What's his name again, Sup Forums?
What's his name again, Sup Forums?
Mike "Electric Fence" Pence
Mike "Curing HIV with DC" Pence
Mike ''Sodomite Lobotomizer'' Pence
Mike "Fundamentalist Sensationalist" Pence
Mike "Electric Electioneer" Pence
Mike "Electric Politic" Pence
Mike "Tesla Coil" Pence
Mike "Electroshock Around the Clock" Pence
Mike "Suck A Chode, Get The Electrode" Pence
Mike "Zap the Gay Away" Pence
Mike "Suck a dick get the electro whip" Pence
>Mike "Electroshock Around the Cock" Pence
Well.. scientifically speaking the brain does control emotion, and the brain mostly functions using impulses that generate electricity..
I thought it was PENICE this whole time
Mike "electron flow if you got a loose butthole" Pence
Yeah. Plus I thought Penice was short for "nice penis".
Mike "Poz Terminal" Pence
Mike "Blast The Gays With Tesla Rays" Pence.
That's why he sided with Trump. He needs Tesla's notes.
Mike "Lock the gay, and shock it away" Pence
Mike ''One Man Homocaust'' Pence
nice, kek
Mike "Lightning Strike For Every Dyke" Pence
Mike "zapping peter-eaters like sketers" Pence
Mike "Screamin' Patient" Pence
Mike "Electronic Tonic" Pence
Mike "Cacophony of Electric Colonoscopy" Pence
Mike "60 Amps through Nipple Clamps" Pence
Mike "Cocksock Shocker" Pence
Mike "Voltage spike for every Dyke" Pence
Mike "Twink Tazer" Pence
Mike "AC My Ass" Pence
Mike "Electrocute Every Fruit" Pence
Mike "She Munches Rug, She Gets the Plug" Pence
Mike "Turning Fruits into Vegetables" Pence
this got me
I was going to type something up but it would never be as good as this.
my fucking sides
This is very good stuff.
>"Turning Fruits into Vegetables"
You stole that from Lisa Lampanelli.
It's what she said to describe what happened to Roy from "Sigfried & Roy" after he got mauled by a tiger.
Stolen from a German:
Mike "AC/DC for LGBT" Pencs
Mike "LGBTBBQ" Pence
Mike 'The AC of DC' Pence
Medicine doesn't use electroshock therapy for anything unless it's a last resort. The medical community wouldn't allow this even if they were on board with converting gays to straight.
Mike "if you LGBT you get AC/DC" Pence
My Pants
Trump keeps saying My Pants.
>15 years ago endorsed a bill that included subsidies for people seeking gay conversion therapy
They report this as if he stood up and said he wants gays to get treated with electro-shock
How is this much different than supporting hormone therapy for trans genders?
Mike "Trap? Zap!" Pence
Mike " AC/DC if you like wee-wee" Pence
Mike "The wall will be an electric fence" Pence
Then again, psychiatry has been politicized to the point that sex changes are still done so maybe Pence could actually allow the medical community to support this procedure.
Does it work?
How is this a bad thing? I mean, sure, he'll bring back the fags to the gene pool. Why would he want them though, why not just let them die off I wonder.
Mike ''Fry Away Your Inner Gay'' Pence
Mike "Electroshock your love of cock" Pence
mike "zap the traps" pence
Mike "jolting fear into the queer" Pence
>AC/DC for AC/DCs
Mike "If You Fap I Will Zap" Pence.
Mike "Not straight? Heres a stake" Pence
Mike "stop gay intercourse with Lorentz Force" Pence
Mike "Feminine Penis no match for Tesla's Genius" Pence
Lisa "i just fucked a bunch of blacks" Lampanelli?
Mike 'throws grenades at pride parades' Pence
Mike 'Dump a mag into every fag' Pence
Mike 'blast the gays with tesla rays' Pence
Mike "Gays on the Grid" Pence
Mike "Zap the gays with tesla rays" Pence
Mike "Quit sucking cock or you will get a shock" Pence
Mike "The only reason not to assassinate Trump" Pence
*to not
I don't care if it's stolen.
i like this one
>blast the gays with tesla rays
Mike 'Commit sodomy, get a lobotomy' Pence
Mike "Shoot Trump, Get Stumped" Pence
>He doesn't want based Mike as President
Time for your treatment.
why did trump choose this man again? that only gives arguments to liberals
Mike "Be a Fag, get fried like an egg" Pence
Mike "Touch my jewels? Here's some joules" Pence
Mike "DEUS VOLT" Pence
I made these after vp debate
Mike "Building the Pillory for Crooked Hillary" Pence
Mike "Sending Obama Back to His Mama" Pence
Mike "Slegdehammer Splatter Black Lives Matter" Pence
Mike "Turning Jihadis into Dead Muslim Bodies" Pence
Mike "Use some Sense, build that Fence" Pence
Mike "Crashing this Plane on CIA Kaine" Pence
Mike "Bringing the Chinese Down to Their Knees" Pence
Mike "Saving Those Babies from Feminists with Rabies" Pence
Mike "Shooting Binge Shall Not Be Infringed" Pence
Mike "Spooky Ghost Haunts the Huffington Post" Pence
Mike "Feeding Huma to a Hungry Puma" Pence
Mike "Training El Rato for the Ultimate Battle" Pence
Mike "Race Bannon Arming the Cannon" Pence
Mike "CTR's Starving Because he's Lee Marvin" Pence
Mike "Try to Stump the Trump and He'll Give You Lumps" Pence
Mike "Last Hope for the Day of the Rope" Pence
Mike "The Indiana Lion You Can Rely On" Pence
Mike "I Like Mike You Shrill Fat Dyke" Pence
"Fourth Reich Mike" Pence
Mike "TPP Not For Me" Pence
Mike "Time-Travelling Clinton-Unravelling" Pence
Mike "Vice-Presidential Interdimensional" Pence
Mike "The White Wolf Howls when Globalists Prowl" Pence
Mike "It Was Fate He'd Win the Debate" Pence
Mike "Well-Spoken, Immense and On the Offense" Pence
Mike "Kaine is Dense, this is Abel's Vengeance" Pence
Mike "Russkies Attack and We'll Nuke em Back" Pence
Mike "On a Crusade to Get Sup Forums NEETs Laid" Pence
Mike "Using Rare Pepes Against Mexican Jefes" Pence
Mike "The Star-Spangled Man Who Can Sanction Iran" Pence
Mike "MAGA Intense Missile Defense" Pence
Mike "Between Him and Ben Garrison There Is No Comparison" Pence
Mike "High Energy Alpha Pest to Beta Low-Test" Pence
Mike "Wicked Nate Silver Fears Geralt of Rivia" Pence
Mike "Wolf's Pelt From the Bible Belt" Pence
Mike "Keeping Israel From Feeling Miserable" Pence
Mike "Doesn't Brake For Clinton's VP Mistake" Pence
Mike "Tim Kaine's Reptile Brain Pain Train" Pence
Mike "Aryan Jock Bullies the Guac" Pence
Mike "Aryan Versus Creditor" Pence
Since when has Trump cared about what liberals think?
It was appease the republican party for the nomination.
Mike "Putting fags in body bags" Pence
>touch my jewels here's some joules
Mike "we're building a wall, not a fence" Pence.
He's just trying to fix their low energy.
Of course Germany knows about this coal burner.
"Archangel Michael" Pence
Mike "Nationalist Horror to Evil George Soros" Pence
Mike "Being the Best since Jonny Quest" Pence
"Mike and Ike" Pence
Mike "Global Warming's Never Forming" Pence
Mike "Send the Gays to Outer Space" Pence
Mike "Hang That Bitch, Make America Rich" Pence
I'll have to add this thread to the list
1. Who cares? The election is over
2. For the evangelicuck votes
How can one man be so based, literally zapping the gay out of fags
>Mike "Touch my jewels? Here's some joules" Pence
Mike "220 zaps the tranny" Pence
Mike " Like the cock, get the shock" Pence
>Aryan Versus Creditor
>Mike "Touch my jewels? Here's some joules" Pence
top kek
Liberals weren't going to vote for Trump anyway. What purpose would it serve to cater to their wants?
Mike "The VP of DC" Pence
Fantastic work m8
>but does it work?
>trump gets assassinated
>liberals have to deal with the ultra conservative pence
pence is trumps dead man switch