Explain yourselves.
You. Fucking. Monsters
go to hell, Switzerland. No one even knows any of your politicians.
>Hillary should have won because this old feminist cunt is disappointed
Hillary shouldn't have been such a corrupt cunt and she may have won.
she will die soon she doesnt care about the future she wont suffer the consequences
Consider this a mercy to her for not witnessing the end of USA at the hand of the first female president.
>sexist cunt upset she voted on gender instead of issues
>sacrificing an entire country to make one woman happy
You can't always get what you want.
shoulda voted for Jill. unless they care more about supporting winners than actually supporting women. Maybe if they actually worked together with their gender, they could do it.
I hope she dies. Whoever she is, she has no place in this new era.
She can move to a civilized country like the UK or Germany.
If I was her age I'd have more important things on my mind than who wins an election.
A bloo bloo bloo
maybe that's why they are kind of successful?
Emotional Blackmail, the hip new meme every crying liberal is clinging to
>not knowing based blocher
he is making switzerland great again but it's WIP
Did someone bottle her tears? I could use some lube for the fap
Ruline (((Steininger)))
It just doesn't make sense.
This bag of bones was still around when women weren't able to vote. She couldn't have been THAT invested.
So what?
Eat shit you old windbag
there are more important issues in the world than having a vagina. 103 years of learning and she's still an idiot.
>hurr durr i'm so special because i'm an old person
fuck off, just because you want something doesn't mean your automatically fucking entitled to it
I do feel sympathy for her, but fee fees are what got our country into the mess it now is in the first place.
>Wanted a president based on their genitals and not policies
Lost all sympathy. As a Trump supporter I am against the sexist and racist tones of the Democrats.
you should vote for who i want because muh fee-fees.
>We didn't elect a woman who's foundation is guilty of sex trafficking
I'd say that's a win for feminism
Only to be gang raped by muslims and blamed for it by being white?
She should be put down anyway. No one should be allowed to live past 59 years old. After that you are just wasting valuable resources
she just has to live long enough to see ivanka become president
Also fuck off Opferslayer
awwwwwwww she didn't get WOMAN ;(
she literally hoped since birth
like what? she has nothing. taking a shit is the highlight of her day.
either way i hope she dies.
>the most qualifying attribute for a president is their sex
That 103 year old woman is a retard and deserves to have her dreams dashed
What a wench.
All bets are on Barron at this point
Imagine how awful she smells. She's a living, rotting corpse. Zombie apocalypse when?
She'll have to wait a bit longer. She has plenty of time.
You mad, bro?
>old people are runing this country! people over 40 should not be allowed to vote. fuck them
>this old woman should be allowed to choose the next president
fucking liberal hypocrits
Hillary would have been a terrible first woman president. Michel Obama would be a lot better.
what a fucking slut
what have we done?
Because niggers and mexicans who are half the population never rape people in the USA. You're so superior.
haha dumb leafposter im inteligenter then u
This. Entitlement is fucking high with liberals. They're all narcissistic faggots with little consideration of what other people want. They're too busy autofellating themselves while virtue signaling to care about the average, legal American that isn't in a liberal echo chamber city.
I love it, we need more of this news!
She was evil incarnate. Now we investigate and put her in jail - A high preistess of moloch behind bars.
>over 100, not long for this world.
>not just lying to her, letting her die happy
>make her miserable and use her as a political prop
FFS gas these cunts.
Please, please somebody JUST this picture.
103 year olds btfo
>american education
So old and still so dumb
o i am laffin
Honestly I feel bad for some women that really wanted that. However, Hillary was not the right woman for presidency.
Michael Obama*
To be honest I do feel sorry for her. This is quite sad
Go to hell, libshit. No one even likes you
>it's a Sup Forums takes responsibility for the outcome of the election episode
>6 Million
>not 6 Gorillion
>Life isn't fair
>"You should elect a criminal and war monger so my fee fees don't get hurt"
Wow, what a shocker. Fucking sage.
>100 years old
>still stupid enough to vote for a woman just because she's a woman
gas it
The liberals themselves are arguing that old people should not be allowed to vote. Why do they suddenly care about this old woman?
Maybe she should look back at the fact that when she was a kid, beating women was an acceptable form of marriage therapy. Maybe she should look back at the fact that Black people where getting lynched when she was a kid.
Maybe she should not determine social growth on the fucking presidency.
At least our nigs are in jail. Muslim """""migrants""""" in Europe get coddled, fellated, and are given privileges that natural born citizens don't even get.
Glad she'll die before getting one. Also same with Soros. Hope he will die before 4 years with President Trump are over.
This burger knows his stuff.
Bitch has been leaching of the state for well over 40 years and still want more.
Hurry up and die.
What about that 102 year old woman who voted Trump?
>tfw you finally 100% come to terms with the fact that a huge part of our population (also backed by the mainstream opinion in the media) think that they deserve their opinions to be prevailing regardless of democracy simple because they appeal to emotion
If there was a black woman who was a year older and wanted Trump to win, does that cancel out what she wants?
I can guarantee you she doesn't care at all. You don't live 103 years on this planet, seeing everything that you do and get "disappointed" Hillary Clinton loses a presidency. You just don't. I refuse to believe that old bag is as vapid, soulless and wretched as the typical socjus agitprop commie leftist cocksuckers that perpetuate this bullshit on a daily basis.
Oh no wha ;_; guys I just feel awful about it.
She looks sweet. She got to see a woman not only run, but nearly win. That's more than my parents can hope for for me. Instead of stressing about muh gender she should be happy her daughter was a part of history.
If people wanted a female president, then they should have supported Ann Coulter.
That picture makes me say fuck having votes and elections and shit.
No one was all excited for Palin as the first woman VP and yet they all wanted Hillary to be the first woman president.
I recognise that bottom UI
When you're that old it probably counts as winning the bet.
im a woman and I would totally go fucking lesbian for her
The fate of the world shouldn't be dependent on some ancient woman's shallow desire to see a female president
>i want someone with a vagina to be president even if she's a massive criminal
Why are women so retarded?
It's AN HISTORIC AN HISTORIC AN HISTORIC AN HISTORIC only if it's their candidate who runs / wins.
Female presidents and prime ministers have existed for decades now. I guess learning more about the world is just asking too much