
is obama okay?
that image looks like one of those shops we used to see during the election
i still cant believe trump won this is too fucking good
focus on the final step to make America great again, draining the swamp.
We need to rev up our twitter cannons and meme Trey Gowdy into the attorney general position.
This will guarantee not only that the god emperor is well advised on legal matters, but more importantly it will guarantee that he follows through on draining the swamp.
There is not a single American better suited to be chief prosecutor of the united states during an anti corruption campaign than Trey Gowdy
Get the word out that our choice for AG is @TGowdySC
1, 2, 3, 4, let's have a thumb war
This is so fucking awesome, holy shit. It's almost surreal
I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-IF IF IF IF we uh uh uhh, if we uh, okie dokie
We tortured some folks
I like you
taking just one bad picture out of context.
they were actually both pretty friendly, fuck off.
is he slavic now?
sounds like obama cancelled photo op
some tension was there
What a party pooper
Pretending to be friendly =/= being friendly.
They have to do it, the tensions in the country are at insane levels.
It really does
It really is
>t-thank you president obama
lmao Trump choked bad.
>tfw michelle will never hug you
In your expert opinion how likely is Civil war or some kind of balkanization in the US?
I can only imagine the elites must be terrified of it if they're struggling to be this civil and keep going on and on about unity.
Is there a male journalist named Olivia, I keep hearing him say that but it's a dude talking? Wtf so degenerate.
Still can't believe he's president.
Even if he's sitting in the oval office. I'll think it's a tv set or something. Like it's all fake. How can this be real.
The way Obama offered advice on the reporters questions thing makes me think Trump took alot of his advice.
Fuck, Trump better not become a political tool.
>obama giving trump live advice on how to deal with the press.
cute desu
>In your expert opinion how likely is Civil war or some kind of balkanization in the US?
I don't know about expert opinion, but nil. Remember, the angry ones are liberals, who are well known for their "all bark, no bite" modus operandi.
why do americans dream of civil war?
Did President Elect Trump break out the purel to clean his hand?
you really think milennials have guns??
Well lets say Civil war does happen it will be war thrue the entire country,but Trumps side would off definitely win.But ther will be no war t b h
Because us Trump supporters own all the guns in the country.
why is there a decapitated black man in trumps room.
That fucking smirk
guess it will be a short war then.
you would be a fool to dismiss everything your predecessor tells you about the job.
Trump, Obama, Hillary, anyone who gets close to the White House or politics knows that all the mudslinging and hate of the campaign is for joe-schmo at home. Off screen these people are cordial and respectful. It's just the nature of the game. That's why you can see a vicious, nasty debate where people call each other terrible things and then watch them shake hands immediately after.
I hope you're right. It's not like it's hard to get guns here if they become sufficiently radicalized.
Our previous Civil War is a huge part of our culture. From a young age most Americans are told it was one of our greatest accomplishments. Even down south they're obsessed with it.
There are a lot of people in this country who won't listen to reason, so it would be easier to drop them out of helicopters.
A present from Ted Nugent.
Considering Obama fought him tooth and nail becuse he's going to prison is trump won, that must be awakard
And since trump had chosen rowdy growdy as his attorney general, shits about to hit the fan with him
She really does look like a chimp.
Obama's kissing up to Trump because he knows he has full access to all of the WH corruption that happened under his time in Office. He's begging for mercy.
my mom cannot stop laughing now, i told her
bing bing bang bang bong
Does anyone else notice how much better Canada has gotten since Trump won?
>tfw you just want to build a wall and be a good president for the people but suddenly the CIA tells you about the matrix and how ayylmaos are actually our overlords
Can someone change the text to something like this? President-Elect Trump grabs pussy in public
I think maybe CTR had a base of operations there
>July 2015
What did he mean by this?
>trumps face when
I still say this feels like a joke that somehow went too far.
Trump probably ran initially to get an attention boost and drop during the primaries. But before that happens, push some buttons of the people and other politicians. Say what he wants to say, really live it up in the limelight. Maybe write a book or two afterwards, and resume being a business tycoon.
But something went wrong, and Trump wasn't laughed out of the building during debates, and instead became heralded as not another politician. At this point, Trump probably said something like "Well I've made it this far, might as well put some effort into this thing". And proceeded to win the election because the Democrats dropped the ball just as hard as the Republicans did during their own primaries.
If he tells Obama to fuck off, Obama will pardon all these fucking traitors on his last day. I hope Trump told him everything he wanted to hear.
>not wanting to shoot libshits
fuck off, poo
Will trump be okay?
Liberal party disbanded shitposting brigade on November 9th followed by junior's congratulation
this meme needs to die.
Trump's actions during the primary and general are not those of a man who was trying to lose
he fought hard and bitterly to the end because he wanted to win, plain and simple
That may be true. He may very well have been a meme candidate, but he's a tool of the kikes now.
Because we are multicultural now, and the actual Americans want to chnage that. You would be too if your country was 40% non-Indian.
The worst is that everyone was talking about how beautiful she was.
PC bullshit! That made me sick!
Rather than ceaselessly fighting back against the stigma against us, we used it to learn to be better.
India did it too, it just took them longer.
Didn't have much to do with trump, i was already seeing signs of leaf shitposting dying down a month or two ago
He will if he washes his hands fast enough
People moaning about autism on his kid and yet they don't look at this faggot making those faces, you used to be smart and serious murica
She is a big girl but really not that bad desu.
>hilldawg wins popular vote
>trump still prez
nice democracy kids, seems like you need liberation
for you
>interlaced video
Why is this allowed in 2016?
That's pretty good
>Media finally releases video evidence of Trump grabbing the pussy
He's been talking about running for years, if not decades.
Trump has made Canada great again and he hasn't even been sworn in yet! Truly a god among men.
Golden Leaf.
popular vote is bs especially in US since they dont need an ID to vote
>nations don't get our election
1. The United States is essentially 50 independent nations and a few territories
2. The election isn't national, the states hole independent elections with their own laws and requirements and atributes, the send a delegation (the electoral College) to a convention in December who cast on behalf of their state for president
It's a way to insure small and rural states aren't completely ignored by the president or other politicians
Does that mean hi population areas "count less" than lower populated states, yes it does but it essentially balances the power difference which is how the entire us government is set up
holy fuck that is a lot of salt
For you.
t. Mexican intellectual
Based leaf
I really hope he resists most of that "initiation" bullshit and drains the swamp. Get that trash out on its ass
Ah shit feel free to move on down here based leaf
Donald should have crushed Obama's hand.