>Trump Playlist FUCK BOTS
>Trump Victory Speech 11/8/16
>In the Hall of the God Emperor
>President Trump (Never Come Down)
>We Are The Silent Majority
>This Election In A Nutshell
>American Comeback Story
>AD: Trump's Argument for America
>Fight For Western Civilization
>American Hero
>The Lion
>Trump Triumphant
>Trump Votes Trump 11/8/16
>Trump on Breitbart news 11/8/16
>Trump on FNC 11/8/16
>Trump on Hannity Radio 11/8/16
>Trump on F&F 11/8/16
>Trump kids on Hannity 11/7/16
>Trump Rally in Grand Rapids MI 11/7/16 THE FINAL RALLY
>Trump Rally in Sarasota FL 11/7/16
>Trump Rally in Raleigh NC 11/7/16
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PRESIDENT TRUMP GENERAL - Keep Your Enemies Close Edition
I just don't get how Trump could win. Every single American I know was voting for Hillary. Were they lying or what?
Fox 10 Benis live stream:
i forgot tom brady did this haha
Anschluss of Canada when?
Will Trump give him a job?
i still feel really giddy and optomistic
haven't felt like this since i was a little kid
honestly feel like a majority of my depression has been suddenly lifted or something. i don't know what to do with my hands
Will Trump constitutionally amend anime into reality?
My muscle near my left shoulder hurt like fucking hell. Please send help, this has never happened before.
What are the chances that these two end up being friends
he hated trump
No, just not enough Muslims to make a difference.
They weren't expecting the Silent Monster Vote.
Nor were they and we expecting the total victory.
secretary of old fuck loser lol
What song did you play when Trump won the presidency?
we did it
lol Josh Earnest needs a JUST
Reminder that Democrats lost EVERYTHING
I know but he isn't gonna decline if he's offered a seat
I'd say 95%
Stephen miller for press secretary?
how soon can we expect Trump to announce his staff? Does he do it the day he enters office?
>no more Trump rallies
>no more polls
>no more RSB guitar riff
>no more delegates
>no more AWOOOOO
>no more Nate Bismuth
>no more primaries/elections hype threads
I mean, we won and all, but at what cost? This is what Frodo must have felt after returning to the Shire.
Very little
Public relationship =/= professional relationship
Who else /hype/ as fuck for our guy Tucker starting on Monday?
he's currently down almost 300k votes
no fuck him he was hating on Trump throughout the election
> Sweden
It must have been your bubble: young urban diverse creative. Spells cuck
How do you foreign friends feel about our victory?
Doubt it
They'll be friends until the surprise arrest.
> "This was boring"
> "90 minutes with this pussy in one room"
> "He doesn't even MAGA"
> "Where's the press cage? Things will change"
> "this clacking is pissing me off"
> " Ivanka has to walk around with a man in a dress. No fuck tonight"
> "Where's the gold?"
> "low class"
> "I'd rather be back at my tower"
> "Still not allowed to tweet, will need to ask Baron to unlock my phone"
> "I wonder if anyone here even checks digits"
>Stephen miller for press secretary?
I'd pay to see that. Put the press conferences on pay-per-view
MAGA was always just stage one. Now we make Humanity great again.
Lets talk about this Jared news this is a pretty big revelation
his internals must have shown only uber liberals were watching, so he tried to match them
bold, i dont know if it will pay off
Leno was smart enough to go center
Never seen the press secretary stutter this much.
Fuck the establishment.
Drain the swamp.
if he is expected to win the popular vote while down now, doesn't that mean he might still flip some of the weaker democrat victories?
What kind of vote is still coming in, anyway?
kek, your OC?
Anyone else get like a little tingle inside you when White House officials and people in the media say "President Elect Trump"? It's so strange but so erotic at the same time.
Drumpf lost the popular vote so people have every right to be upset.
If it wasn't for the retarded EC system, Trump would have lost. IT WAS RIGGED! By the republicans.
Depends on how the next year rolls out.
Maybe they could be good chums. Maybe Obama will hide under a rock in Chicago.
for some reason i read that as hand job. i need to get my head out of the gutter.
Younger people are usually prone to voting democratic because it's pushed in colleges.
You are also outcast for Trump support in many professional environments in larger cities.
>lose popular vote before 3 red states tally all votes
>leftists chimp out using popular vote as an excuse
>3 days later Trump gets the popular vote
>left has nothing now, all steam is pulled
>they are BTFO eternally
>Rick Wilson still waiting on October Surprise
>mfw i realized the gop elite failed at trying to throw the 2016 to hillary
>gop elite: can't win elections, can't lose elections
What? You're not enjoying all the pandemonium going on around the globe, or the idea that thousands of liberal minorities might be fleeing this country in one massive exodus? There's still a lot of energy going around, senpai.
The only thing left is to follow through with the promises made. To MAGA. That will be it's own journey. We're liable to do it again come 2020.
>have to put up with SNAPSNAPSNAPSNAPSNAPSNAP for shitty pictures like this
what's even the point?
So if roughly 120 million votes are only 93% of the total, how many votes are left?
Is there anywhere I can watch the whole election night coverage from CNN?
so what?
you only want people who licks his asshole all the time like Christie?
What's next for Obama. Secretary-General of the UN?
The first time Obama said "President-Elect Trump" I literally burst out laughing.
Professional golf.
Inauguration is going to be a huge fucking rally
There's one step left in the fight against corruption. We need to focus on the final step to make America great again, draining the swamp.
We need to rev up our twitter cannons and meme Trey Gowdy into the attorney general position.
This will guarantee not only that the god emperor is well advised on legal matters, but more importantly it will guarantee that he follows through on draining the swamp.
There is not a single American better suited to be chief prosecutor of the united states during an anti corruption campaign than Trey Gowdy
Get the word out that our choice for AG is @TGowdySC
reminder that Ivanka's husband was the one in charge of Trump's internet strategy and probably posts here
Dont be sad that this part is over, be happy that it happened and may glorious years of a trump presidency be ahead of us
Secretary of Happenings
>Now, Barack I have to admit the truth. I was only running to be the president to get an answer to this ultimate question. Please give an honest answer.
>It's about Area 51, isn't it Donald?
>No, I want to know if you were born in Kenya or not.
>This is what Frodo must have felt after returning to the Shire
it's bittersweet
you don't know about the good old days until after they're gone, but that's okay man. that means they happened, that you were there, and that there is always hope for the future, no matter how bleak things get.
MAGA friend, we have a lot of work to do in the coming months
120/.93 = 129
>an effective transitioning from the Obama presidency to the TRUMP PRESIDENCY
not gonna lie, i came a little when the press secretary said that
I guess trump will reach romney levels.
our John Oliver kind of show equivalent in France is fucking dumbfounded. They can't grasp what happened, fucking hilarious
>gubment job with guaranteed pay and a rent-free mansion
>literally just appointing people to do shit for you all day
>don't even have to drive anymore except on the green
kek, gtfo Obama
reminder that Drumpf is eternal kraut
You can not allow them to start WWIII
Seeing the meeting today I shed a tear. So beautiful.
>Washington turning his back on Obongo and looking towards a glorious American Renaissance under Trump
fuuuuck no
No, this is what he felt like while riding down the volcano on an island of rock floating a sea of lava.
Your duty now is to return to the shire. Find your way back home from this wonderful journey and find your own greatness.
Yeah, GOPe is now hated by literally everyone in the country. They're Trump's bitch.
>Not asking for Michelle's dick's measurements
We did it reddit
It will be the ultimate Trump rally. Imagine a million people chanting DRAIN THE SWAMP in the heart of DC while all the politicians in attendance are increasingly nervous.
Listened to this
Perfect end to end this chapter
Do you have proof?
It doesn't sound like it.
l m a o
Why is it taking so long to count up MI and AZ?
Anyone know what this is from or have a better version?
Why would we want an edgy gay jew anywhere around The Donald?
I think this is a great opportunity where we should all thank the great /trumpgen/ OPs who did this for free, for so long. Big thanks to:
>Trump OP
>even Naruto OP
>Washington State 4 Trump
I know I'm missing many others, please shout them out.