continuing this thread: Because I did not get to BTFO of: Here's my response
America like any nation is unique from others, in that it has a unique history and that The Constitution set up the framework for the greatest nation in world history, even if it only works for a homogeneous white nation (which is mostly was at first).
Even if the ideal of it being magic existed since it's birth, most NORMAL conservative people in the past 60 years did not believe it was a magical plot of land. They appreciated its unique history, and plenty of them were on some level race realists.
libertarians are not Spergs in the way Spencer is, and he won't be the bridge between the two ideals. I actually don't think Jared Taylor will be either, though. Anyone who says that is delusional, too.
Rand is the only one in the GOP who has a shot at really helping Trump in the right way, and we shouldn't forsake that because Spencer wants to play Anonymous.
John Reed
Why are you even giving this faggot attention?
Most people here don't even like him, and think he's autistic.
Landon Peterson
Richard Spencer has co-opted the previously unnamed alt-right with his fedora fascist bullshit. He has the right to his opinions of course, and he hasn't declared himself the leader, but so many babbys look up to him and think his bullshit is part of the alt-right, when really all the alt-right really means is promoting strong racial consciousness to preserve white people. But they think the fascist stuff is as crucial, even if Spencer never said it was.
So intentionally or not, he has.
Jackson James
>Rand takes shot at the guy HE'S RUNNING AGAINST
Don't take it so personally, Rich
Dylan Morales
The Spencer Question will resolve itself as he continues to gain weight and eventually dies of a heart attack.
Leo Sullivan
>tfw Trump and Rand restore America to its former glory and Spencer fades into irrelevancy
I don't know why this guy activates my almonds so much, but he does
Lucas Watson
He's right to criticize Rand. All you people need to let go of your emotional ties to that family and move forward.
Gavin Cook
Alienating your allies is not sound strategy, Mr. Spencer.
Elijah Baker
This. The Pauls are cucks and should be put to the sword like the rest of the traitors.