Whats the point of living past age 70

whats the point of living past age 70

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whats the point of living

After 70 you can still become president, beat ISIS, and repeal obamacare

Depends on how long you will live. If you live to a hundred, then the 70's could still be great.

Yeah you're right.

How old is Trump? :^)





its not like you will remember any of this after you die.

You will learn when you are that old and Hillary comes by with a cup of virgin blood promising longer life and you remember you still have billions you need to spend.

To make America great again

To destroy the world and genocide whites

Yeah, so isn't that the point of living? Do whatever the fuck you want. You want to live on an island in the middle of no where? What's to stop you? If you die, so? You were going to kill yourself anyway. And if you make it, you'll get to live out what ever dream you want.

Try being more than 100 years old


Fear of death.

They use funny words to do it:
free trade = shitty foreign products, destruction of native production
freedom = genocide of all races and animals to be blend into each other into 1 fish, 1 human species.
diversity = listening to 10 music groups all over the planet

dis nigga almost 90 t.b.h

Committing horrible crimes against others.
70 is when people give you sympathy because you're about to die anyways.

Genau die gleichen Gedanken hier

Hoping to hit the age escape velocity. We're so very close now, bless whoever discovered Cas9.

His eyes reveal his age, they are retracting back into the skull.

Begin injecting slight amounts of testosterone when you hit 40-50 y-o (TRT)
Have a healthy clean diet and exercise.
You can still have a great life at 70.
You can get young, fresh 45 y-o pussy and shit

Delusional enough to think he could unify all races and cultures to summon ayy lmaos to turn him into an immortal so he could become the god emperor of men.

To make America great again.

I don't give a shit if i live to be 110

Just kill me the day i'm not able to go to the toilet by myself or play videogames

To be a eternal loli.

Gramps is 78, ex doctor. He has zero fucks to give, he has been lifting his whole life and got recently scolded by dad because he was using grandma's insuline as dope. I also found an entire pack of Tren in one drawer but didn't say anything.

He is a freak, he looks like Heihachi fucking Mishima and now he's eating big and training hard for winter. He still deadlifts (t-bar tho) with perfect form, his squat is 140 kg, 120kg on the bench. I'm /fit/ as well and we usually train together, he is venerated as a living god in my gym. He managed to get more shredded than me last summer, i will probably live with this shame forever. Recently told me not to grow up a pussy like my father (despite me being 24)
Will post pics once i get home

Lets see his picture without photoshop and real sweat, not this fake tan. I see farmers here, 90 years old and doing cutting grass on hill by hand, for hours.


dooming the world


will be waiting
neck down would be cool

Grandma's 102 years old and she's still saying she wants to see me getting married.

The bantz m8 the bantz.


it's remarkable that age can make you look like your entire face was burned off.

Good one Nietzsche!

We will solve or at least work out how to drastically prolong human life within the next 150 years.


44 reporting in.

It's all shit after 29.

Get your living done whilst you're young is my advice.

I'm falling apart. I go to take a shit, and the noises I make sound like someone with Tourettes is trying to rip a phone book in half.

Also, it gets boring.

DESU I wished I had drunk myself to death before 30, but anyway, at least I got to see Brexit and Trump get in.

I hope this old reptilian will arm anty-trump rebels, just like he did with anty-assad ones resently. Muicans deserve their lesson.

Get drunk all day and talk shit

If you're whtie you're fucked. Your body falls apart.

If you're Ashkenazi Jewish you have the secret elixer of life. Mel Brooks is in fine health and still appears on Talk Shows at 90. Bernie Sanders looks healthier and is more energetic than Bill or Hillary Clinton. Jill Stein looks great.

Whites mixed with other races seems to fare as well. Supposedly Pochahantus has some native blood in her. Natives actually age better than whites, it's just that most are poor drug addicts so that negates any natural benefit they get.

You get to watch.

To help your grandkids take over the world


He's not old, he's dead
He's just pretending not to be


>this is the way the world is

>because I watch TV instead of exploring the world

I like dropping into Sup Forums every now and then to see how shit the people here are lol

to shake hands with Death.

>If you're Ashkenazi Jewish you have the secret elixer of life.
3/4ths Ashkenazi Jew here. Don't exactly know how true this is, but my father is 51 and still doing pretty well. He's an avid surfer and golfer and all that. Little on the fat side though, and he's losing his hair. Don't think the fatness and hair-loss will be a problem for me though, I basically inherited a lot of my Mom's genetics as far as I can tell. So glad I didn't get my dad's hook-nose but my little brother did. Oh well.

You can do like trump and become president ;-*

>be old as fuck, on the brink of dying basically
>have fucking billions upon billions of dollars and unlimited power
>instead of trying your best to make the world a more peaceful, better place, instead of dumping your shit into science or technology, instead of funding artists galleries/musicians/philosophers...
>...you do your best to shit all over the world, spread lies, hatred, kill people and destroy people's identity


Some man just want to watch the world burn.

Besides, those that knows the secret to life will never share it.

Winning 2016 election for example.

>observe happenings and memes
>play vidya
>have sex (for money) or watch porn

You can still do all the important things in life in your 70's, except you'd be living the NEET life without feeling bad about it.

it isnt shit after 29 unless you dont read, eat junk food like a child and dont do cardio, have no goals to work towards, have no children to raise and teach

if you just live a hedonistic lifestyle of course its boring and unhealthy

cyrogenics, cure for age, cybernetics etc...

I'm watching a 70 yo polyglot YouTube channel, the dude is fucking enjoying life, shit gets better years after years. you don't want to enjoy life, your call.

Eh, I don't know about that. If I was super old, I'd probably be afraid of just not waking up one day. Like can you imagine reflecting on your whole life every day knowing that you can't do shit about it, it's over, it's done, it's fucking cemented? Honestly just thinking about the fact that I'm gonna become old some day makes me so depressed I want to kill myself

To see your plan for world domination come to fruition


same here
want a drink?


not being content about the lifespan that nature/God has assigned for you is the same as if you were wishing you were a different height, weight or skin colour, pointless
and if you are scared then dont be, its not just you who's going to die eventually, everyone is

>Hungarian posts a link from freerepublic on a thread about Soros on Sup Forums

This is the most beautiful thing i've ever seen

British past millennial life is all about going to pub and sobbing about life. Glory to Murica compared to great Britain

But at that point (which is way past age 70, more like 90), every day you wake up is a day earned and treasured. You get to wake up with a smile because you made it and you have another whole day to meme around.



whats the point of dying?

This piece of shit is the epitome of "money is the root of all evil"

>whats the point of living

What's the point of even contemplating that (or, for that matter, anything else at all), given that existence itself might be but an illusion?

Sure, mi amigo
When I reflect back on my life I feel like the only things that mattered were the hard decisions I was forced to make or my own accomplishments of which there are sadly very few. All the shit that made me tremble or shake, all the situations of anxiety where I was too weak or afraid, they don't mean shit anymore. They're like some sort of markings of weakness and empty regret, pointless and washed out. I feel like that's the whole point, to force yourself to live.
>But at that point (which is way past age 70, more like 90)
Our life expectancy is like 10 years below that of Israel of the US though

>tfw you will become the first 400 year old virgin

>When I reflect back on my life

You're what 18 or smth like that?

>whats the point of dying?

Its inevitability is at least one of such points.


To get comfy

No, mussolini. Please go

His eyebrows have a beard.

Enjoy your prostate cancer.


This .

It's fucking crazy how the dipshits deliberately want to ruin everything, and not even in a cool manner with atomic blasts and such apocalyptical scenarious they push through Hollywood. They choose a lame way of just turning everyone ugly and retarded.

Well, that's jews for us. Fuck everyone, just save the race of boring rats scheming thieves instead of helping the cool race of intelligent beautiful warriors (whites).

Humans are only weak and frail past 70 by choice.

you can lift and exercise way into your 90s if you eat well and get enough sun.

I'm going to live until I'm 110 and there's nothing the jews can do to stop me.

It depends. If you have a family, I can definitely see why anybody would want to live past age 70. It gives you purpose. But I am 24, going to be 25 soon, so I don't know too much about that.

The ebin struggle to prove one's freeweill and search for the afterlife.
We got some pretty good news on both fronts 2000 years ago.

Niggas need to read some books, and browse Sup Forums
white genocide will evolve into goyim genocide soon enough.

and this is not applied to life because...?

well you know when you get get there retard