It's only been 24 hours and he's already everything we fucking hate. Why didn't he make Obama kiss the goddam ring

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because he's behaving like an adult and not a shitposting canadian. quit being such a canadian..you should know better than that.

What did he do?

he... uhh.. sat in da whitehouse next 2 obomo!! wdf!!!!!

Why isn't Donald wearing his wedding ring?


cause michelles a landwhale

I don't know what you're talking about, but given the nature of the protests last night, he's probably just trying to show off that he's not le liberally hibler meme man.

He's got some shitty pandering to do for a little while before the next shoe drops.

It actually seemed really official and not buddy-buddy. Obama's comment at the end about not talking to the press came off as really awkward, like a failed attempt to make it seem like they're pals.

OP is being a faggot because he expected Trump to act like an autistic manchild around obummer

He probably shook nigger Obongo's hand
Never let your wedding ring touch black skin

He's playing along, you autist.


damn he's fucking tall. intimidating

He didn't want it stolen.

It kept digging into Michelle's thigh.

heeeyyyy. His hands are bigger than Obama's. They're almost freakishly big. I've been lied to.

obama stole it when he shook his hand.
old habits die hard.

Because he wants to fuck all the SJWs.


It's an pol realizes they are retarded and got conned again episode

Trump is a whiny impulsive sociopathic child who's incapable of independent thought.

He relies on his advisers for everything. His advisers will groom him into the perfect puppet. He will be the best lame duck puppet this country has ever seen.

why did clinton, sanders and obama say they want to work with him? is it normal in america?

>muh power fantasy

Why is Obongo such an awkward nigger?

>He will be the best lame duck puppet this country has ever seen.

Better than Obama?

The whole government is Republican controlled now. I think we'll get things done.

Stop being a concern shilling cuck and just focus on the final step to make America great again, draining the swamp.

The Don has yet to make any real decisions about his presidency, now is our chance to make our voices heard.

We need to rev up our twitter cannons and meme Trey Gowdy into the attorney general position.

This will guarantee not only that the god emperor is well advised on legal matters, but more importantly it will guarantee that he follows through on draining the swamp.

There is not a single American better suited to be chief prosecutor of the united states during an anti corruption campaign than Trey Gowdy

Get the word out that our choice for AG is @TGowdySC

So that they can subtly manipulate him.

Yeah just like bush got things done back in 2000 right? We are going to be in another recession soon enough

wtf I hate dahnald now

Getting the classified briefing about the aliens must have freaked him out

This is the new CTR shill shit they are spreading.

but republicans turned on him because his ideas were too crazy.

wow its nothing

Everyone knows you hide your jewelry around blacks.

> Gowdy
He's gonna go with Chris Cartman

So that nigger besides can't steal it

The Government wasn't Republican controlled back then.


Say it with me


>this is your president
>you unironically fell for the anti-jew meme

there's no turning back now, he's hip deep in the ((arts)) just like Hilldawg

>why did clinton, sanders and obama say they want to work with him? is it normal in america?




This. Rowdy Gowdy for AG.


Did you guys honestly expect him to raid the white house with an eviction notice and a SWAT team wearing MAGA insignia?

BHO: Ooga booga uh uh uh muh dik uh uh uh muh agenda uh uh america

DJT: Ok nigger, try not to steal anything on the way out.

>Stop being a concern shilling cuck
>le concern trolling
>le reddit meme
fuck off reddit

what's normal in American? LOVEtrumpsHATE one day RIOTS the next. They think everyone forgets and forgives.

Are you a literal retard? Regardless of what you think about Trump he is now the president of America, he is now one if not the most powerful man the world. It's in the interest of everyone that he succeeds in being a good president. Smart people regardless of political affiliation should understand that.

this is reaching bernie levels of desperation

She conceded, these cucks don't want to face reality.

I bet every underage poster here will laugh his socks off after reading your post

yes the country unites under 1 president

Lmao. Its how he won the primary


He's not in til january, he's playing nice, wanting a good transition etc. What did you think he would do? This is presidential demeanor

I know I did :^)

>fucking banker faggots wearing robes and shit in a tavern in ye old medieval era decide to start a secret cult
>they decide to include secret hand signals for their secret club because it's cool
>they settle on the hand signals everyone else is using in the tavern


>why won't elected representatives of a country work with it's newly elected president?
Abdul please.


his people leaked that he will put jamie dimon has his treasury sec.

What crazy thing is this?


He's French. He can't help it.

u a little upset user?


You can either
A) logo tinier the lefts misfire icings about trump being "literally hitler" by acting like a smug prick.


B) Try and preach American unity to give their bitching no volume.

>what is democracy



what do you want, he was not going to up and headbutt Obama, Trump is not a skinhead.

>winning election
>following the procedures to get into the function of president

>i-it's not over yet goyim!

His ring slips through his tiny fingers.
So he wears it on his cock.


Yeah but in many countries the other candidate would become leader of the opposition

Can't wait to see this.

Obama averted WWIII in 2013 by refusing to invade Syria, and he consistently thwarted neocons plans

Respect King Nigger you goddamn ignoramus

never change Sup Forums


He's a smart business man who shitposts. Not just a random aimless shitposter. Let the man be a professional.

Trump has to be attacked before he goes all berzerker Trump mode. Obama must have been on his best behavior. There is nothing to fight about now.

Hey buddy did you save that image 47 times.

Did you see him the night before the election? Even he was surprised that he managed to win. He's probably still dealing with the shock of it all.

Idk. Im shit posting in bed from your mothers phone right now.

Top kek

We won't. We were raised the right way.


Nice try CTR straggler.

Around blacks never relax

wow its literally nothing :^)

>42 people need to reverse their vote for Shillary to get into the white house
Maximum delusion

>for a little while

About the next 4 years, so he can get reelected, then he can lame duck it out.

ahahha obama has "renewed confidence" in trump

what happened to le nuclear codes?

bahahahahhahah fucking obama embarassing


Thanks mate i haven't gotten a new flag in months. Don't even care that it's a proxy.

Because it's not January 20th yet.

le upvoted epic sir xDD

Did Obama say "thank you son" at the end or was that trump?

This. Trump doesn't like Obama's rhetoric but they have oddly similar broad policy views
>Obama is deporter in chief
>Obama does not want to fully commit to unwinnable military engagements
>Obama secretly pissed off at West Europe underfunding NATO

Obama and Trump have the most substantial disagreement regarding free trade. I hope that Chris Christie can prevent Trump from burning bridges with Obama because Obama is pragmatic as fuck and will get Dems to rally behind Trump infrastructure spending that the GOP will try to block.

Trump was saying "wonderful man, wonderful man" about Obama